唐衍力, 孙晓梅, 盛化香, 王新萌, 万 荣
(中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003)
唐衍力, 孙晓梅, 盛化香, 王新萌, 万荣
(中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003)
摘要:于2012年9月—2013年7月采集了威海小石岛人工鱼礁区和对照区4个季度的刺网渔获物和环境数据。基于该调查数据,应用物种多样性指数和多元分析法,研究了鱼礁区与对照区渔获物的种类组成、多样性、群落结构以及渔获物与环境因子的关系。研究表明:鱼礁区的渔获物共23种,其中鱼类17种、甲壳类5种、棘皮类1种;对照区的渔获物共14种,其中鱼类8种、甲壳类5种、棘皮类1种。鱼礁区与对照区渔获物的种类丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数无显著性差异(P>0.05)。聚类分析和非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)显示,鱼礁区与对照区的渔获物可分为秋季组、夏季组和冬春季组;不同季节的渔获物群落组成差异显著(R=0.867 4,P=0.001),鱼礁区与对照区的渔获物群落组成差异不显著(R=0.137,P=0.067)。典范对应分析表明,水温、pH、盐度、叶绿素a和PO4-P是影响威海小石岛人工鱼礁区群落结构的主要环境因子。综合分析认为,人工鱼礁区渔获量较高,生态稳定性较好。
引用格式:唐衍力,孙晓梅,盛化香,等. 威海小石岛人工鱼礁区渔获物组成特征及与环境因子的关系[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(5): 22-31.
TANG Yan-Li, SUN Xiao-Mei, SHENG Hua-Xiang, et al. Community structure of catch and Its relationship with environmental factors in Xiaoshidao artificial reef zones of Weihai City [J].Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(5): 22-31.
1.1 取样地点
1.2 样品采集与分析
2012年9月(秋季)、2012年12月(冬季)、2013年4月(春季)、2013年7月(夏季)进行了4个季度的刺网取样,每个站位渔获物带回实验室,对其进行种类鉴定,并分类计数、称重。水温(Tem)、盐度(Sal)、pH、透明度(Tra)、化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD5)、硅酸盐(SiO3-Si)、磷酸盐(PO4-P)、可溶性无机氮(DIN)、溶解氧(DO)和叶绿素a浓度(chl-a)11个环境因子的采集和分析均按《海洋监测规范》(GB 17378.1-2007)[19]和《海洋调查规范》(GB/T 12763.4-2007)[20]的规定进行。
图1 鱼礁区与对照区刺网调查站位
1.3 数据处理
采用Pinkas相对重要性指数IRI(Index of Relative Importance)来研究群落优势种的组成[21]。
物种丰富度指数(Magelef′ index):
物种多样性指数(Shannon—Wiener index):
物种均匀度指数(Pielou′ index):
2.1 渔获物组成
表2 鱼礁区与对照区渔获物组成
2.2 渔获物物种多样性
表4 鱼礁区与对照区渔获物群落多样性指数
2.3 渔获物类别组成
图2 鱼礁区渔获物(a)尾数(b)重量群落结构季节变化
群落划分采用聚类分析和非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS),2种方法的结果基本一致(见图3(a),3(b))。鱼礁区与对照区渔获物可分为3个站位组:组Ⅰ(秋季组)包括鱼礁区2012年9月A站位、2012年9月B站位、2012年9月C站位和对照区2012年9月D站位;组Ⅱ(夏季组)包括鱼礁区2013年7月A站位、2013年7月C站位和对照区2013年7月D站位、2013年7月E站位;组Ⅲ(冬春季组)包括鱼礁区与对照区2012年12月、2013年4月所有站位和对照区2013年7月F站位。聚类分析表明,鱼礁区与对照区渔获物具有明显的季节变化。One-Way ANOSIM表明,不同季节渔获物群落组成存在显著差异(R=0.8674,P=0.001),各季节鱼礁区与对照区渔获物群落组成无显著差异(R=0.137,P=0.067),但P值已接近显著水平0.05。
(1:2012-09A, 2:2012-09B, 3:2012-09C, 4:2012-12A, 5:2012-12B, 6:2012-12C, 7:2013-04A, 8:2013-04B, 9:2013-04C,10:2013-07A,11:2013-07B,12:2013-07C,13:2012-09D,14:2012-12D,15:2013-04D,16:2013-04E,17:2013-04F,18:2013-07D,19:2013-07E,20:2013-07F。 红色虚线框:变量分类。The red dotted line box: Classification of variables.)
