钆剂对MR IDEAL-IQ骨髓脂肪定量影响的实验研究
骨髓脂肪组织作为骨质疏松、糖尿病等代谢性疾病、神经厌食症、血液系统疾病及良恶性骨肿瘤等的重要生物学标记物,与骨髓的各种生理性、病理性改变都密切相关[1-3],迭代最小二乘法六回波梯度回波非对称采集水脂分离磁共振成像(iterative decomposition of water and fat with echoasymmetry and least square estimationironquantification,IDEAL-IQ)是在IDEAL技术上改良的MR三维脂肪定量技术,其在肝脏、骨髓组织脂肪定量的准确性已得到充分肯定[4-6]。
1.1 研究对象
1.2 MRI成像方法
将实验兔固定后,用留置针(20 G)穿刺耳缘静脉,注射3%戊巴比妥钠溶液1.5 ml/kg进行麻醉。取仰卧位、足先进置于8通道膝关节专用相控阵线圈,运用3.0 T超导MR机(Discovery MR 750 Plus,GE Healthcare)行三平面定位扫描后,对每只兔常规行腰椎矢状面FSE-T1WI、FSE-T2WI和IDEALIQ扫描,扫描范围包括第3~7腰椎。随后采用MEDRAD Spectris Solaris EP磁共振压力注射器,经兔耳缘静脉留置针注射钆贝葡胺(Gd-BOPTA,商品名:莫迪司)3 ml,用6 ml生理盐水以相同流率(0.5 ml/s)进行冲洗。注射后5 min、30 min分别行腰椎矢状面IDEAL-IQ序列扫描,注射钆对比剂前后IDEAL-IQ扫描参数保持一致,扫描参数如下。
矢状面T1WI扫描参数:TR 400 ms,TE 13 ms,扫描层厚3 mm,视野16 cm×16 cm,矩阵512×512,激励次数为1,扫描时间2 min 20 s。
矢状面T2WI扫描参数: TR 2500 ms,TE 102.9 ms,扫描层厚3 mm,视野16 cm×16 cm,矩阵512×284,激励次数为1,扫描时间3 min 25 s。
矢状面IDEAL-IQ扫描参数:反转角6°,TR 19.6 ms,TE1 1.2 ms,ΔTE 2 ms,带宽125 kHz,扫描层厚3 mm,视野16 cm×12.8 cm,矩阵288×288,激励次数为2,扫描时间4 min 22 s。
1.3 组织病理学检查
于MR扫描后当日采用空气栓塞法将实验兔处死,取出第3~7腰椎,4%多聚甲醛固定24 h后,用EDTA脱钙液进行脱钙3周,随后脱水、石蜡包埋、切片,沿每个椎体短轴切4 μm厚薄片两张,分别行HE染色和普鲁士蓝铁染色。
1.4 数据分析
1.4.1 IDEAL-IQ骨髓脂肪分数(FF)及R2*测定
1.4.2 HE染色骨髓脂肪含量
在Image-Pro Plus 6.0图像分析系统对骨髓脂肪含量进行定量分析,按照下列公式计算脂肪含量:FCHIS=选中空泡区域的面积/整体面积。每张HE病理切片随机选择5个200倍光镜视野计算平均值。
1.4.3 普鲁士蓝染色椎体骨髓铁沉积
在显微镜(OLYMPUS BX51)下观察腰椎普鲁士蓝染色切片,确定腰椎骨髓内有无铁沉积。
1.5 统计学分析
注射钆对比剂前IDEAL-IQ骨髓脂肪分数值(FF0min)与注射钆对比剂5 min后骨髓脂肪分数值(FF5min)、30 min后骨髓脂肪分数值(FF30min)均服从正态分布,且组间方差齐,应用单变量重复测量的方差分析,各时间点骨髓脂肪分数(FF)无明显统计学差异(F=3.118,P>0.05,组间比较结果分别为P=0.835、0.916和0.754)
Bland-Altman分析显示注射钆剂前FF0min与注射钆剂5 min后FF5min(0.90、1.10)及注射钆剂30 min后FF30min(0.94、1.07)均具有良好的一致性(测量值比率95%置信区间),提示95%置信区间内骨髓脂肪分数测量值最大差值分别为2.89%、2.42%(图4,5)。
