“This partnership is a demonstration of the fundamental role that oceans play in the weather and climate system from local to global scales. It is critically important that the Met Office models,which we use to predict weather and climate risk, represent the fundamental role that the ocean places across time and space scales.”
——英国作为一个岛国,海洋的重要性毋庸置疑。2016年初,英国成立了海洋预测国家合作(The National Partnership for Ocean Prediction,NPOP)组织,该组织由英国气象局、普利茅斯海洋实验室、环境、渔业和水产科学中心及国家海洋中心共同组成。该组织的科学合作将致力于提供和改进涉及海洋环境方面的认识和预测,如渔场、海洋安全、海洋运行、海洋可再生能源生产、沿海食品预警等。英国气象局首席科学家Dame Julia Slingo用上述话表达了这个合作对气象部门的意义所在。
“Scientific advances mean we can now capture the size and shape of raindrops as well as their composition (ice, water,snow), which will lead to improvements in accuracy of rainfall measurements, particularly during high impact weather events. The new radar network has also begun to capture wind speed measurements.”
——2016年8月初,英国气象局在东北部的桑德兰安装最新双极化雷达,以替代原来服役达30年的英国最古老的天气雷达。这也是该局更新其总计包含16座雷达的雷达网,从而获取更准确预警所需信息工作的一部分。该项目的负责人Richard Bennett针对更新的雷达网,做出如上表示。
“Our plan is to launch new satellites every nine months and take advantage of all the camera tech that continues to improve. In March 2018 there will be six [satellites fl ying] and nine months after that, in the beginning of 2019, there will be hundreds fl ying —depending on funding of course, but that is the plan.”
——SpaceVR公司计划在2017年发射世界上第一颗虚拟现实卫星。这颗计划从国际空间站上发射的卫星,被命名为“概观1号(Overview 1)”,SpaceVR公司的CTO,Blaze Sanders先生接受采访时指出该公司发射虚拟现实卫星,是一个系列计划。
“We are excited to have been awarded this contract and look forward to continuing our close working relationship with HE over the next 3 years. In choosing the Met Offi ce, HE has recognised not only the excellent support we have delivered to them over the last 10+yrs, but also our ability to lead innovation and development in the future. Our world-leading weather and climate science means we are well placed to deliver national and local services, ensuring a targeted operational response in advance of and during severe weather.”
——2016年8月,英国气象局与英格兰高速公路网(HE)续签至少今后3年的天气气候服务合同,这份始于2016年7月,价值约为100万英镑的合同,涉及国家和地区的7个天气预报中心,明年服务区域还将拓展。英国气象局战略关系主任Jodie Wild对这份合同的最终签订,喜悦和自信之情,溢于言表。
“We can spend hours flying where we want. A glider is an incredible scientific platform as there’s no other way to get this sort of data.”
——在空中客车等企业的支持下,命名为Perlan 2的滑翔机2016年8月的飞行力争打破滑翔机飞行高度15445米的记录,同时其携带的仪器能够对平流层的臭氧、甲烷和水汽等进行观测,获取对流层与平流层气体和能力交换的信息。大气物理学家,同时也是预报服务公司WeatherExtreme 创始人的Austin先生这样描述滑翔机高空大气探测的意义。
“I didn't think it would work. But, it turns out, it provides a very accurate approximation over the time gaps that we were fi lling in … I think it surprised everyone.”
——美国气象卫星研究合作所(CIMSS)的科学家研究出一个新的技术,能让预报员改进激烈天气预报。这种方法基于该所科学家大约10年前提出的一个用卫星信息更好模拟“总可降水量(TPW)”的算法,源自科学家依据的极轨卫星计算TPW时,因任一地点每1~18个小时才有卫星经过一次带来的时间间隔,为了填补这个时间间隔而提出的算法,最初仅用于海洋上,现在也能够用于陆地。预报员得到TPW对于预报热带气旋和发生在高湿的热带的激烈天气带来的降水,会有很多帮助。算法的提出者之一Tony Wimmers用惊喜表达了其研究的价值所在,认为找到了一个改进预报的新方向。
“The challenges of climate change, extreme weather and water resources means that the need for innovative, effective meteorological and hydrological services is greater than ever before. The executive management team will strengthen WMO’s support of Members and provide leadership to an efficient and serviceoriented Secretariat.”
——新的WMO行政管理办公室2016年9月1日正式运行,Elena Manaenkova女士作为副秘书长和张文建作为秘书长助理被任命为新办公室的负责人。就新办公室的运行,WMO秘书长Petteri Taalas发表了上述看法。据介绍,来自俄罗斯的Manaenkova女士2003年1月加入WMO并出任大气观测和环境司司长,2006年3月出任内阁和对外关系司长,自2010年6月起任WMO秘书长助理。张文建是WMO观测和信息系统司和空间项目主任,2006—2008年担任中国气象局副局长。对两人的任命,2016年WMO执行委员会上通过。
“It is highly noteworthy that the 10 years with the lowest extent of Arctic sea ice have all been within the last 10 years. Despite a record low winter ice extent in March, this year's fi gure isn't an absolute record. But this shouldn't detract from the fact there has been a substantial decline in the extent of Arctic sea ice over the last few decades. The current rate of loss of Arctic summer sea ice of 13% per decade is equivalent to an annual loss greater than the size of Scotland.”
——NOAA宣布2016年夏季北极海冰范围,与2007年一道为1979年有卫星监测以来历史第二最低值年。英国气象局在报道这条消息时,引用该局极地气候组负责人Ed Blockley博士如上评论。
“Last week, NOAA's efforts to build a "weather-ready nation" took a major step forward with the National Weather Service's launch of a new, highly-sophisticated National Water Model. Unprecedented in its reach, the new system pulls in data from over 8,000 U.S. Geological Survey stream gauges, leverages NOAA's investment in
atmospheric prediction, produces simulations for 2.7 million stream reaches and extends coverage to the homes and businesses of 100 million Americans who live in coastal communities.”
——就美国气象局推出的国家水模式,2016年8月23日,美国商务部部长Penny Pritzker女士在媒体发表专栏文章,热情肯定NOAA的工作,指出了新的创新模式给美国社会带来的巨大效益。
“My company looks forward to demonstrating that commercial data can enable the unmatched efficiencies of the private sector to help NOAA accomplish its vital mission to protect and inform the public.”
——2016年9月15日,NOAA与两家公司,即Spire Global和 GeoOptics分别签订了价值37万和69.5万美元的卫星数据购买合同,依据合同这两家企业向NOAA提供无线电掩星数据直到2017年4月,而NOAA将在2017年10月左右,给出两家提供数据的质量的评估报告。这是NOAA历史上第一次向企业购买气象卫星数据,GeoOptics公司的CEO,也是NOAA前任局长Conrad Lautenbacher表达了上述看法 。
“This is a way to identify colleges that have a history of producing major impact, it gives us a new way of thinking about and evaluating what makes an undergraduate institution great. What these smaller schools are doing might serve as important undergraduate models to follow in terms of selection and training.”
——当前有很多方法对大学进行排名,而来自巴黎高等师范学院和加州理工学院的2位研究者另辟蹊径,他们统计了1901—2015年世界范围内至少有3位毕业生获得诺奖的81个学术机构,发现每年学生数量在250人以下的小型名校的毕业生获得诺奖的机会更多。研究者对他们研究结果的意义进行了如上解释 。
Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology2016年5期