
2016-02-05 19:11
中国气象科学研究院年报 2016年0期



1 科研项目进展


1.1 机载云粒子测量系统的研究和开发


1.2 青藏高原云降水物理与大气水循环研究


1.3 其他项目研究进展







2 科研成果及其推广应用

2.1 人影飞机作业和探测科学试验


2.2 人影综合业务系统推广应用


2.3 人影作业装备弹药物联网管理系统推广应用



2.4 业务技术指南编制及其在省级推广应用



2.5 精细化数值模式作业条件预报系统



开展 LAPS-WRF-CAMS同化预报系统应用多个例检验,开展了人影催化模式多个例催化模拟试验。(作业指挥与运行中心)

3 综合外场观测试验

3.1 科学观测外场试验



3.2 科学试验观测资料分析


4 人工影响天气业务进展

4.1 实施3年行动计划,推进人影业务现代化建设







4.2 重大气象服务保障

2016年9月,G20杭州峰会人影保障服务期间,人影中心指导浙江省局编制《人工消减雨作业试验实施方案》;组建由北京、山西、安徽省(市)人影办专家,以及北京大学、中国科学院大气物理研究所、南京大学、南京信息工程大学等院所知名教授或研究员组成的技术支持专家团队,共同把脉指导作业方案设计,配合浙江省气象局圆满完成保障任务。在杭州安装调试云降水精细分析CPAS平台,在北京制作3 km分辨率的云场精细预报作业条件预报、监测预警、方案设计等专报;调派2架国家级增雨机,多次组织实施双机立体作业的演练与实战;开展基于卫星、雷达和雨量等观测资料的多参数动态对比物理检验。G20服务保障让人影中心首次从幕后走到台前,梳理建立了重大活动保障的工作模式,首次实现了人影实时技术流程,是对人影现代化建设成果的一次集中检验。(人影中心)

4.3 国家级人影业务指导和服务工作






在CPAS-WMC V1.0业务平台上,实现了云降水显式预报系统(CPEFS-v1.0)预报产品的显示和综合分析功能,新增组合反射率、云底高度(温度)、雷达回波、温度和高度垂直结构综合图。





截至12月10日,2架新舟60增雨飞机累计飞行101架次,共计270 h。其中,增雨飞机B-3726累计飞行47架次共122 h,增雨飞机B-3435累计飞行54架次共148 h,2架增雨飞机共经停15个省/市。(作业指挥与运行中心, 区域中心管理办公室)

4.4 人影装备安全管理和技术审查

编制完成了《人工影响天气专用技术装备使用许可技术审查办法》。提出增雨防雹高炮和火箭技术性能要求、测试方案。组织编写的行业标准项目“增雨防雹高炮系统技术要求”和“增雨防雹火箭技术要求”已通过人影标委会组织的终审。与上海物管处一起完成《37 mm人工增雨防雹炮弹质量考核试验办法》上报稿;完成《人工影响天气增雨防雹火箭弹考核试验办法》评审。

组织完成了对华云公司“HY-R型增雨防雹燃气炮”技术性能指标的评审工作及“JD-15 型37 mm人工增雨防雹炮弹业务试用总结”和“BL-3型66 mm、BL-4型82 mm人工增雨防雹火箭弹业务试用总结”的评审。(装备研发与保障室)

5 人工影响天气工程建设

5.1 新舟60增雨飞机功能验查及系统验收


5.2 空中国王增雨飞机改装

完成了空中国王增雨飞机的飞机平台建设,经过2 h试验飞行及试飞项目查验后,飞机平台正式移交给空中国王增雨飞机改装厂(SPEC公司)进行飞机的改装与集成。


5.3 其他区域人影工程


Advances in Cloud Physics and Weather Modi fication Research

1 Progress in major research projects

In 2016, WMC has made important progresses in research projects. In addition, WMC has successfully applied seven new projects including one key project of national scientific and technological program, three projects of national natural science foundation of China, two key projects of CAMS basic scientific research,and one project for the scientific activities of selected returned overseas professionals in CMA in 2016. The main progresses in research projects of WMC are summarized as follows:

1.1 Research and development of airborne cloud particle measuring system

The research and development project of airborne cloud particle spectrometer and imaging supported by the national key foundation for exploring scientific instrumenthave passed its preliminary acceptance.The project has completed its all research tasks including three probes oficloud particle spectrometer, cloud and precipitation particles imaging as well as the relevant software. A series of experiments including basic parameters of the instruments, system optimization, environmental adaptability and flight tests have been carried out. The airborne measuring system has been improved and optimized according to more than 60 flight tests. The test results show that particle measurement data observed by the instruments are in good consistency with that obtained by foreign products.

