
2016-05-30 10:39梅宏周明辉黄罡刘譞哲
科技创新导报 2016年11期

梅宏 周明辉 黄罡 刘譞哲

摘 要:Internet的快速发展与普及,使计算机软件所面临的环境开始从静态、封闭、可控逐步走向开放、动态、难控,其应用模式逐渐呈现出协同化、普适化和服务化的趋势。基于网络的复杂软件的可信度与服务质量对软件技术所提出的挑战,本质上就是基于网络的复杂软件这样一种新的软件形态及其可信度和服务质量,对质量保障和评价方式提出了迫切需求,进而导致软件构造方法和软件运行支撑的变革,最终导致新的软件方法与技术体系的建立。作为一种新的软件范型,网构软件及其技术体系为研究这种复杂软件的可信度和服务质量提供了方法和技术基础。因此,该研究的定位是:以可信和服务质量为目标,以新的软件形态为切入点,基于网构软件的研究基础,开展面向特定应用的软件体系结构、软件开发方法、中间件支撑平台和评价标准的技术基础研究和原型研究,实现研究对象、质量目标、开发保障和运行保障等4个方面的转变,并开展应用实例验证研究,从而建立一套基于网络的复杂软件理论、方法和技术体系。

关键词:网构软件 可信度 复杂软件

Abstract:With rapid development and popularity of Internet, the static, closed, controllable environment of computer software is changing to a more dynamic, open and less controllable one. Collaborative, universal, service-oriented application model has been the trend. The challenge of networked complex software's confidence level and quality of service technique is how to assure and evaluate the quality. This lead to the revolution of software construction method and software runtime supporting, and finally, new system of software methods and techniques. As a new software paradigm, Internetware and its technical system provide methodology and technology foundation for studying the complex software's confidence level and quality of service. Therefore, this project is a research to form a set of theory, methodology and technology system for Networked Complex Software. We set confidence and quality of service as goal, new software modality as entry, and base on Internetware to conduct specific application oriented fundamental technical research and prototype research on software architecture, software development method, middleware supporting platform and evaluation standards. In 2011,our project has made expected progress, achieved all the goals, such as building a Internetware runtime model, developing a prototype for new networked application model, and so on.

Key Words:Internetware;Quality Assurance;Hign Confidence
