在西方,马是人们的宠物之一,养的马大多用来参加赛马(horse race)。在英国,每年为参加赛马而准备的马匹有万余匹,赛马是仅次于足球的最吸引人的项目。在各种带赌注的运动中,赛马历史最为悠久。
一、straight from a horse's mouth
这个习语与马的年龄有关。断定马的年龄最好的办法是看它的牙齿。马一次长出两颗牙齿,以后每年长两颗新齿,赛马时下赌注的人要了解马的状况,没有人愿意在一匹老马身上下赌注。而要断定马的年龄,只要看一看它的牙齿就知道了。所以,straight from the horse's mouth(直接从马的嘴)意思是“直接从有关人那里听来的”。如:
They are going to be married, I got the news straight from the horse's mouth_their minister。(DAI)
二、look a gift horse in the mouth
这则习语也与赛马有关。假如别人送你一匹赛马,你却要查看它的嘴,想知道它的年龄,别人会认为你不友好,或者以为你对这个gift horse不满意。所以,它指对送给你的礼物吹毛求疵,评论礼物的好坏。如:
John gave Joe a basketball but Joe complained that the ball was old. His father told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.(DAI)
三、play the horses 意思是赌赛马
No wonder his wife is penniless; he is always playing the horses and losing his money.(CDIP)
四、talk horse
I heard the ladies talk horse。(CDIP)
五、dark horse
十九世纪英国作家本杰明·狄斯雷利出版了小说《年轻的公爵》。小说描写了一场惊心动魄的赛马,夺标呼声最高的良种马一路领先,眼看胜券在握,不料,一匹从未被注意的黑马以疾风扫落叶之势冲过看台,一举夺魁。从此dark horse一词不胫而走,成为国际体坛惯用语,形容异军突出,爆出冷门,令人刮目相看;泛指实力难测的竞争者。如:
It's yet very uncertain who will be candidates for the U.S. President this year, whether some distinguished statemen already talked of or some dark horse.(CDIP)
六、a horse of another(a different)color
这个习语的起源有两种说法。一种说法来自于William Shakespeare的戏剧《查理三世》,“一匹驮着死神的苍白的马”光顾了暴君查理三世;另一种说法与赛马有关,a horse of a different color指系不同绶带的马。马参加比赛或其它竞赛时各自系不同骑手的绶带。失败的骑手就把绶带输给系着另一种绶带的马(a horse of another color)。尽管两种说法不一,但这个词组的用法却用得很广泛,指“完全另一回事”。如:
We're not discussing your extravagance. That's a horse of an entirely different color.(CDIP)
我们不是在谈论你的挥霍浪费,那完全是另一回事。另外,a horse of the same color指同一回事。
七、back (bet on )the wrong horse
在赛马时,如果对情况估计不好而赌错了马(bet on the wrong horse),后果将不堪设想。因此,它引申为支持错了人,对未来情况作了错误的估计。如:
To count on the small family farm as an important thing in the American future now looks like betting on the wrong horse.(DAI)
Horse不仅与赛马有关,还与大人物有关。让我们来看看这个习语:Change horses in the middle of a stream(中流换马)。该习语出自美国第十六届总统Abraham Lincoln之口。当年他竞选连任时,遇到重重困难。他曾对选民们说:Don't change horses in the middle of a stream。意思是说:即使你们对我不满意,但目前美国不是换总统的时候。这句话常被竞选连任的官员引用,指不要中途更换领导人,否则的话,情况会更糟。如:
When a new president is to be elected during a war, the people may decide not to change horses in the middle of a stream.(DAI)
另外,形容一个人非常健壮时,中国人说“壮如牛”,而英语中却不用牛(ox)而用as strong as a horse。如:
She works long hours, yet seems to feel no ill effects from it. She must be as strong as a horse.(CDIP)
形容一个人“饭量大”时,中国人常说“像猪一样的能吃”;在英语中,则说eat like a horse.如:
He could now eat like a horse.
形容一个人能“吃苦耐劳”时,中国人说“像老黄牛一样任劳任怨”,在英语中,则说work like a horse。如:
I'll give a three years' contract, I'll give you eight pounds a week and you'll have to work like a horse.(W.S. Mangham, “Theatre”Ch. II )
我跟你订三年合同,每星期给你八英镑,可是你得拼命干活。形容一个人“趾高气扬,耀武扬威”时,中国人说:“像公鸡一样地高傲”;英语中除了用as proud as a peacock, 还用get(ride)on the high horse. 如:
He is a amusing fellow, but he is a bit too fond of riding the high horse.(CDIP)他倒是个有趣的人,不过有点儿趾高气扬。
如果一个人工作勤恳踏实,是一个骨干分子,英语中用a whell horse来表达;如果一个人干活主动,工作自愿,我们就称他a willing horse;如果一个人从内部搞破坏,是内奸,或者一个诡计,我们说a wooden horse或者a Trojan horse;已经解决的问题、琐事,我们称之为dead horse。有关horse的谚语有许多,如:
1.A good horse is never an ill color。良马无劣色。
2.A good horse should be seldom spurred。好马无需鞭策(工作积极的人,不必多加催促)。
3.A short horse is soon curried。矮马容易刷洗;(小事易办)。
4.It's a good horse that never stumbles。马有溜蹄,人有失错。
5.One man may steal a horse , while another may not look over the hedge。
6.When two ride on one horse, one must ride behind.
7.You can lead a horse to the water, but you can not make it drink。
DAI-A Dictionary of American Idioms, 1975,
CDIP-A Comprehensive Dictionary of English Idioms and Phrases.