The instrument has been successfully used in the Shanxi Weather Modification Office and Jilin Weather Modification Office. Also, it played an important role in national major scientific experiments and operational assurance of weather modification. This instrument can preliminarily be engineered and industrialized, and the major performance indices have achieved the same level of similar foreign products. (Open Laboratory)

1.2 Advances in research of cloud and precipitation processes and atmospheric water cycle over the Tibetan Plateau

Important advances have been made in the research oficloud and precipitation processes and atmospheric water cycle in the project of the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment. In 2016, we further investigated the cloud and precipitation processes over the plateau based on the comprehensive experiment data during the summer of 2014–2015, and conducted modeling and satellite retrieval studies. We obtained some important characteristics of cloud and precipitation processes over the plateau. Combing with aircraft measurement over the plateau, we also investigated the cloud microphysical properties in this region. Also,the verification of satellite retrieval of cloud-base temperature and boundary-layer specific humidity has been done. A new cloud spectrum scheme with three parameters based on Gamma Function has been built, and a comparison of the model results with those from the bin model has also been conducted. The water cycle in clouds has been studied based on MODIS cloud water data. (Open Laboratory)

1.3 Research progress in other projects

(1) In March 2016, aircraft icing meteorological experiments were carried out in Anhui Province, aiming to detect aircraft icing. The work was supported by the project of airworthiness verification of civil aircraft under natural icing meteorological condition. (Regional Centre Administration Office, Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

(2) The project of potential and technology of cloud seeding in large-area cloud system of southern China conducted the data processing of field experiment in 2015, and made analysis of the f tting of the microwave radiation and sounding probe, as well as the analyses of cloud microphysical retrieval by the FY-2 satellite and short-term strong precipitation. (Regional Centre Administration Office)

(3) The research project of randomized cloud-seeding field experiment and effectiveness evaluation conducted experiment in Jilin, Shandong, Fujian, Hainan provinces in 2016. The 32 samples of randomized experiments have been collected. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

(4) The project of precipitation enhancement and effectiveness evaluation of stratiform clouds conducted further research on the fine processing and analysis of cloud precipitation, rainfall enhancement conditions,recognition of effective monitoring, cloud precipitation numerical simulation and seeding simulation. The multi-scale precipitation enhancement conceptual model and indicators for the cloud seeding condition monitoring of northern stratiform cloud and low vortex cyclone cloud have been established. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

(5) The NSFC project of research on the optimal and practical method of non-randomized artificial precipitation further conducted research on the regional historical regression statistical method with better effectiveness. The results have been applied to all the weather modification centers in China since July 1, 2016,which was issued by the Disaster Reduction Division, CMA. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

(6) Haze and warm cloud disposal tests have been conducted in cloud laboratory experiment. 4 kinds of formula burning over 10 kinds of rare earth material with good moisture absorption, 2 kinds of water-absorbent polymer powder, 8 kinds of powder surfactant and 2 kinds of liquid surfactants have been tested. (Open Laboratory, Equipment R & D and Support Division)

2 Research achievements and applications

2.1 Two national weather modi fication aircrafts have conducted many cloud seeding operations and scienti fic experiments

Two M60 aircrafts integrated with high performance cloud physical detection equipment constructed by northeast weather modification center have actively conducted many cloud seeding services in northeast,central, southwest, and northwest China. The two aircrafts are in the stage of test, these flights and activities have tested all airborne systems and provided important experiences for management and subsequent projects in other areas. (Regional Centre Administration Office)

2.2 Application promotion of weather modi fication integrated service system

Weather modification integrated service system consisting of four levels covering from region, province,city and county, developed by northeast WMC, has implemented the real-time operation function, set up the collaborative operation process, and built an overall supporting platform.

