
2016-05-14 08:52刘晓彦杜刚
科技创新导报 2016年9期

刘晓彦 杜刚

摘 要:该研究面向16 nm及以下技术代集成电路工艺,发展纳米级半导体器件的模型、模拟技术,建立新原理逻辑和存储器件的模型和优化设计方法并进行实验验证,为纳米尺度工艺节点下集成电路的TCAD奠定理论基础,为基于新原理器件的集成电路设计提供方法和工具。在过去1年中,经过课题组全体人员密切合作和努力,在基于电路拓扑结构的漏电流快速计算程序,器件参数波动性的统计模型,适于电路模拟的新型阻变存储器模型以及大规模存储阵列的模拟,基于III-V半导体材料和二维半导体材料的新材料半导体器件中的输运特性研究等多方面开展了创新工作,取得了一系列的阶段性成果。超额完成了该年度的研究任务。

关键词:器件模型与模拟 阻变存储器模型 纳米尺度器件 载流子输运

Abstract:IC technology has scaled down to 22 nm node. TCAD becomes an important area to support the technology development.In this project, To meet the needs of 16 nm and beyond technology,we will develop nano scale devices simulation method,investigate model of nano scale devices,and build the TCAD tools for new type logic devices and NV memory devices.In the past years,all members of this research group are working hard and have achieved series innovation results on fast computing method of full circuit leakage current analyst,statics model of device parameter variation,compact model of RRAM devices,large scale memory array simulating method,carrier transports in III-V material and 2D semiconductor material based devices.

Key Words:Device Modeling and simulation;RRAM Model;Nano scale devices;Carrier transport