图1兔腰椎矢状面IDEAL-IQ图像。A、B分别为注射钆剂前FF图、R2*图;C、D分别为注射钆剂5 min后FF图、R2*图;E、F分别为注射钆剂30 min后FF图、R2*图图2A:兔腰椎骨髓HE染色(HE ×200)。红色箭头所示为脂肪空泡,黑色箭头所示为骨髓细胞;B:兔腰椎骨髓普鲁士蓝染色( ×400)光镜下细胞排列整齐,形态规则,未见明显铁颗粒Fig. 1The fat fraction (FF) and R2*mappings of the spleen. A, B: The spine fat fraction (FF) and R2*mappings before administration of Gd-BOPTA. C, D: The spine fat fraction (FF) and R2*mappings 5 min after administration of Gd-BOPTA. E, F: The spine fat fraction (FF) and R2*mappings 30 min after administration of Gd-BOPTA.Fig. 2A: Bone marrow HE staining (HE ×200), the fat cell (red arrow) and the bone marrow cells (black arrow). B: Bone marrow (BM) iron deposits were assessed by Prussian blue staining( ×400).
表1注射钆剂前后兔腰椎骨髓FF值和R2*值时序性变化Tab. 1Fat fractionfor the spine before and after gadolinium-based contrast media injection
表1注射钆剂前后兔腰椎骨髓FF值和R2*值时序性变化Tab. 1Fat fractionfor the spine before and after gadolinium-based contrast media injection
Notes: 40 vertebrae, FF measurements of revealed no signif i cant systematic bias between the three measurements(P>0.05 for all), R2*increased (P=0.046, P=0.024) after administration of gadolinium.
±s (s-1) Pre-contrast After-contrast 5 min After-contrast 30 min F value P valuePre-contrastAfter-contrast 5 min After-contrast 30 min F value P value 40 31.77±2.66 31.89±2.54 31.71±2.520.0510.950121.64±20.28125.70±19.15125.21±19.18 3.1180.048 FF x n ±s (%) R2*x
图3注射钆剂前IDEAL-IQ定量的骨髓脂肪分数(FF0min)与HE染色计算的骨髓脂肪含量(FCHIS)的相关性图4IDEAL-IQ定量的注射钆剂前及注射钆剂5 min后兔腰椎FF值Bland-Altman分析结果图5IDEAL-IQ定量的注射钆剂前及注射钆剂30 min后兔腰椎FF值Bland-Altman分析结果Fig. 3Correlation between the IDEAL-IQ fat fraction (FF0min) and the historic fat content(FCHIS).Fig. 4Pre- and post-contrast (5 min) Bland-Altman plots.Fig. 5Pre- and post-contrast (30 min) Bland-Altman plots.