After the pilot application, a document was issued by Disaster Reduction Division, CMA on July 20,2016, stating that the system would be deployed and in trial run in the 4 provincial cities, 40 municipal cities and 15 counties, and aslo in business trial run. Deployment Plan on Weather Modification Integrated Service System in Northeast Region has been written by the employees from CMA and provincial bureaus.

Liaoning Meteorological Bureau was the first to deploy and use the system from November 2 to November 19, 2016, which was followed by Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang provinces. Other provinces including Ningxia, Shaan xi, Shanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu have installed the core operation function modules from December 8 to December 27. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

2.3 Application promotion of internet-based ammunition management system of weather modi fication equipment

The Specification of Weather Modification Data Format (Trial Version) and the Specification of Weather Modification Equipment and Ammunition Identification Encoding (Trial Version) have been completed and issued to all WMC.

The Internet-based Ammunition Management System of Weather Modification Equipment, development of the management system of factory acceptance and quality acceptance for weather modification equipment and ammunition, development of the information management system of the weather modification equipment and ammunition and development of the real-time data acquisition monitoring system for aircraft and ground operation’s data information have been constructed.

We have demonstrated the application at the provincial level with different technical patterns established in Guizhou, Shaan xi, Henan and Beijing in order to achieve the real-time monitoring and management of the whole process of the weather modification operation equipment and ammunition. United tests of the systems were completed by the national and provincial bureaus with the help of Shanghai bureaus of the equipment and the National Meteorological Information Center. The training to the operation staffs was given. The best technical pattern was selected after the test, which will be promoted to the whole country, aiming to improve the level of the management and modernization. (Equipment R & D and Support Division, Regional Centre Administration Office)

2.4 Completion and promotion of two operation technical guidelines

After combing the key technology method of the cloud and water resource assessment and operation effect tests, documents of Cloud and Water Resource Assessment Technology Guide (2016 Version), and Cloud Seeding Operations Effect Test Technology Guide (2016 Version), which were passed by the review,were issued by the Disaster Reduction Division, CMA and promoted to provincial bureaus for trial application.(Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

2.5 Re fined numerical weather forecasting system in operation

Documents for the National Weather Modification Model Forecasting Macro-cloud Field Inspection Method and Provincial Weather Modification Model Forecasting Macro-cloud Field Inspection Method have been completed.

Document of Inspection Method for Cloud and Precipitation Forecast Products was issued on July 1 2016,serving as a guidebook to collect the typical sample test set.

The weather modification products by optimizing the CAMS program and the product test system by using the cloud radar, laser radar, and ceilometer data have been developed. Debugging, testing and acceptance for the WRF_CAMS model forecasting system have been completed. CPEFS_v1.0 system (Explicit Cloud Precipitation Forecast System) was in operation. Experiments of multi-catalytic mode on LAPS-WRF-CAMS assimilation and forecast system were carried out. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

3 Field scienti fic experiments

3.1 Field scienti fic experiments

Collection of experimental data by carrying out the aircraft icing detection tests with the co-work oficommercial aircraft group, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, Anhui Meteorological Bureau in Chizhou and Anqing, Anhui Province, in March, has been offering the lead role in support for natural icing detection test formajor national construction projects of its kind.

Documents of Design Scheme on Surface-Ground Joint Plane Detection and Operation Scientific Experiments in Northeast National Inspection Area and Implementation Plan on Surface-Ground Joint Plane Detection and Operation Scientific Experiments in Northeast National Inspection Area were made from April to July, which were used for the aircraft outfield observation test based on Huanghuai cyclone small-scale vertical structure and medium-scale structure.

In September, catalytic and observational experiment for cumulus and stratocumulus was carried out, via glaciogenic seeding and warm cloud seeding. Field study of macroscopic and microscopic features of cloud and fog in Lushan was conducted in May and June, 2016. (Weather Modification Centre)

3.2 Analysis for observational data of scienti fic experiments

Database management system (Aircraft Integrated Field Experiment Database Management System v1.0)has been developed. Comprehensive data including aircraft detection, satellites, radar, sounding and surface precipitation, temperature and pressure have been collected. To improve the database of Lushan cloud and fog station, sorting the observed data, and making the data format instructions have been provided.

