文/张 鑫
文/张 鑫
○从渤海湾到海南岛:1945年10月,渤海区老七师、独立师进军东北,后被编为四野六纵、中国人民解放军第四十三军。这支部队被称为“攻坚老虎”,从东北一直打到海南岛,行程数万里,参加重要战役、战斗数百次,歼敌18万。图为战士们战前宣誓。From Bohai Bay to Hainan Island: in October 1945, the old 7th division and independent division of the Bohai Sea area marched into the Northeast, which was later programmed as the 6th Column of the 4th Field Army and, the 43rd Armed Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, This force, called the “assault fortified tiger”, kept fighting from the Northeast to the Hainan Island marching over tens of thousands’ of miles. They participated in hundreds of important battles and fights, and annihilated 180,000 enemies. The picture shows that the soldiers swore an oath before the war.
○早于新中国成立就取得解放的渤海区,为了从根本上摧垮地主阶级对广大农民群众的统治,使根据地人民得到彻底解放,从谁能满足农民有地种、有饭吃的基本要求,广大农民就拥护谁的朴素道理出发,创造性地开展群众工作,在积极支援战争的同时,先后开展了减租减息、反奸诉苦、反特剿匪、护村自卫、土地改革、治黄立功等运动,为最广大群众谋取实实在在的利益。图为,1946年11月,渤海区第四届参议员大会在惠民市召开,全体驻会议员合影。In order to completely destroy the landlord class’s rule over the broad masses of peasants and thoroughly emancipate the people in base areas, the Bohai Sea area, achieving liberation before the founding of new China, creatively carried out the mass work. While actively supporting the war, it successively launched a series of measures, such as reduction of rent and interest rates, protection of the villages and self-defense, land reform, meritorious service for harnessing the Yellow River, and so on, to seek tangible interest for the most broad masses of people. The photo show, the Fourth Senator Assembly of Bohai Sea area held in Huimin city in November 1946. All the resident senators took a group photo.
1944年初,根据形势的发展,为便于清河区与冀鲁边区互相依托、互相配合、统一指挥、有利作战,经中央北方局批准,清河区与冀鲁边区合并为渤海区。景晓村任中共渤海区党委书记兼渤海军区政委,杨国夫任八路军渤海军区司令员(后为袁也烈),刘其人任渤海区行署主任(后为李人凤)。渤海军区于1944年相继发起夏、秋、冬三季战略攻势,全部恢复被“蚕食”的益(都)寿(光)临(淄)广(饶)四边根据地,先后攻克鲁北重镇利津等4座县城。1945年4月,渤海军区发起讨伐顽军张景月部的战役;同年6月,发起蒲(台)滨(县)战役,先后解放蒲台、滨县城及道旭、北镇等日伪据点;同时,各军分区部队先后解放吴桥、南皮、德平、庆云、沾化、高苑等县城。1945年8月,日本帝国主义宣布无条件投降。渤海军区遵照中共山东分局、八路军山东军区的命令,组成山东第四前线指挥部和山东野战军第七师(老七师),兵分三路展开大反攻。至9月底,渤海区部队共歼敌2.6万人,解放县城25座,人口575 万。除津浦、胶济两铁路线上部分城镇尚为日伪控制外,渤海区内敌伪已被我军全部肃清。
○全民奋起抗战。1937年,“七七”事变爆发。在大敌当前、民族危亡的紧要关头,在渤海区前身的冀鲁边区和清河区,党的基层组织迅速行动起来,宣传、发动、组织广大群众,在各地发起抗日武装起义,组建抗日武装,开展平原抗日游击战争,开辟和创建抗日根据地,进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,逐步发展成为保卫民族独立和人民利益的坚强力量。1938年6月,山东人民抗日救国军第五军等部在邹平城改编为“八路军山东抗日游击第三支队”。In 1937, the Lugouqiao incident took place. In the border areas of Hebei and Shandong, the Party organizations at the primary level organized broad masses to establish anti-Japanese base areas for anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare. In June 1938, the fifth Shandong people’s Anti Japanese National Salvation Army was renamed as the third detachment of the Eighth Route Army Shandong Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Units in Zoucheng.
○粉碎日伪“扫荡”。敌人的残暴并没有吓倒志在保家卫国的山东汉子。而有了当地百姓的支持和帮助,我们的抗日队伍在这片平原上一次次不断地创造战争奇迹。八路军主力部队恢复发展,县大队、区中队、村民兵组织不断壮大,青救会、妇救会、儿童团、各救会一齐上阵!破袭战、游击战、地道战,拔据点、炸碉堡、挖抗日沟、炸火车、破公路,处处闪现着我军民反“蚕食”、反“扫荡”,保卫根据地的不屈身影……1944年夏季攻势取得胜利后,杨国夫司令员在祝捷大会上讲话。With the support and help of the local people, our Anti-Japanese troops constantly performed military miracles on this plain. The main force of the Eighth Route Army redeveloped. The county brigade, the district squadron, the village militia organization constantly expanded. Everywhere in the activities of sabotage operations, guerrilla warfare, tunnel warfare, pulling down strongholds, bombing the blockhouses, digging Anti-Japanese trenches, bombing trains or blocking roads, there shone the indomitable figure of our defense base of the army and the people. After the victory of the summer offensive in 1944, the commander Yang Guofu made a speech at the victory celebration conference.
The Bohai old liberated area centered on Binzhou city was the Shandong Anti-Japanese base, as well as one of Shandong’s three strategic zones (others were the Jiaodong area and central-south area of Shandong) during the later period of the War of Liberation led by the Communist Party of China during the revolutionary war years. During the Anti-Japanese War period, the broad masses of soldiers and civilians in Qinghe District, Hebei and Shandong Border District whose predecessor was the Bohai Sea area adhered to carrying forward the Anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines in Hebei and Shandong plain, creating the Anti- Japanese base area in the reclamation area centered on the Yellow River estuary. After the July 7th Incident, the Japanese invaders vigorously marched towards the south area from Peiping and Tianjin. Hebei and Shandong Border District made a first stand, which made a great contribution to the victory in the Anti-Japanese war and lit the raging fire of revolution.