贾焰 周斌 许进
摘 要:近年来,随着社交网络的快速发展,社交网络使得人类使用互联网的方式产生了深刻变革——由简单信息搜索和网页浏览转向网上社会关系的构建与维护、基于社会关系的信息创造、交流和共享。在线社交网络是一种在信息网络上由社会个体集合及个体之间的连接关系构成的社会性结构,包含关系结构、网络群体与网络信息三个要素。其中,社交网络的关系结构是社会个体成员之间通过社会关系结成的网络系统,包括社交网络的结构特性与演化机理分析方面、虛拟社区发现、社交网络演化分析4个主要方面。
关键词:社交网络 虚拟社区 结构属性
Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid growth of social network services (SNS), social networks pervade nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Social networks influence today's societal and cultural issues, and change the way people see themselves. To fully understand the running mechanisms of social networks, in this report, we aim at series of high knitted and important elements of online social networks. A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the ties between these actors. Existing researches on social network involve three perspectives: topological structure and its evolutioncrowds' interaction and mutual influenceinformation and its dissemination. In terms of structure and its evolution of social network, existing researches involve social network modeling, social network structure characteristic analysis, community detection and evolution theory.
Key Words:Social Networks; Community; Structual Properties