Current and future software needs to remain focused towards the development and deployment of large and complex intelligent and networked information systems, required for internet-based and intranet-based systems in organizations. Today software covers a very wide range of application domains as well as technology and research issues. This has found realization through Cloud Computing, Big Data, and data intensive applications. Vital element in such networked information systems are the notions of trust, security, privacy and risk management.
Cloud and Trusted Computing (C&TC 2015) is the 6th International Symposium on Cloud Computing, Trusted Computing and Secure Virtual Infrastructures, organized as a component conference of the OnTheMove Federated Conferences & Workshops. C&TC 2016 will be held in Rhodes, Greece.
The conference solicits submissions from both academia and industry presenting novel research in the context of Cloud Computing, Big Data, and data intensive applications, presenting theoretical and practical approaches to cloud and big data trust, security, privacy and risk management. The conference will provide a special focus on the intersection between cloud, big data, and trust bringing together experts from the three communities to discuss on the vital issues of trust, security, privacy and risk management in Cloud Computing, shedding the light on novel issues and requirements in big data domains. Potential contributions could cover new approaches, methodologies, protocols, tools, or verification and validation techniques. We also welcome review papers that analyze critically the current status of trust, security, privacy and risk management in the cloud. Papers from practitioners who encounter trust, security, privacy and risk management problems and seek understanding are also welcome.
International Symposium on Cloud and Trusted Computing 2016