姜 金 杨芝萍 李金瑞 范耀华 郑加莲浙江省嘉兴市第一医院肿瘤科,浙江嘉兴 314000
目的探讨在晚期非小细胞肺癌患者中既往使用过基于培美曲塞的含铂两药方案失败后再次使用培美曲塞治疗的临床疗效和安全性。方法回顾性分析2008年1月~2014年12月在本院就诊的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的临床数据。所有患者在一线治疗中均选择培美曲塞联合铂类方案化疗并在后续治疗中再次使用培美曲塞方案化疗。采用Kap1an-Meier法进行生存分析。 结果共32例患者纳入本研究。12例患者在四线治疗中应用的化疗方案为培美曲塞,20例患者在四线以后应用化疗方案为培美曲塞。2例患者在培美曲塞再使用过程中获得局部缓解,11例患者疗效稳定,19例患者肿瘤进展。客观有效率和疾病控制率分别为6.3%和40.6%。32例患者的中位无进展生存期为1.4个月(95%CI,0.8~2.6)。一线培美曲塞方案化疗过程中无进展生存期>6个月的患者采用培美曲塞再使用的无进展生存期为2.6个月,而一线无进展生存期≤6个月的患者采用培美曲塞再使用的无进展生存期为1.1个月(P=0.029)。培美曲塞再次使用的不良反应可以耐受。结论在晚期非小细胞肺癌患者既往采用基于培美曲塞方案化疗失败后再次使用培美曲塞有一定的临床疗效,特别是对于既往培美曲塞方案化疗后无进展生存期较长的患者疗效较好。
[Abstract]Objective To discuss the c1inica1 efficacy and safety of reusing pemetrexed in patients with advanced nonsma11 ce11 1ung cancer(NSCLC)who were previous1y treated by pemetrexed-based and p1atinum-containing two-drug therapy but fai1ed.Methods C1inica1 data of patients with advanced NSCLC treated in our hospita1 from January 2008 to December 2014 were reviewed.A11 the patients were given pemetrexed combined with p1atinum drugs for first-1ine chemotherapy and pemetrexed was chosen again for sequentia1 treatment.Kap1an-Meier method was used for surviva1 ana1ysis.Results 32 patients were enro11ed,of which 12 were treated by pemetrexed in fourth-1ine chemotherapy,and 20 were treated by pemetrexed after fourth-1ine.Partia1 response was observed in 2 patients during reuse of pemetrexed,stab1e efficacy was observed in 11 patients,and tumor progression was observed in 19 patients.The objective response rate was 6.3%and the disease contro1 rate was 40.6%.The median progression free surviva1 of 32 patients was 1.4 months(95%CI,0.8-2.6).For patients with progression free surviva1 over 6 months during first-1ine pemetrexed chemotherapy,the progression free surviva1 was 2.6 months when reusing pemetrexed,whi1e for patients with progression free surviva1 no 1onger than 6 months during first-1ine pemetrexed chemotherapy,the progression free surviva1 was 1.1 months when reusing pemetrexed(P=0.029).The adverse reaction of pemetrexed reuse is to1erab1e.Conclusion Reuse of pemetrexed has a certain c1inica1 efficacy in patients with advanced NSCLC who were previous1y treated by pemetrexed-based chemotherapy but fai1ed,especia11y in those with re1ative1y 1ong progression free surviva1 after previous pemetrexed chemotherapy.
[Key words]Non-sma11 ce11 1ung cancer;Pemetrexed;Reuse;Efficacy
培美曲塞(齐鲁制药有限公司,国药准字H2006 06720,2 g/支)静脉滴注10 min,剂量为500 mg/m2,每3周为1个周期,治疗期间根据病情需要选择使用止吐、护肝、抗感染、白介素11、粒细胞集落刺激因子等相对应支持治疗。
根据实体瘤的疗效评价标准(response eva1uation criteria in so1id tumors,RECIST)1.1评价近期疗效,分为疾病进展(progressive disease,PD)、疾病稳定(stab1e disease,SD)、部分缓解(partia1 response,PR)和完全缓解 (comp1ete response,CR)。疾病的控制率(disease contro1 rate,DCR)=(CR+PR+SD)/(CR+PR+ SD+PD)×100%。近期的有效率(objective response rate,ORR)=(CR+PR)/(CR+PR+SD+PD)×100%。每周查血常规1次,每个化疗周期查肝肾功能、电解质、血常规、心电图等,每2个化疗周期做影像学检查进一步评价病情及疗效,根据病情疗效决定是否后续培美曲塞化疗直至疾病进展。按NCI常见毒性分级标准(CTC 3.0版)来评价毒副反应。
末次随访的时间为2015年8月27日。本研究患者总数32例,其中1例未获得患者的总生存期,总生存期(overa11 surviva1,OS)定义为患者再次使用培美曲塞化疗起至患者死亡时间为止或至末次随访时间为止。无进展生存期(progression-free surviva1,PFS)定义为患者再次使用培美曲塞化疗开始至检查明确肿瘤进展时间为止。
表1 患者一般特征情况比较
表2 患者一般特征与无进展生存期关系
表3 影响患者无进展生存期和总生存期的多因素分析
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Clinical efficacy analysis on reuse of Pemetrexed in Patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
JIANG JinYANG ZhipingLI JinruiFAN YaohuaZHENG Jialian
Department of Onco1ogy,Jiaxing First Hospita1 in Zhejiang Province,Jiaxing314000,China