本实验中根据钆对比剂在体内的代谢时间曲线特点[10],设定在注射钆剂前及注射后5 min、30 min 三个时间点分别采用IDEAL-IQ序列对兔腰椎进行扫描,将相应时间点椎体骨髓脂肪分数进行分析且将增强前脂肪分数与组织病理学脂肪含量进行对比,结果显示注射钆剂前后各时间段IDEAL-IQ测得的椎体骨髓脂肪分数无明显差异,且增强前脂肪分数与组织病理学脂肪含量具有高度相关性。Bland-Altman一致性分析显示注射钆剂前IDEAL-IQ测得的脂肪分数与注射后各时间段测得的脂肪分数一致性良好。这证明了IDEAL-IQ序列定量骨髓脂肪含量准确度高,稳定性及可重复性好,且不受钆对比剂增强扫描的影响,即在静脉注射钆对比剂后采用IDEAL-IQ序列定量骨髓脂肪含量具有可行性。
MR钆类对比剂具有一定程度的T1弛豫时间和T2、T2*弛豫时间缩短效应。横向弛豫率R2*是T2*的倒数,钆剂能缩短T2*弛豫时间,相对应增加R2*值,本实验注射钆剂后骨髓R2*值升高,亦予以证实。Ge等的研究[14]显示IDEAL-IQ技术定量的肝脏脂肪分数不受静脉注射钆对比剂带来的R2*值变化的影响而保持较高的稳定性,但是无法排除铁沉积对R2*定量参数测量的影响。Liau等[15]通过实验证实IDEAL-IQ定量的肝脏脂肪分数不受铁剂的影响,但是Hines等[16]通过对不同浓度的水-脂-铁试剂进行定量分析,发现随着铁剂浓度的增高,IDEAL-IQ定量的脂肪分数与实际脂肪含量差异增大,其原因可能是铁剂对水组织的T2*弛豫的影响大于对脂肪组织的影响。本实验中,对兔腰椎椎体切片后进行普鲁士蓝染色,在400倍显微镜下观察骨髓内铁沉积情况,见细胞排列整齐,形态规则,未见明显铁颗粒,参照 Sehgal等[17]铁沉积半定量分析评价标准可归为0级即无铁沉积。因此,可基本排除椎体骨髓内铁沉积对R2*值的影响,在本实验中R2*值的变化主要代表钆剂对骨髓组织T2*弛豫的影响。
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Effect of gadolinium on vertebral fat fraction content using IDEAL-IQ technique
LIN Yuan1, ZHA Yun-fei1,2*, XING Dong1, HU Lei1, WANG Jiao1, ZENG Fei-fei1, LU Xue-song2,3
1Department of Radiology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
2Hubei Key Laboratory of Medical Information Analysis and Tumor Diagnosis &Treatment, Wuhan 430060, China
3Department of Biological Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430060, China
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis thesis is sponsored by the Opening Foundation of Hubei Key Laboratory of Medical Information Analysis and Tumor Diagnosis & Treatment (No. PJS140011511). Scientif i c Research Funding Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Health (No. JX6B68).
Objective:This study evaluates the robustness of a magnetic resonance (MR) fat quantification method to changes in R2*caused by an intravenous infusion of gadolinium.Materials and Methods:The R2*and fat fraction content (FF) were measured in vertebral marrow in eight New Zealand white rabbits using an investigational sequence (IDEAL IQ) provided by the MR scanner vendor. Measurements were made once before and twice after Gd-BOPTA infusion (5 min, 30 min). Then HE stain was performed for calculating vertebral fat content (FCHIS), Prussian blue stain was performed for showing iron in vertebral.Results:Vertebral marrow FF measurements revealed no significant systematic bias between the three measurements (P>0.05 for all). Good agreement (95% confidence interval) of FF measurements were demonstrated between FF0minand FF5min(0.90, 1.10) and FF0minand FF30min(0.94, 1.07). A signif i cant positive correlation is found between FF0minand FCHIS(r=0.813, P<0.05). R2*increased after administration of gadolinium.Conclusion:Although under the impact of an increased R2*in vertebral marrow post-contrast, the investigational sequence can still obtain accurate and stable fat fraction content. the IDEAL IQ method of fat quantif i cation is robust to changes in R2*.
Bone marrow; Fats; Magnetic resonance imaging; Contrast media
Zha YF, E-mail: zhayunfei@hotmail.com
Received 26 Sep 2016, Accepted 20 Oct 2016
1. 武汉大学人民医院放射科,武汉430060
2. 医学信息分析及肿瘤诊疗湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430060
3. 中南民族大学生物医学工程学院,武汉 430060
查云飞,E-mail:zhayunfei@hotmail. com
林苑, 查云飞, 邢栋. 等. 钆剂对MR IDEAL-IQ骨髓脂肪定量影响的实验研究. 磁共振成像, 2016, 7(11): 856-860.*