生产建设项目; 边坡和弃土; 侵蚀; 机制
土壤改良剂和土壤稳定剂 (Soiltac)[35]的添加,均可以改善土壤结构,增加地表径流的入渗,达到减流减沙的目的[36]。聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与土壤颗粒作用形成团粒结构,改善土壤结构,增加地表径流的入渗,促进水稳性团聚体的形成,形成的胶结物提高了土壤的抗冲抗蚀性。研究表明,PAM可以减少径流中平均含沙量和侵蚀总量达80%以上[2];但也有研究表明,分别对0.5和0.2坡比的陡质土石坡添加PAM,其用量的增加,对边坡侵蚀量和泥沙浓度影响不明显[37]。通过对不同质地土石边坡,采用不同分子量和不同电荷密度阴离子PAM处理表明,其对土壤入渗、减少侵蚀的效果不同,此研究促进了边坡PAM应用,在作用机制方面的开发[38]。聚合物黏合剂以其固化后多孔的特性,可以提高工程边坡入渗和持水能力,增加坡面的硬度,对工程边坡的稳定和防护具有重要意义[39]。
目前地形因素对产沙影响的研究,主要集中于坡度对侵蚀产沙的影响[40-41]。通常在临界范围之内,边坡坡面坡度越大,径流势能转换为动能时间短,产流产沙较大[42]。弃土弃渣野外放水冲刷实验表明:25°时,产流产沙增长速度最大[20];黄土陡坡模拟侵蚀实验也得出,21°~24°时,降雨侵蚀量最大[43];而土质边坡模拟降雨侵蚀实验表明,坡度25°时,单位面积侵蚀量达到峰值,坡度再增大,侵蚀量稍微降低后趋于稳定[15]。但也有研究者发现,当坡度到达35 °以上时,侵蚀增长速度变缓;比较几种坡度的路基边坡侵蚀发现,缓坡细沟侵蚀低,陡坡细沟跌坎深,径流冲刷强度大[21]。黄土边坡细沟侵蚀研究表明,陡峭边坡坡度的变化引起细沟的形状、沉积物浓度差异,影响坡面水力参数,此研究为陡坡细沟侵蚀模型参数,依据坡度修订提供参考[44]。工程开挖面的研究结果表明,坡度大于30°时,侵蚀量受降雨强度的影响减弱[45];也有研究表明,边坡较陡受降雨强度影响,径流入渗增加,降雨强度对泥沙运移的影响缓坡要大于陡坡[46]。而佘冬立等[47]认为工程边坡的侵蚀临界坡度为25°左右,侵蚀率还与Manning糙率系数和Darcy-Weisabch阻力系数有关。坡长和侵蚀之间的内在关系,目前多数研究者结论并不一致[48];有模拟上方来水工程开挖面冲刷实验研究表明,坡长对产沙产流量的影响不明显[22];而公路路堤边坡模拟降雨侵蚀试验发现,侵蚀随坡长增加而减少[49];工程堆积体坡面径流平均速度随坡长增加,呈S形趋势[24];因土壤坡面存在分异,森林道路边坡坡面,不同部位侵蚀存在分异性[50];同时,排土场边坡的抗冲性实验也得出,其抗冲指数在坡长上会产生空间变异性,坡顶最大,坡面中部位以岛状形态零星分布最小的点[51]。坡向则影响降雨的分配格局,与主导风向一致的坡向降雨充沛,而反坡向受雨影效应的影响,降雨少,对其边坡细沟侵蚀造成差异[52]。
按弃土弃渣体的堆置形式、方法和堆弃形态,将弃土弃渣概化为散乱锥形堆置体、坡顶碾压倾倒堆置体等特定的堆置微地貌[60]。不同弃土堆置体模拟降雨试验发现,坡顶碾压倾倒堆置体侵蚀产沙量是散乱锥形堆置体的1~2倍[17],但是,堆置微地貌对径流率的影响不显著;也有研究表明,坡顶碾压倾倒堆置体在特定降雨强度2和2.5 mm/min情况下,其总产沙量和总径流量明显大于其它堆置类型[61]。弃土回填方式、堆放高度和部位均会引起土壤自然结持的差异,从而引起弃土自然沉降的差异[62-63];煤矿堆放场山脊、冲沟和毛沟的空间格局,对入渗和侵蚀同样会产生影响[64];弃渣场因堆积平台和运渣道路下垫面不同,而分异出不同的面蚀带[65];排土场边坡的行栏级和脊高垄宽,也对径流泥沙产生影响[66]。
排土场恢复治理后,植被盖度增加,可以有效地增加入渗和蓄水保土[58]。西班牙东部裸露道路边坡侵蚀量是有植被的边坡土壤侵蚀的30倍以上[67];自然演替下的扰动坡面(盖度达到36%)较裸露坡面可减蚀7 000倍以上,种植的牧草盖度达16%以上时,较裸露坡面减蚀1 800倍以上[68]。前人对比乔木、乔灌木、草被和裸露几种模式下的边坡水力特征发现,草被的糙率系数最大,对径流具有良好的阻滞作用,而乔木模式下径流阻滞作用不明显,甚至对径流流速有促进作用[69];对公路路基边坡草灌拦截降雨试验研究表明,多种草灌植被对降雨侵蚀力的削减能力均达0.9以上[70];铁路边坡侵蚀监测实验结果表明,坡顶覆盖草编毛毯可明显降低细沟侵蚀的发育风险,坡底布置则可以淤积泥沙[71]。合理的生物防护+工程防护,对排土场边坡减蚀效果要比简单的生物防护好[8];采用竹栅栏植物篱和覆盖表土防护的松散堆积体边坡,可以有效减少侵蚀[72];植物根系在土壤中穿插和缠绕作用可以增加土壤抗蚀性,较大的灌木根系生物量和根系长度,均可以提高道路边坡土壤的抗蚀性[73];草本植物较木本植物因其根际土壤有机碳的富集,而改善团聚体的稳定性效果更好,从而影响土壤抗剪切强度和土粒间的内聚力[32]。
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Research progress on the erosion mechanism of side slope and dumped soil in production and construction projects
Yan Weiming1,Xie Songhua2,Liu Yuanqiu1,Deng Wenping1,Huang Pengfei2,Zheng Taihui2
(1.Jiangxi Agricultural University,330045,Nanchang,China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,330029,Nanchang,China)
[Background] A lots of side slopes and dumped soil can be generated in production and construction projects,which is typical man-made accelerated erosion.It is a hot topic in soil erosion research due to the increasing seriousness of the damage to ecological environment.There were some differences in the mechanism of the erosion from original one,thus we viewed the research results in the erosion of side slope and dumped soil,from the influence factors of rainfall runoff,soil properties,topography and landforms,and protective measures of soil and water conservation,then put forward the deficiency of current research and future research direction.