摘 要:可满足性问题(SAT),最大可满足性问题(MAX-SAT)与最大团问题(MC)都是典型的基本的NP-难解问题。该报告概述了这些难解问题的实验算法方面的国际研究现状和国内研究进展,并对国内外研究进展进行了比较,最后讨论和展望了难解问题求解的发展趋势。
关键词:可满足性 最大可满足性 最大团问题
Abstract:AT, MAX-SAT, and Maxclique are typical fundamental NP-hard problems. This paper summarizes both the state of the art and domestic progress of experimental algorithm research for these problems. The comparison between the domestic and international research endeavor in recent years ispresented. Finally, the trends of research on solving hard problems are discussed.
Key Words:SAT MAX-SAT Maxclique