图3鱼礁区与对照区渔获结构聚类分析(a)和NMDS 分析(b)
Fig.3Cluster analysis dendrogram(a) and NMDS results(b) for catches composition based on
weight between artificial reef and control zones
2.4 渔获物群落与环境因子关系
(sit1:2012-09A, sit2:2012-09B, sit3:2012-09C, sit4:2012-12A, sit5:2012-12B, sit6:2012-12C, sit7:2013-04A, sit8:2013-04B, sit9:2013-04C, sit10:2013-07A, sit11:2013-07B, sit12:2013-07C, sit13:2012-09D, sit14:2012-12D, sit15:2013-04D, sit16:2013-04E, sit17:2013-04F, sit18:2013-07D, sit19:2013-07E, sit20:2013-07F. s1~s20: 渔获物种类1~20 Catch species 1~20.)
图4 鱼礁区与对照区各站位(a)和渔获物(b)与环境因子的CCA排序图
3.1 渔获物的季节变化
表6 各环境因子的显著性
注:CCA1, CCA2为环境因子与排序轴的相关性;r2表示环境因子与物种分布的决定系数;Pr表示相关性的显著性检验;***为P<0.001,**为P<0.01,*为P<0.05。 CCA1 and CCA2 are the correlations of environmental factors and sorting axis;r2is the decision factor of the species distribution and environmental factor; Pr represents correlation test of significance; *** representsP<0.001, ** representsP<0.01, * representsP<0.05.
3.2 鱼礁区与对照区渔获物群落结构的比较
3.3 环境因子对渔获物群落的影响
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Community Structure of Catch and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors in Xiaoshidao Artificial Reef Zones of Weihai City
TANG Yan-Li, SUN Xiao-Mei, SHENG Hua-Xiang, WANG Xin-Meng, WAN Rong
(College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)
Abstract:The construction of artificial reefs can improve the aquatic habitats and repair the damaged marine ecosystems. The resource survey is one of the important ways of evaluating the ecological restoration in artificial reef areas, and surveys of spatio-temporal distribution of catch in these areas and the influence and restriction of environmental factors are less studied in China. Community structure and spatio-temporal change of fishery resources and their relationship with the main environmental factors in artificial reef zones were important in evaluating the effect of artificial reef construction. In order to fully evaluate the effect produced by artificial reefs, Xiaoshidao artificial reef zone was selected as the study area. There were 3 investigations in artificial reef and control zones, respectively. Based on the catch by gill net and environmental investigation data obtained from seasonal surveys in Xigang artificial reef and control zones of Weihai between September 2012 and August 2013, the catch composition in artificial reef and control zones were compared, and species diversity was analyzed by using Magelef, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indices, and dominant species composition was analyzed by using Index of Relative Importance, and community structure as well as their relationships with environmental factors in artificial reef and control zones were investigated by using the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results showed that a total of 23 species was captured in artificial reef zones, including 17 species of fish, 5 species of crustaceans and 1 species of echinodermata, and a total of 14 were captured in control zones, including 8 species of fish, 5 species of crustaceans and 1 species of echinodermata. The difference of diversity indices was not significant between artificial reef zones and control zones (P>0.05), which indicated that the ecological stability in artificial reef zones was not changed. Cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis showed that the catch community of artificial reef and control zones could be temporally clustered into autumn, summer, and spring and winter groups. ANOSIM analysis showed that there existed highly significant difference (R=0.867 4, P=0.001) in catch composition among seasons, but difference was not significant between artificial reef zones and control zones (R=0.137, P=0.067). CCA indicated that the water temperature, pH, salinity, chlorophyll concentration and phosphate were the most important environmental variables affecting the community structure of catch community in Xigang artificial reef and control zones of Weihai. And the water temperature was the main explanation factor for catch community that leaded to dominant species adapting to different water temperature in different seasons. Overall, the catch was higher in artificial reef zones with better ecological stability than that in control zones. The method was effective for the evaluation of ecological effect of artificial reefs and finding out the significant environment factors for the community composition of catch. It was also expected to be an effective method to evaluate the ecological effect of artificial reefs scientifically, and the paper provided the reference for the rational utilization and management of fishery resources as well.
Key words:artificial reef zone; catch; species composition; species diversity; cluster analysis; environmental factors; canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)
Supported by the Special Public Welfare Industry (Agriculture) Research (201203018); Marine Public Welfare Industry (201305030)