牟同敏 周少川 李泽福 戴陆园 余新桥
摘 要:该文紧紧围绕绿色超级稻的目标,开展了绿色超级稻新材料的创建和新品种选育,同时开展大面积示范推广。育成抗2-3主要病虫害绿色超级稻品种10个,育成节水抗旱新品种2个,示范推广面积465万亩。创建具有绿色超级稻性状的新材料131份,其中导入Xa23基因、高抗白叶枯病的株系材料10份,导入Pi-2、Pi-9基因、广谱抗稻瘟病的株系材料8份,导入Bph14、Bph15基因、抗褐飞虱的株系材料36份,聚合Bph14、Bph15、Cry1Ab/Ac基因、同时抗褐飞虱和螟虫的株系材料16份,通过苗期水培法,对创制的OZ057和皖恢821导入系进行低氮、磷营养胁迫,利用苗期根、茎相对性状指数,筛选出32份耐低氮、低磷导入系株系,筛选出高产抗旱耐盐聚合新品系29份。
关键词:绿色超级稻 绿色性状 新材料 新品种
Abstract:The purposes of the project were to develop the green super rice materials and varieties and to carry out the demonstration and extension of green super rice. Ten green super rice varieties with resistance to two or three kinds of deseases and pests and two drought tolerant rice varieties were developed during project conduction phase. The demonstration and extesion area under green super rice were 0.31 million hectare. 131 green super rice materials were developed. Of them, ten new materials bearing Xa23 were highly resistant to blight bacterial, ten new materials bearing Pi2 or Pi9 were resistance to rice blast, and sixteen new materials harboring Bph14, Bph15 and Cry1Ab/Ac were resistant to brown planthopper and stemborer. The introgression lines between OZ057 and Wanhui 821 were identified under the conditions of low nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition stress through the seedling hydroponics. 32 introgresion lines with tolerance to nitrogen and phosphorus and 29 breeding lines with salt tolerance and high yield were selected by using seedling root, stem relative character index.
Key Words:Green Super Rice; multi-resistance Traits;New Breeding Lines;New Varieties