[Methods] We searched the relevant databases,journals and books such as Web of Science,CNKI,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,Science of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Soil Loss Equation,et al,then collected all literatures from 4 aspects of rainfall runoff,soil properties,topography and landforms factor and protective measures of soil and water conservation.[Results] 1) From the aspect of rainfall runoff conditions,there was a linear response relationship between erosion (total erosion and erosion rate) and rainfall factors (rainfall amount and intensity); gully erosion would be emerged in the slope with the increase of rainfall time,which resulted in the fluctuation of erosion and flow rate over time; the correlation between the total amount of runoff and erosion was significant,and the erosion was related with the hydrodynamic parameters of runoff.2) On the aspect of soil properties,gravel quality affected the characteristics of slope surface erosion,and concurrently changed the slope runoff pattern,which prolonged the interval of reaching stabile state of the runoff; the physical properties of soil determined the occurrence of slope runoff,and affected the water infiltration capacity of slope soil; soil additives promoted the formation process of soil aggregate,and enhanced the slope surface infiltration and water-holding capacity.3) Regarding the aspect of topography and landforms,a critical slope existed to soil erosion,i.e.,the soil erosion increased with slope when below the critical slope,and the slope erosion kept in a stable state while above the critical slope; there was no significant linear relationship between erosion and slope length,the erosion increased and caused the space differentiation in the slope with surface concave and convex shape,or the top platform.4) Considering the aspect of protective measures of soil and water conservation,there was small amount of runoff and sediment yield in the slope with large vegetation coverage,or with vegetable and engineering protection measures.[Conclusions] It has been well documented about the single dynamic condition of erosion and the factors affecting erosion.However,there are few systematic studies on the dynamic conditions of multiple erosions.It is still poorly reported about the mixed dumped soil erosion and artificial excavation side slope erosion.Moreover,further study remains to be conducted on the quantitative comparison between natural rainfall and simulated tests.At last,we prospect the contents and direction of the future research in the side slope and dumped soil erosion in production and construction projects.
production and construction projects; side slope and dumped soil; erosion; mechanism