
2016-05-30 05:42:13杨四刚罗文勇张巍
科技创新导报 2016年1期

杨四刚 罗文勇 张巍

摘 要:该研究形成了具有自主知识产权的微结构光纤制备的工艺技术体系,并构建了微结构光纤的科学制备流程,可实现基于定制型的微结构光纤的结构功能优化和精确制备,并完成了可用于精细化控制微结构光纤拉制的窄温场拉丝塔建设,可用于实现微结构光纤的初步规模化生产;基于微结构光纤的超强抗弯的技术研究,提出了超强抗弯光纤的企业标准,将抗弯光纤的弯曲半径提升到2 mm,超过当前国际ITU-T最高水平的一倍以上的水平,在微结构光纤的功能的标准化方面做出了初步的探索;自主设计了零色散波长在1060 nm的光子晶体光纤,在武汉邮电科学研究院进行了实际制作。实验研究证明,制作出的光子晶体光纤在1060 nm波段泵浦时可以提供显著的参量增益。利用制作的光子晶体光纤,成功实现了输出波长在1.0μm波段连续可调的光纤参量振荡器,波长调谐范围从890~1270 nm;基于双零色散微结构光纤,同时产生了可见色散波和中红外色散波,利用可见波段的色散波和800 nm泵浦波之间的交叉相位调制作用,产生了200~400 nm的紫外光;因此实现了在近红外和可见光、紫外光的大跨度波长变换;在先期工作基础上提出并论证了发展光纤基实用化偏振纠缠双光子源的全保偏方案,以此为基础发展出光纤基偏振纠缠双光子源实验样机,并提供中科大量子物理与量子信息相关研究组试用。进一步的,提出并论证了在同一保偏光纤中实现两可预报单光子源,并实验实现了输出光子间的HOM干涉。这一工作论证了光纤基量子光源输出量子态的量子相干特性,对于后续开展光纤基量子光源的实际应用研究具有重要意义;在先期工作以完成布拉格光纤气体传感应用的基础上,创新地将聚合物光纤拉丝工艺与反谐振太赫兹波导的制备工作相结合,制备出光滑薄壁聚合物太赫兹波导管,实验论证了该波导在太赫兹波段具有优良的多模导波性能。进一步提出了一种新型自支撑反谐振太赫兹波导结构,理论和实验表明该结构在大带宽范围内低损耗导波,并具有单模太赫兹导波特性。这是首个报道的支持单模传输的大孔径反谐振太赫兹波导设计,具有重要的学术和应用价值。

关键词:微结构光纤 精确制备 标准化 波长变换 量子光源

Abstract:Thefabricationtechnology architecture of microstructured fibers with independent intellectual property rights has been obtained. A scientific fabrication process has also been built up. The microstructured fiber can be fabricated with the structural parameters coincided well with the theoretical design. A fiber drawing tower with narrow temperature field has also been developed. All these progresses can be used for large-scale production. Based on the theoretical and experimental investigations of bend insensitive optical fiber with ultra-high anti-bending performance, a corporation standard has been brought forward. The bending radius can be reduced to be only 2 mm, which is only half of the value specified by ITU. Primary works have been done for functional standardization. Microstructured fibers with zero dispersion wavelengths located at 1060 nm are designed and fabricated. In experiment, significant parametric gain can be obserevd with the fibers pumped near 1060 nm. Continuously tuned parametric oscillator is achieved in 1.0 μm wavelength band, and the output wavelength can be tuned from 890 nm to 1270 nm. Based on a PCF with two zero dispersion wavelengths designed and fabricated by us, giant dispersive waves are generated at visible and mid-infrared wavelength regions simultaneously. Based on the cross phase modulation between the visible dispersive wave and the pump wave at 800 nm, ultraviolet light can be generated in the wavelength region from 200 nm to 400 nm. Large span wavelength conversion from the infrared band to the visible light and even to ultraviolet band has been realized. A polarization maintaining scheme of fiber based polarization entangled photon pair sources is proposed and demonstrated. Based on the scheme, a prototype of practical quantum light source is developed and provided to research teams of quantum information for testing. Furthermore, a scheme of fiber based dual-heralded photon sources (D-HSPSs) is proposed and demonstrated. The HOM interferences between the output photons of the two HSPSs is realized. A fabrication process of THz fiber is proposed and demonstrated. It can fabricate anti-resonance THz pipe with thin wall and smooth surface. Experiments showe that the thin wall pipe support low loss multimode THz transmission. Furthermore, a self-supporting anti-resonance THz waveguide structure is proposed and demonstrated. It can support low loss wide band single mode THz transmission.

Key Words:Microstructuredfiber;Accurate Fabrication;Standardization;Wavelength Conversion;Quantum Light Source


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