“Many challenges lie ahead, including the need for new accommodation to meet our data centre requirements; the development of an Earth system approach best able to further improve the skill of our ensemble-based predictions; and the development and implementation of a more sustainable and scalable approach to our science. The future promises to be just as exciting as the past.”
——在欧洲中期天气预报中心迎来成立40周年时,2015年底,2011年7月开始任职的原中心主任Alan Thorpe退休,继任者Florence Rabier女士在该中心2015年的年度报告以“挑战和振奋的时代”为题所做的序言里,信心满满地做出上述表述。
“The new Strategy sets demanding targets for medium- and long-range numerical weather prediction, including the ability to make skilful ensemble predictions of high-impact weather up to two weeks ahead. It will underpin the Centre's research efforts and guide its programme to adapt the forecasting system to future supercomputer architectures.”
——2016年7月1日结束的欧洲中期天气预报中心理事会,通过了该中心2016—2025年战略。这份36页的战略立刻成为全球气象界关注的焦点,理事会会主席Gerhard Adrian认为这份战略的通过,对于中心员工和合作的成员国都是好消息,他还如上阐述了新战略核心。
“We cannot do all the necessary research ourselves, it has to be supported and embraced by the scientific community in our Member States as well as worldwide. We will continue to rely on the space programmes being planned with EUMETSAT. We need to consider more parts of the Earth system, and the ones that we have included need to be better described”
——针对欧洲中期天气预报中心最新出台的2016—2025年战略,该中心研究部主任Erland Källén在和《ECMWF通信》编辑的访谈中,做了如上表述。
“The assimilation of Jason-3 OGDR sea surface height and significant wave height into the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System improves the operational medium- to long-range weather forecasts and surface wind speed and total column water vapour measurements are important for model verifcation.”
“Jason-3 OGDR海洋表面高度和重要的海浪高度同化进入欧洲中期天气预报系统,改进业务化的中期和长期天气预报,地面风和柱体总水汽观测是模式验证的重要依据。”
——欧洲气象卫星组织2016年7月1日宣布,美欧联合研发的Jason-3海洋监测卫星开始发布准实时业务地球物理数据记录(Operational Geophysical Data Records,OGDR)数据和非关键时间(non-time critical)中间时间地球物理数据记录(Interim Geophysical Data Record,IGDR),提供给所有用户。这也标志着该卫星于2016年1月17日升空后,经历半年时间的调试和试运行,实现了业务化应用。作为该卫星的主要用户机构,欧洲中期天气预报中心的Saleh Abdalla博士对最新海洋监测卫星数据的意义做出了评价。
“Measurements will be most valuable in the tropics and over the oceans. There are very few wind profile measurements in the tropics, and for that region wind observations are more important than temperature observations.”
——欧洲空间局(ESA)计划在2017年发射Aeolus卫星,这颗极地轨道卫星能够提供大量急需的风廓线观测数据,可用于模式诊断和数据同化,这一点在热带区域尤其关键。目前的天气预报和气候模式,在热带区域的误差要大很多,这也影响到温带地区的可预报性。谈到Aeolus卫星的重要性,ECMWF和ESA就该卫星发射成立的合作团队成员Lars Isaksen信心满满地做出如上表示。
“User-oriented verification is about finding measures of forecast quality that relate to the impact the forecasts have on people, for example whether or not the forecasts correctly predicted the start and the end of a major heat wave”
——2016年6月6—9日召开的ECMWF用户大会(UEF)上,近100位用户集中讨论了评估天气预报的新方法,自2012年起负责年度UEF大会的Anna Ghelli博士,对这个主题进行了如上解释。
“It was fascinating that most of what I had learnt from lectures and textbooks did not work for that storm. It did not have an upper-level trough and there was no disturbance at the tropopause. The cyclone remained small as it moved extremely rapidly from Newfoundland towards central Europe. The sea level pressure drop was not dramatic. And still the damage was enormous..”
——瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院大气动力学教授Heini Wernli最近获得了ECMWF资助,开展高影响天气研究。Wernli教授发现,风暴可以完全不顾气象教科书中的描述行事,正是这一点让他着迷,他认为激烈天气事件中的物理过程细节,能够帮助气象学者搞清楚为什么一些预报是错误的。这个想法的建立,始于他如上介绍的发生在1999年12月,一个名为Lothar的风暴的过程。
“These three decades have seen EUMETSAT evolving into a world-leading operational space agency.”
——1986年成立的欧洲气象卫星组织(EUMETSAT),2016年迎来了成立30周年,EUMETSAT 主任Alain Ratier充满自信的评价,或许能让人们期待更多。
“We wanted to demonstrate that a real-time system of this scale was feasible, but it's also a research project that can help the community learn more about the predictability of different kinds of weather events.”
——自2016年春天开始,NCAR开始运转一个特别的高分辨、实时集合天气预报系统,该系统也是世界上第一个。一年多来,该系统每6小时处理5~7万个观测数据,每天输出9万张天气图。该集合天气预报系统还允许研究者利用和延伸各自的研究。这样的预报模式或许预示着未来的天气预报系统,NCAR学者Craig Schwartz如此描述了该系统的目的和意义所在。
“We can now be confdent that the things we've done have put the planet on a path to heal, which is pretty good for us, isn't it? Aren't we amazing humans, that we did something that created a situation that we decided collectively, as a world, ‘Let's get rid of these molecules'? We got rid of them, and now we're seeing the planet respond.”
——MIT学者为首的科学团队,在近期Science上发表论文称,他们第一次观测到南极臭氧层在恢复的信号。论文主要作者,MIT大气化学和气候科学教授Susan Solomon兴奋心情溢于言表。
“You couldn't even see the hurricane. that's how devastated the imagery was.”
——手机已经成为包括快速发生气象信息的现代通信主要手段,但手机信号对气象卫星探测的影响令人担忧。2015年10月22日,NOAA的GOES卫星上受到手机信号影响产生的“黑带”干扰了太平洋区域的图像数据,让当时区域内的飓风也躲藏起来,NOAA的数据管理人Al Wissman如是说。美国政府让无线公司共享气象业务无线频率引发了进一步争议和气象学界的担心。
Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology2016年4期