
2016-02-26 02:35陈举林
安徽农业科学 2016年1期

王 平, 陈举林

(1.泰安市农业科学研究院,山东泰安 271000;2.山东农业大学,山东泰安 271000)


王 平1,2, 陈举林1

(1.泰安市农业科学研究院,山东泰安 271000;2.山东农业大学,山东泰安 271000)












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Research Progress on Nitrogen Absorption in Plant

WANG Ping1,2,CHEN Ju-lin1(1.Tai’an Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tai’an,Shandong 271000; 2.Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an,Shandong 271000)

AbstractNitrogen is the first mineral nutrient element in plant growth and development,and plants uptake nitrogen from soil through root.Therefore,it is important to understand the process and the influencing factors of plant absorption of nitrogen,which can improve the absorption of nitrogen and promote plants growth.The nitrogen in soil mainly exists in the form of inorganic nitrogen) and small molecule organic nitrogen,in which the plant can absorb and utilize thestate nitrogen.The research progress of plants’ requirement onabsorption process and its influencing factors were introduced,which has important significance for understanding the mechanism of nitrogen absorption and improving nitrogen absorption efficiency.

Key wordsNitrogen demand; Nitrogen absorption; Nitrate nitrogen


作者简介王平(1981- ),男,山东莱芜人,高级农艺师,博士,从事玉米高产栽培及遗传育种方面的研究。


中图分类号S 501

