王孝鹏,刘建军,吴 龙
(1. 三明学院 机电工程学院,福建 三明 365004;2. 机械现代设计制造技术福建省高校工程研究中心,福建 三明 365004;3. 绿色铸锻及其高端零部件制造福建省2011协同创新中心,福建 三明 365004 ;4. 福建省铸锻零部件工程技术研究中心,福建 三明 365004)
王孝鹏1,2,3,4,刘建军1,2,吴 龙1,2
(1. 三明学院 机电工程学院,福建 三明 365004;2. 机械现代设计制造技术福建省高校工程研究中心,福建 三明 365004;3. 绿色铸锻及其高端零部件制造福建省2011协同创新中心,福建 三明 365004 ;4. 福建省铸锻零部件工程技术研究中心,福建 三明 365004)
通过MATLAB软件建立整车七自由度的动力学仿真模型。半主动悬架采用双模糊控制器,将计算出的刚性车身与悬架连接处的速度、动行程与俯仰角参数作为主动悬架控制的输入量;前轴左右车轮,悬架与车身连接处的速度与其期望值的误差及其变化率作为第一控制力输入量,刚性车身质心俯仰角速度与其期望值的误差及其变化率作为第二控制力输入量;后轴左右车轮,车悬架与车身连接处的速度与其期望值的误差及其变化率作为第一控制力输入量,悬架动行程与其期望值的误差及其变化率作为第二控制力输入量。计算结果表明:采用双模糊控制器能明显改善整车行驶的舒适性与稳定性,系统综合特性较好,刚性车身的垂向加速度、俯仰角加速度、前后悬架动行程性能提升明显,分别提升27.2%, 19.6%, 95.5%, 33.8%。
Keywords:seven degree-of-freedom(DOF);semi-active suspension;double fuzzy control
建立七自由度模型时,作如下假设:1)左右车轮受到的不平度垂直激励是不同的,左侧车轮的垂向位移为右侧车轮的2倍,用来模拟整车行驶过程中的侧倾角特性,车辆对其纵轴线左右对称[6];2)车轮及相关部件为非簧载质量,车轮在对称面中心与路面接触;3)仅考虑轮胎的刚度作用。简化后的七自由度整车模型如图1所示。图中,c为车身质心垂向位移;mc为簧载质量;l1~l4为质心到左右车轮的距离;lf为质心至前轴距离;lr为质心至后轴距离;c1~c3为簧载质量在3个不同坐标方向的位移;Ix,Iy分别为侧倾转动惯量和俯仰转动惯量;c,c, φc为簧载质量俯仰、侧倾、横摆角位移;u1~u4为编号1~4轮系处的非簧载质量位移;e1~e4为编号1~4车轮底部的路面激励;ku1~ku4为编号1~4轮胎刚度;km1~km4为编号1~4轮系处的簧载质量刚度;cη1~cη4为编号1~4轮系处的簧载质量阻尼系数;mu1~mu4为编号1~4轮系处的非簧载质量;u1~u4为编号1~4轮系处的半主动作动器的输出力。
图1 整车模型Fig. 1 A full-vehicle model
表1 整车参数设置表Table 1 Vehicle parameters table
图2 整车被动悬架模型Fig. 2 A full-vehicle passive suspension model
图3 路面时域仿真模型Fig. 3 A time-domain simulation model
图4 路面垂向位移图Fig. 4 A diagram of pavement vertical displacement
3.1 仿真模型
图5 悬架主控力双模糊控制器Fig. 5 A dual fuzzy controller for suspension control force
3.2 模糊控制规则
表2 模糊控制规则Table 2 Fuzzy control rules
根据整车七自由度被动悬架仿真模型与双模糊控制器模型,搭建的整车主动悬架仿真模型如图6所示。仿真步长为0.005 s,仿真时间为10 s。车身质心处的垂向加速度、俯仰角加速度、侧倾角加速度、悬架动行程、轮胎动行程仿真结果对比曲线如图7~11所示。系统具体性能参数变化如表3所示。
1)从有效值计算结果可以看出:刚性车身的垂向加速度、俯仰角加速度、悬架1和2动行程、悬架3和4动行程性能提升明显,分别提升27.2%, 19.6%, 95.5%, 33.8%;轮胎动位移改善效果不明显。
图6 整车主动悬架仿真模型Fig. 6 A simulation model for the active suspension system
图7 车身垂向加速度Fig. 7 Body vertical acceleration
图8 车身俯仰角加速度Fig. 8 Body pitch angular acceleration
图9 车身侧倾角加速度Fig. 9 Body roll angular acceleration
图10 悬架动行程Fig. 10 Suspension dynamic displacement
图11 轮胎动行程Fig. 11 Tire dynamic displacement
表3 性能均方根值对比Table 3 Contrast between performance RMS values
本文提出了双模糊控制策略,建立了整车七自由度主动悬架仿真模型。双模糊控制器控制主动控制力。总控制力为第一、二控制力输出量之和,调整加权系数可以调节第一、二控制力在总控制力中的比重。通过仿真分析,可得如下结论:1)车身质心处的垂向加速度、俯仰角加速度及侧倾角加速度、车轮1~4悬架动行程、车轮1~4悬架垂向加速度都有改善,其中车身垂向加速度、俯仰角加速度、侧倾角加速度、悬架1和2动行程、悬架3和4动行程改善非常明显,分别提升27.2%, 19.6%, 33.3%, 95.5%, 33. 8%;2)相比传统模糊控制器,双模糊控制器对整车参数不敏感,系统的综合特性较好,鲁棒性强。
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(责任编辑:邓 彬)
A Simulation Research on Seven DOF Semi-Active Full Vehicle Suspension
WANG Xiaopeng1,2,3,4,LIU Jianjun1,2,WU Long1,2
(1. School of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering,Sanming University,Sanming Fujian 365004,China ;2. Engineering Research Center in Fujian Province University for Modern Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Technology,Sanming Fujian 365004,China ;3. Fujian Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Green Casting,Forging and Advanced Manufacturing,Sanming Fujian 365004,China ;4. Fujian Provincial Engineering Research Center for Casting and Forging Parts,Sanming Fujian 365004,China)
A dynamic simulation model of seven DOF full vehicle has been established by using MATLAB software. By adopting the dual mode fuzzy controller as the semi-active suspension, the velocity of rigid body and suspension joints, as well as the input quantity, with the dynamic displacement and pitch angle parameters being the active suspension control, are to be worked out. The front left and right wheels are to take the error between the speed of the connection linking the suspension and the body and the expected value, as well as its rate of change, as the input quantity of the first control force, and to take the error between the angular velocity of the rigid body and the expected value, as well as its rate of change, as the input quantity of the second control force. The rear left and right wheels are to take the error between the speed of the connection linking the suspension and the body and the expected value, as well as its rate of change, as the input quantity of the first control force, and to take the error between the suspension working space and the expected value, as well as its rate of change, as the input quantity of the second control force. The numerical results of the simulation show that the adoption of the dual fuzzy controller helps to greatly improve the ride comfort and stability in vehicle driving, with a better performance exhibited in the comprehensive system, and with a significant increase as high as 27.2% in the rigid body vertical acceleration, 19.6% in the pitch angular acceleration, 95.5% in the dynamic travel performance of the front suspension, and 33.8% in the dynamic travel performance of the rear suspension, respectively.