孟宪红 丁君 何玉英 黄晓婷 刘岩
摘 要:在前期863课题支持的基础上,该课题采用BLUP选择育种、杂交育种和分子标记辅助育种等先进技术,对中国对虾、凡纳滨对虾、杂色鲍、虾夷扇贝、海湾扇贝、海带、刺参等品种进行高产、抗逆性状强化选育,课题执行期间,培育出虾夷扇贝“海大金贝”、刺参“水院1号”和杂色鲍“东优1号”优良品种,获得国家水产良种新品种证书;建立各良种规模制种技术并进行示范养殖和规模化良种推广。共编写农业地方标准6项、企业标准4项、行业标准1项、操作规程、技术规范5项,申请发明专利15项,已授权9项;发表研究论文30篇,其中SCI 12篇,完满完成课题规定的各项指标。
关键词:新品种 规模繁育 示范养殖
Abstract:Based on the previous research supported by the 863 program, this subject used BLUP, cross breeding, MAS and other advanced methods for high yield and resistance breeding of Fenneropenaeus chinensis, Litopenaeus vannamei, Haliotis diversicolor, Patinopecten yessoensis, Argopecten irradians, Laminaria japonica, Apostichopus japonicas, etc. During the execution of this subject, we developed new varieties of “Haida jinbei” P. yessoensis, “Shuiyuan no. 1” A. japonicas, “Dongyou no. 1” H. diversicolor, and established techniques for large-scale production and demonstration farm of new varieties. Six local agriculture standards, four corporate standards, one industry standard, five operating instructions and technical manuals were developed. Fifteen invention patents were applied and nine of them were granted. Thirty papers were published, in which twelve papers were published in SCI journals. Every target in this subject has been achieved successfully.
Key Words:New Variety;Large-scale Breeding;Demonstration Farm