
2016-05-30 07:27:32黄立锡李晓东张宇敏王春启许影博
科技创新导报 2016年17期

黄立锡 李晓东 张宇敏 王春启 许影博

摘 要:该研究以大型民机机体噪声问题为背景,围绕噪声源预测和控制进行以下6个子课题的研究。(1)高精度计算气动声学数值模拟预测方法研究。(2)新型传声器阵列气动噪声源定位与重构技术研究。(3)气动噪声产生机理及辐射特性研究。(4)翼型涡、声干扰及控制研究。(5)声阀门特性与控制研究。(6)流固声耦合。该课题在多个方面取得突出进展。概述如下:(1)较大幅度提高声源预测的计算速度和精度。(2)以理论解和模型实验对噪声和流体诱导振动实现新的控制。

关键词:计算气动声学 声源定位与重构 气动噪声产生机理 翼型涡声干扰 声阀门 流固声耦合

Abstract:This technical report introduces the progress we have made thus far on aircraft fuselage noise modeling and its control. Based on the ultimate goal of reducing fuselage noise of large passenger aircraft,the study is divided into six topics: (1)High-accuracy computational areoaocustic prediction method. (2)Sound source localization and reconstruction by new microphone array design. (3)Aerodynamic noise generation mechanisms and its radiation pattern. (4)Prediction of sound generated by a wing and its control by a flap. 5. Study of acoustic valve. (6)Fluid-structure-sound interaction. Major developments are summarized as follows. (1)Substantial improvement was made in computational accuracy and efficiency of sound source localization prediction method. (2)New control methods were developed, both theoretically and experimentally, to control noise and flow induced vibration

Key Words:CAA;Sound source localization and reconstruction;Aerodynamic noise mechanism;Wing-Vortex interacting;Sound valv
