
2016-06-05 15:23:31
中国财政年鉴 2016年0期

实际到位资金 投资按构成分年 份国家预算资 金 国内贷款 利用外资 自筹和其他资金建筑安装工 程设备工器具购置 其他费用总量 (亿元)1981 269.8 122.0 36.4 532.9 689.8 223.6 47.5 1982 279.3 176.1 60.5 714.5 871.1 291.4 67.9 1983 339.7 175.5 66.6 848.3 993.3 358.3 78.4 1984 421.0 258.5 70.7 1082.7 1217.6 509.2 106.1 1985 407.8 510.3 91.5 1533.6 1655.5 718.1 169.7 1986 455.6 658.5 137.3 1869.2 2059.7 852.0 209.0 1987 496.6 872.0 182.0 2241.1 2475.7 1038.8 277.3 1988 432.0 977.8 275.3 2968.7 3099.7 1305.4 348.8 1989 366.1 763.0 291.1 2990.3 2994.6 1115.8 300.0 1990 393.0 885.5 284.6 2954.4 3008.7 1165.5 342.7 1991 380.4 1314.7 318.9 3580.4 3647.7 1460.2 486.6 1992 347.5 2214.0 468.7 5050.0 5163.4 2125.1 791.6 1993 483.7 3072.0 954.3 8562.4 8201.2 3315.9 1555.2 1994 529.6 3997.6 1769.0 11531.0 10786.5 4328.3 1928.1 1995 621.1 4198.7 2295.9 13409.2 13173.3 4262.5 2583.5 1996 (629.7) (4576.5) (2747.4) (15465.4) (15153.4) (4940.8) (2879.8) 625.9 4573.7 2746.6 15412.4 15109.3 4926.0 2878.3 1997 696.7 4782.6 2683.9 17096.5 15614.0 6044.8 3282.3 1998 1197.4 5542.9 2617.0 19359.6 17874.5 6528.5 4003.1 1999 1852.1 5725.9 2006.8 20169.7 18795.9 7053.0 4005.7 2000 2109.5 6727.3 1696.3 22577.4 20536.3 7785.6 4595.9 2001 2546.4 7239.8 1730.7 26470.0 22954.9 8833.8 5424.8 2002 3161.0 8859.1 2085.0 30941.9 26578.9 9884.5 7036.6 2003 2687.8 12044.4 2599.4 41284.8 33447.2 12681.9 9437.5 2004 3254.9 13788.0 3285.7 54236.3 42803.6 16527.0 11146.8 2005 4154.3 16319.0 3978.8 70138.7 53382.6 21422.9 13968.1 2006 4672.0 19590.5 4334.3 90360.2 66775.8 25563.9 17658.4 2007 5857.1 23044.2 5132.7 116769.7 83518.3 31574.8 22230.9 2008 7954.8 26443.7 5311.9 143204.9 104958.9 40594.1 27275.5 2009 12685.7 39302.8 4623.7 193617.4 138758.3 50844.2 34996.2 2010 (14677.8) (47258.0) (4986.8) (244041.7) (171351.8) (61681.5) (45088.5) 13012.7 44020.8 4703.6 224042.0 155580.5 53842.8 42260.5 2011 14843.3 46344.5 5062.0 279734.4 200195.7 65152.3 46137.1 2012 18958.7 51593.5 4468.8 334654.7 243617.5 77724.1 53353.1 2013 22305.3 59442.0 4319.4 405545.8 298424.2 91074.4 56795.5 2014 26745.4 65221.0 4052.9 447461.2 349789.0 101005.2 61226.4 2015 30924.3 61054.0 2854.4 489366.0 388163.5 111110.2 62726.1


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