
2016-05-14 18:08刘艳格张霞王志张昊周文远
科技资讯 2016年8期

刘艳格 张霞 王志 张昊 周文远

摘 要:该年度的主要研究内容和预期目标,开展了大量的理论和实验研究工作,该报告中包含的主要研究成果如下:(1)研究了一种简化空芯微结构光纤的传导机制和模式特性,揭示了其传导机理。将荧光(激光)染料填充并复合到了空芯光纤的中心孔中,并结合光纤侧面探测技术提出了一种高灵敏度的、空间分辨的荧光探测技术,实现的浓度探测极限达1pM,较传统方法提高一个数量级以上,为目前报道的光纤基同类技术中的最好值。成果详见Applied Physics Letters 102,011136(2013)。(2)理论分析了选择性填充不同折射率的高折射率功能材料以及不同的选择性填充结构的微结构光纤的模式耦合特性及模式双折射特性,揭示了纤芯模式与高折射率柱模式的耦合特性对光纤双折射特性的调控,实现了具有独特双折射特性的微结构光纤。实现了不同选择性填充结构的高折射率功能材料填充的微结构光纤,实验研究了其Sagnac干涉仪传输光谱和传感特性,揭示了具有不同群双折射特性的微结构光纤Sagnac干涉仪不同的光谱和传感特性,以及传感灵敏度对波长和温度的强烈依赖性,实现了在56.5 °C时高达-45.8 nm/°C(112,531 nm/RIU)的温度(折射率)灵敏度,以及19.6 nm/N轴向拉力灵敏度。

关键词:微结构光纤 功能器件 异质兼容结构 光子晶体光纤

Abstract:According to the main research topics and expectations of the mission statement for this year, we carried out a lot of theoretical and experimental studies, the main findings of the report include the following:(1)The conduction mechanism and mode characteristics of a simplified hollow-core microstructure optical fiber have been investigated and revealed. A high efficiency fluorescence measurement technology based on the simplified hollow-core microstructure optical fiber and lateral side detection approach has been demonstrated. A highlighted sensitivity with dye concentrations down to 1 pM is achieved, which is the best value in the reported to our best knowledge.(2)The mode coupling and modal birefringence characteristics of various types of the high-index-filled MOFs with different selective filling configurations and different materials have been theoretically investigated. Sensors with ultrahigh sensitivity based on the Sagnac interferometer using this type of birefringence fiber has been proposed and demonstrated.(3)A twin-resonance-coupling phenomenon in a selectively single-hole fluid-filled microstructure optical fiber have been proposed, demonstrated and investigated. Sensitivities of 290 nm/°C (739,796 nm/RIU) and 591.84 nm/N (701.2 pm/με) are achieved, which are the highest for a fiber-based device to date to our best knowledge.(4)A fluid-filled two-mode photonic crystal fiber (PCF)-based intermodal interferometer have been demonstrated and investigated.(5)We have reported on the fabrication and resonance mechanism of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with multiple resonances in a two-dimensional waveguide array microstructured optical fiber. Simultaneous measurement results of curvature and axial strain have also demonstrated.(6)The acousto-optic mode coupling in grapefruit microstructured optical fibers (GMOFs) has been investigated and unequal acoustic modulation is generated, and orthogonal acoustic gratings come into being in the GMOF.(7)We have demonstrated the formation of an acoustic grating in a simplified hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. (8)We have investigated the modal characteristics of a square fiber.An all-fiber twist sensor with low temperature sensitivity and a compact magnetic field sensor have been proposed and fabricated. Additionally, we have also investigated some of nonlinear characteristics in microstructure optical fibers and describe some of the results.

Key Words:Microstructural optical fibers functional devices;Heterogeneous compatible structure;Photonics crystal fibers
