Born in 1953, Geng Menggang is a national first-level artist who takes charge of many important positions, such as member of China Artists Association, researcher of Artist Committee of China Research Institute of Fine Arts, vice president of China Jianguang Painting and Calligraphy Academy and artistic consultant of Baoding Artists Association etc. He has participated in various exhibitions since 1984 and won lots of prizes. Besides, he also published about 60 painting collections.
1984至2013年,作品参加了第6、 9届全国美展,第2届中国体育美展,第3、4届全国漫画大展,第11、12届“世界华人大会——香港大型艺术展”均获金奖,纪念鲁迅诞辰130周年美术展,纪念徐悲鸿诞辰115周年全国书画展,上海世博会“和平颂”美术作品展,上海2013当代中国画百家提名展,中国画名家四条屏作品展,2013年法国卢浮宫中国书画邀请展。出版有《耿孟刚作品选集》《百年辛亥名家大典》《新中国美术家大典》《中国艺术大家》《中国当代美术家传世精品集》《改革开放30年30位书画艺术代表人物作品选》《中国画坛十大家百幅名画典藏》《中国人物画十大名家》等60部画集。