A comparative pre—school study on family education between China and Japan

2016-07-10 20:34鞠红晶李书倩
成长·读写月刊 2016年5期

鞠红晶 李书倩

【Abstract】Family education has now become the common concerned educated issues of the society. This article compares family education from the present situation, the educated training objectives, the core educated content and the way of education between China and Japan。

【Key words】the present educated situation; educated objectives;educated content; educated way;

Firstly, the present family educated situation of the two countries is different. In China, our family education enables Chinese kids to be knowledgeable, and understand the ritual which makes Chinese children have a strong family sense of responsibility and the social mission. Japanese pay much more attention on the emphasis on self-reliance education, emphasis on ‘bushido education, cultivate their perseverance and indomitable spirit quality in daily life.

Secondly, about the training target of the two families, Chinese parents attach great importance to the social adaptability of enlightenment. While Japanese family education focuses on training children on a variety of quality

Thirdly, the core content of family education between them is also different. In terms of physical, Chinese parents pay more attention to children's nutrition, but ignore the internal psychological conditions will affect children on growing up. However, Japanese parents pay more attention on etiquette education patience and setback education.

Last but not least, the comparison of the way of family education between China and Japan is the key point. In the whole process of the family education Chinese has a strong demand on the cultivation, manners, and all aspects of human relations in accordance with the standards of adult to enlightenment. But in Japan there is a strict hierarchy in the family, which often make the relationship between father and children in Japan more indifference.

To conclude, Family education is the first step for childrens education and it is also the starting point. Good family education is not only directly related to children's quality and moral character, but also more related to the country's future. So, the Chinese family should constantly improve their own education.


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