中图分类号:P641 文献标志码:A
Abstract: The precipitation method sampling procedure of 14C dating of groundwater recommended by IAEA is suffering from atmospheric CO2 pollution. As a result, the dating results tend to be much younger. After analyzing the possible sources of atmospheric CO2 pollution and related influencing factors, a state-of-the-art precipitation method sampling procedure of 14C dating of groundwater was developed to reduce the atmospheric CO2 pollution. This sampling procedure not only integrates various CO2 pollution controlling techniques, but also enjoys easy operation. A specially-designed sample bottle links the field sampling operation and the sample preparing operation effectively. After adopting the new procedure, the negative deviations of the dating results obtained by using benzene-synthesis-liquid-scintillation spectrometer (for the dating results below the upper limit of 50 000 years) are negligible. By comparing the previously-obtained 14C dating results of ancient groundwater with the results obtained by adopting the new sampling procedure in Hebei Plain, the former exists significant negative deviations. For the groundwater with 14C apparent age of approximately 47×103 years, the dating results tend to be more than 20×103 years younger. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct new evaluations for the formerly-obtained 14C dating results of ancient groundwater and the research conclusions based on the dating results. The new precipitation method sampling procedure of 14C dating of groundwater makes researchers attach importance to the traditional radioactivity measurement method again. Because the sampling quantity is a thousand times more than accelerator mass-spectrometry, it is easier to control the atmospheric CO2 pollution during sample preparation, and the 14C dating results of ancient groundwater are more reliable.
Key words: ground water; 14C dating; deviation; atmospheric CO2 pollution; sampling method; measurement method; upper limit of dating; Hebei Plain