爱情总是艺术家们灵感的富矿,因此前任们也总是在情歌中出没的常客,诸如Julio Iglesias的“To All the Girls Ive Loved Before”(《致所有我曾爱过的女孩》)、陈奕迅的《好久不见》、千百惠的《走过咖啡屋》、刘若英的《后来》。当年英国歌手Adele演唱的“Someone like You”(《像你一样的人》)的余温仍在,如今她又以一曲“Hello”(《你好》)再次把前任纠葛推向了新高度。
听“Hello”这首歌,很容易让人想起“Someone like You”。两首歌都属于怀旧疗伤的类型,对于失恋的人来说都是浓情难化的心灵鸡汤。不同的是两首歌存在一定的“时差”,“Someone like You”更像是写在失恋不久,所以才有“Never mind, I will find someone like you”之类的心理暗示和自我激励。而“Hello”则是分开数年后,经历过情海起伏、感情沉淀之后的灵魂救赎,所以歌曲中才有“I must have called a thousand times to tell you Im sorry for everything that Ive done”“At least I can say that I tried to tell you Im sorry for breaking your heart”之类的忏悔。然而遗憾的是,尽管这方心有千千结,那端却无一人答,那句“抱歉”只能留给自己慢慢消化。
网上关于两首歌孰优孰劣的争执一直如火如荼,这涉及词、曲等诸多音乐元素之争。但从歌词意境来看,“Hello”更深刻一些。“Someone like You”所反映的心理可能适合各个年龄段。而要写出“Hello”这样的歌,如不经历过辜负与被辜负、放弃与被放弃的因果循环,恐难以有如此深刻的赎罪情怀。恋爱就像成长一样,初时懵懂,到彼时领悟,谁不是在爱人身上捅过刀,然后在被别人伤过之后才猛然想起前任的美好和“原来我曾那么幸福”?醉过才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。只有当我们像前任一样爱过和被伤过之后,才有能力向前任们表达最深沉的谢意和悔意。
如果“Someone like You”只是如泣如诉,“Hello”则充分运用了Adele的爆发力,给人以催人泪下之感。其实对于大多数分手的恋人而言,经过数月的思量,回想起这段感情来虽有遗憾,但留下的更多的还是温暖。所以“Hello”这首歌多少让人感觉有些情感泛滥,让人不得不联想这是给前任留下了多大的伤疤,才会有如此痛彻心扉的呐喊。当然这纯属个人看法,仁者见仁,智者见智。
“Hello”这首歌于2015年10月推出,表现相当优秀,甫一上市就横扫各大排行榜,成为Adele继“Someone like You”之后又一巅峰之作。这也足见天下情痴不少,共鸣甚多,无关风月。个人以为这首歌更适合那些将分未分或刚刚分手的恋人们,听完之后或许能立马捐弃前嫌,言归于好,也省了多年后再给前任打电话说hello,徒留遗憾。
Hello, its me
I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that times supposed to heal you
But I aint done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
Im in California, dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger, and free
Ive forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
Theres such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello, from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello, from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry for breaking your heart
But it dont matter
It clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore
Hello, how are you?
Its so typical of me to talk about myself
Im sorry. I hope that youre well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?
Its no secret that the both of us are running out of time
So hello, from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello, from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry for breaking your heart
But it dont matter
It clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore
Hello, from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello, from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry for breaking your heart
But it dont matter
It clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore