黄宏文 刘义飞 钟彩虹
摘 要:该研究通过对横跨我国中西部阶梯过渡带的中华猕猴桃野生资源的全面调查和自然杂交带的定位研究,发掘了一大批优异的猕猴桃野生种质资源,克隆定位了部分果肉颜色相关的基因。在此基础上,选育了国家级审定的晚熟耐贮黄肉新品种“金艳”和省级观赏鲜食猕猴桃新品种“满天红”。利用收集的资源进一步开展杂交育种和实生选种,获得了具有不同成熟期、果肉颜色及风味的猕猴桃优系14个,包括风味和品质俱佳、果实耐贮的红肉猕猴桃新品系2个,果肉黄色或黄绿色新品系7个,高维生素C品种1个(维生素C426mg/100g)、绿肉新品系4个。该研究的实施提升了我国猕猴桃资源发掘及新品种研发水平,选育的“金艳”新品种被誉为国际猕猴桃产业第二代黄肉新品种的三大核心品种之一。同时,通过资源深度发掘及选育研究获得的14个黄肉、红肉猕猴桃优良株系,奠定了我国未来引领国际猕猴桃产业新品种格局的重要育种材料基础,对占领国际猕猴桃产业制高点具有重要意义。“金艳”新品种已发展1.5万亩规模示范,并规划带动周边地区形成17.5万亩产业带,发挥了重大的社会及经济效益。
关键词:猕猴桃 金艳 自然杂交带 遗传育种
Abstract:In this project, the natural hybridization of Actinidia species in wild populations have been surveyed and a lot of good germplasm have been found in wild. Based on the study of wild resources, two new cultivars of Jinyan and Mantianhong have been developed and released recently. Furthermore, 14 good germplasm with different traits such as the harvesting time, flesh color and tastes have been found that can be used for cultivar development in future. With the project conducted, the kiwifruit industry has been greatly improved due the new cultivars such as ‘Jinyan have been released. Currently, about 15 thousands acres of ‘Jinyan have been planted.
Key Words:Actinidia;Jinyan;Natural Hybrid Zone;Genetic Breeding