范平志 马征 唐小虎 陈庆春 汪晓宁
摘 要:由于高速移动环境下的信道、接入与拓扑快变等现实条件的约束,基于协作的干扰协调处理有可能带来能效降低、时延增大、复杂度急剧增加、稳定可靠性下降等问题。因此,该课题将以混叠信号可分离机理研究为基础,重点解决:(1)信号结构化与统计特性分析,包括高速移动环境下的混叠信号分离机制,抗干扰技术评估机制与优化设计,以获得干扰的空时频码域结构化特性与随机统计分布特性的分析结果。(2)多址复用策略研究,包括基于信号正交化设计的干扰避让理论与方法,基于信号结构化与随机化特征的干扰分离理论与方法,普适的多址复用策略设计。(3)基于认知的网间干扰避让理论与方法,包括高移动环境下的频谱感知策略研究基于认知的通信可靠性保障机制高移动环境下基于认知的频谱共享策略。此外,为了验证整个项目组的研究成果,该课题将负责组织并总体实施构建一个高移动场景关键传输技术半实物实验验证平台。
关键词:干扰抑制 干扰避让 干扰协调 混叠信号分离 高移动性
Abstract:Since the practice constraints such as high mobility fading channel, multi-access and topological changes quick, interference adjustment which based on cooperation may result in the energy efficiency drops, delay, complexity increases dramatically and drop reliability. So based on the separable mechanism and methods of signal aliasing, this project focus on solving the following problems: (1)Analysis the signal structuring and statistic characteristics including separable mechanism of signal aliasing under high mobility circumstance, evaluation mechanism and the optimization design of the anti-interference technology. (2)Investigate the multiple access strategy including interference avoidance theory and method on account of orthogonal signal design, interference separation theory and method based on structured and random signal property, universal signal multiplexing technology. (3)Inter network interference avoidance theory and method on the basis of cognition contain spectrum sensing strategy in high mobility scene, communication reliability mechanism based on the cognition and spectrum sharing strategy on account of cognition under high mobility circumstance. Meanwhile, this project will be responsible for organization and implementation an experimental platform of key transmission technology under high mobility scenarios in order to test and verify the research results of the whole project group.
Key Words:Interference Suppression;Interference separation; Interference avoidance; Interference coordination;Aliasing signal separation;High mobility