蒲芳 任劲松
摘 要:核酸是一种结构和功能都比较复杂的生物大分子,它们在生物体内细胞周期的不同阶段以不同的构象存在,以确保各项生命活动的顺利进行。基于纳米材料多功能化的纳米器件已经广泛地应用到生物医药领域的诊断和治疗。借助核酸适体为生物模板,经过一步便利的溶剂热法可以设计并合成多功能的镧系元素掺杂的多孔纳米材料。基于材料自身极好的水溶性及生物特性,该材料可用于细胞层面的靶向成像与药物运载。因核酸适体针对靶细胞特殊的结合功能,研究者的工作将为纳米探针于生物应用方面开辟天窗,相关领域可涉及到时间分辨的生物检测,多模式生物成像或标记,以及癌症或其他疾病的靶向治疗。
关键词:核酸 适体 纳米功能材料 癌症 药物运载 靶向
Abstract:Nucleic acids are a kind of biological macromolecule with polymorphic structure and multiple functions. The nanodevices based on bionanomaterials have been widely used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in biomedicine. Multifunctional lanthanide-doped porous nanoparticles are prepared via a facile one-step solvothermal route by employing aptamers as the biotemplate. The nanoparticles feature excellent aqueous dispersibility and biospecifi c properties and could work as effective nanoprobes for targeted imaging and drug delivery. With aptamer being in principle available for any kind of target, this synthetic strategy may open the door to a new generation of nanoprobes for bioapplications such as time-resolved biodetection, multimode bioimaging/biolabeling, and targeted cancer therapy.
Key Words:Nucleic acid; Aptamer; Functional nanomaterial; Cancer; Drug Delivery; Target