孔铉佑部长助理简要回顾了中国—东盟关系发展取得的成就,高度评价了中国—东盟中心成立四年来,在促进中国与东盟贸易、投资、教育、文化、旅游、公共外交等领域合作方面做出的积极贡献。他表示,中国和东盟是命运与共、休戚相关的命运共同体,中国改革开放取得的成就离不开东盟在政治、经济上的支持。中国一贯将东盟作为周边外交的优先方向,始终不渝地支持东盟发展壮大,支持东盟共同体建设。11 月举行的第18 次中国—东盟领导人会议上,李克强总理提出了一系列重要倡议,双方领导人就中国—东盟合作未来发展达成重要共识。中方期待和东盟国家一道,共同推进有关倡议落到实处,进一步夯实中国—东盟战略伙伴关系,造福各国人民。孔铉佑部长助理希望中国—东盟中心继续发挥独特优势,为推进中国—东盟各领域务实合作发挥桥梁和平台作用。作为东道国,中国将一如既往支持中心工作,推动中心发挥更大作用,取得更多成就。
中国—东盟中心秘书长杨秀萍表示,2015年中心积极落实双方领导人达成的重要共识,大力推动中国—东盟贸易、投资、教育、文化、旅游及新闻等领域的交流与合作,实施了18个旗舰项目,主办或参与了100多项活动,充分发挥了一站式信息和活动中心作用。第18次中国—东盟领导人会议主席声明对中心工作表示赞赏。杨秘书长简要介绍了中心促进各领域合作所取得的主要成果,感谢中国与东盟各国政府及社会各界对中心工作的大力支持,表示中心将再接再厉,与时俱进,开拓创新,为深化中国 —东盟务实合作,增进双方友好感情做出新的更大贡献。
ACC Hosted Reception Celebrating the 4th Anniversary of the Establishment of ACC
By ASEAN-China Centre (ACC)
I n the evening of 15 December 2015,ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) hosted a Reception Celebrating the 4th Anniversary of its Establishment at Kempinski Hotel in Beijing.H.E.Mr.Kong Xuanyou,Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China,the Ambassadors of Brunei Darussalam,Cambodia,and the Philippines to China,the Chargé d'Affaire of the Singaporean Embassy,representatives of other Embassies of ASEAN countries in China,and representatives from international organizations including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR),the Secretariat of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),and over 400 distinguished guests including representatives of the diplomatic corps,relevant Chinese ministries,business circle,academic institutions and media attended the Reception.
H.E.Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou in his remarks acknowledged ACC’s hard work over the past four years and positive contributions to promoting ASEAN-China cooperation in trade,investment,education,culture,tourism and information and public relations.After a retrospection of the achievements of the ASEAN-China relations since the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations in 1991,he expressed that the formal launch of the ASEAN Community at the end of this year would mark a new level of cooperation in the region.China and ASEAN were bound together by the common cause and went through thick and thin together.The achievements made by China since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening up were indispensable from ASEAN’s support.China had always regarded ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy and firmly supported ASEAN integration and community building efforts.At the 18th ASEAN-China Summit in November 2015,Premier Li Keqiang put forward a number of important cooperation initiatives and the leaders of ASEAN and China reached important consensus on the development of future cooperation.It was hoped ACC would give full play to its unique advantages and continue to serve as a bridge and platform to promote exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN and China in relevant fi elds.The Assistant Minister pledged China's continued commitment,as the host country of ACC,to assist and support ACC.
H.E.Mme.Khek Caimealy Sysoda,Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to China,spoke on behalf of H.E.Dato' Zainuddin Yahya,Ambassador of Malaysia,expressing that the leaders of ASEAN and China had acknowledged the good work and valuable contribution of ACC thus far.She congratulated Secretary-General Yang Xiuping on her wisdom and able leadership in steering ACC to its visible success today and extended her heartfelt appreciation of ACC’s unwavering support to the ASEAN Embassies and other stakeholders in promoting trade,investment,and people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China.She expected ACC would make more remarkable progress in 2016,and play a more prominent role in helping fulfi ll the leaders’ commitment to further strengthening ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and to consolidating ASEAN-China relations.She reaffi rmed that the ASEAN Embassies in Beijing would continue to extend its cooperation and support to ACC in discharging its duties.
ACC Secretary-General H.E.Mme.Yang Xiuping said that in 2015,ACC,bearing in mind the consensus reached by the leaders of ASEAN and China,had accomplished 18 flagship projects and been engaged in over 100 activities in promoting functional cooperation and exchanges in the areas of trade,investment,education,culture and tourism,as well as public relations and media.Its achievements had been well recognized in the Chairman's Statement of the 18th ASEAN-China Summit.She highlighted some of the achievements ACC had made in boosting cooperation in the relevant areas in 2015.
Secretary-General Yang Xiuping expressed her appreciation to the governments of ASEAN Member States,China and all walks of society for their strong support to ACC and reaffirmed ACC’s readiness and dedication to embark on more innovative and pioneering efforts to contribute to the further elevation of functional cooperation and friendship between ASEAN and China.
Prior to the Reception,the guests had the opportunity to tour the Photo Exhibition themed on “Strengthening ASEAN-China Relations”,hosted by ACC in conjunction with the Reception.