故宫隐香 倦勤斋揭纱

2016-06-05 14:21:38TextbyZhaoMinCompiledbyMadelineTranslationbyMadelineLeoPhotosbyChenHeMrLion
空中之家 2016年11期

Text by Zhao Min Compiled by Madeline Translation by Madeline, Leo Photos by Chen He, Mr. Lion

故宫隐香 倦勤斋揭纱

Text by Zhao Min Compiled by Madeline Translation by Madeline, Leo Photos by Chen He, Mr. Lion


When Emperor Qianlong was in power he had a dream to retreat into an easeful old age after 60 years of ruling the country. At the time, with the best engineers, craftsmen, and building materials, the Imperial Palace had all it needed to build a grand palace garden, later known as “the Qianlong Garden”.

The world's only surviving big ensemble of trompe-l'ceil paintings (with a size of 170 sqm)

These drawings, in the typical perspective drawing style of the time in Europe, were first introduced to the Qing palace by Italian Jesuit painter Giuseppe Castiglione who borrowed the style from the panoramic pictures of the exquisite ceilings of European churches.





1. Paintings of pergolas on the ceiling顶部紫藤架手绘

2. Near the moon gate there are two cranes and a pair of magpies. In Chinese culture, cranes are a symbol of longevity and magpies auspiciousness.在月亮门外的庭园有一对仙鹤和一对喜鹊;仙鹤象征长寿,喜鹊象征吉祥。

3. A view toward the west from the second floor of the fifth eastside room


4. The lounge in the east side-room on the first floor of the fifth east-side room


5.An upturned roofridge


Qianlong Garden was built between 1771 and

1776, and the construction started 20 years

before Emperor Qianlong's eventual retirement.

The garden is also called “the Palace of Tranquil Longevity”. Designed by the emperor himself, the garden ref l ects the emperor's broad cultural tastes.

While most buildings in the Imperial Palace have

been open to the public for more than 60 years,

Juanqin Zhai retirement suite at the far back of

Qianlong Garden was largely abandoned after the last emperor left the Forbidden City in 1924. Not

until two decades ago was Juanqin Zhai finally

discovered and brought to light by a reconstruction team. This private resting place was mainly used as

a theatre for the emperor, where he was entertained.

Although its name takes after the meaning of “to

retreat into an easeful old age”, Emperor Qianlong never really lived there. Even when he retired, he

never completely relinquished his power to his son. Therefore, to him, Juanqin Zhai functioned more like a theatre house, where he came once in a while just to be entertained.

The interiors of Juanqin Zhai are of extravagant

design, using the finest materials and exceptional Chinese craftsmanship, and incorporating

European artistic techniques such as trompe l'oeil.

3. A view toward the west from the second floor of the fifth eastside room东五间二层西视

4. The lounge in the east side-room on the first floor of the fifth east-side room东五间一层东次间座塌

5.An upturned roofridge戏台翼角

Wang Shiwei, leader of the SINO-US Qianlong Garden Conservation Project, toldNihao∶“People come here to see old palaces, but a lot of them can only be appreciated from the outside. Besides, the Forbidden City has gradually changed throughout the years.”

Fortunately, Juanqin Zhai has survived relatively unaltered from the time it was constructed. “This is why we need to start protecting it as soon as we can, so as to keep it the way it was 240 years ago,”said Wang.

The suite numbers among the finest extant examples of eighteenth-century imperial interiors in China, and among all the other buildings that have been repaired in the Forbidden City, Juanqin Zhai is the luckiest one in terms of complete protective restoration.

The project leader said∶“ Originally, to better store and protect the antiques, we would rather keep the items in storage. But we decided to bring them back into the light, after a series of careful research projects. This way, we help the visitors get a better taste of the past, while giving the relics the dignity they deserve.”

Juanqin Zhai has a rather simple layout∶ it is split into nine rooms, including five rooms in the two floors in the east and four rooms in the west. Those in the west were designed to be a graceful indoor theatre, showing great contrast to the stately vibe of the rest of the imperial palace倦勤斋面南向,北靠红墙,其布局形式是简单的九间房的格局。

AUTHOR: ZHAO MINArchitectural critic Architectural Society of China (ASC)作者:赵敏建筑评论人中国建筑学会资深会员

PHOTOGRAPHER: CHEN HEPhotographer of architectural culture heritage摄影:陈鹤建筑文化遗产摄影师

Juan Qin Studio's green glazed tile roof倦勤斋绿瓦黄剪边屋面

“The qianlong Garden Conservation Project” is expected to finish in 2020, and will be opened to the public by then.乾隆花园保护项目预计在2020年完成并对外开放参观。Map by Haolun Zhang








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