Analyses on current historical observational data by plane were done by two teams, namely aerosol and cloud detection teams, respectively. Data collected during the G20 Summit were also analyzed. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre, Open Laboratory)

4 Weather modi fication operation and service

4.1 Three-year plan for weather modi fication modernization

We have implemented a three-year plan for weather modification modernization development and set up a member group of Weather Modification Modernization Construction Three-year Plan.

We have completed a document of Weather Modification Modernization Construction Key Task Advanced Programme and made clear 4 key technology tasks and 2 technology system tasks, built a team led by CMA and co-worked with provincial participants. We also instructed the provincial WMC to carry out the key technology work in weather modification, effectively promoted the provincial weather modification work, and applied the results of the Weather Modification Modernization Construction Three-year Plan in the country.

In late October, the Second National Weather Center Director Conference was held, aiming to further enhance the awareness of the weather modification modernization work, and exchange the working experience.The conference also showed progresse in the areas. CMA administrators visited the demo show, making compliment on the IOT applications and excellent design of meteorological information system, which founded the stone for the “Wisdom Weather Modification”.

Medium-term assessment of the Three-year Action Plan was done. Results were approved and issued by the Disaster Reduction Division, CMA.Ground and written research were done across the country, with final completion. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre)

4.2 Important weather modi fication operation services

Implementation plan of artificial rain suppression operation was made during G20 Hangzhou Summit in September, 2016. The scheme was made under the co-work from experts from Beijing, Shanxi, Anhui Province WMC and Peking University, and Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, guaranteeing Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau to offer great service for G20 Summit.

The CPAS platform was installed in Hangzhou, the 3 km Fine Forecast of Cloud Field Job Conditions Prediction was issued with monitoring, and program design in Beijing; Two national precipitation aircrafts were deployed for the experiments. Physical inspection of the observation data based on satellite, radar and rainfall was performed; The service for G20 Summit fulf lled the weather modification real-time operation for the first time, which would serve as a milestone. (Weather Modification Centre)

4.3 Operational guidance and service

We have distributed 7 kinds of monitoring inversion products based on satellite cloud parameters and 4 kinds of major categories with 20 sub-category model forecast products on a daily basis; collected realtime national air and ground operation data; made Weekly Weather Modification Requirements Analysis and Weekly National Weather Modification Information Newsletter (48 in total); made Monthly National Weather Modification Information Newspaper (11 in total); made National Weather Modification News each quarter(4 in total); provided cloud seeding for central and northeast regional areas and for the events of Diebu forest fire in Gansu Province and Inner Mongolia grassland fires and other service. We also made Operation Forecast and Flight Plan Report (6 in total), organized 10 video conferences, released Weather Modification Potential Prediction and Flight Plan Reports (16 in total), and issued Early Warning Reports (10 in total).

We also standardized aircraft job data formats, upgraded the Beidou monitoring system, improved the CPAS command platform, achieved real-time monitoring and tracking oficommand of the operating aircraft,and selected pilot province for trials. We also investigated the National Aircraft Operational Program Design;collected and analyzed national aircraft information; produced the template for Analysis Report on the Effect of Major Weather; completed “Aircraft Operations Analysis” and 2 examples, which was issued on November 16.

We studied the national weather modification airborne communication and information transfer and improved the real-time monitoring and information transmission systems based on Beidou to achieve groundside track oficommand, and real-time job status monitor, which was applied to the provincial pilot projects.

In the Precipitation Forecasting System (CPEFS-v1.0), we implemented the function of displaying forecast products and comprehensive analysis, with more modules such as new composite reflectivity and cloud base height (temperature), radar, integrated graphs of temperature and vertical structure.

National airborne cloud seeding trial operation has achieved important progresses. We have made several regulations of aircraft operation management and strengthened the training to improve the operational management level.

Two cloud physical detection equipment training courses and one airborne mission system training course were held in Beijing and Yanliang. We organized training course (phase 1 and phase 2) and airborne mission systems training courses with over 90 participants in Shaanxi. These helped employees to fully understand the composition of operating aircraft with high performance tasks, functional performance, master the basic structure and working principle of detection equipment and operations, and promote system management, fault diagnosis and maintenance, preventative maintenance, data quality control, software usage and management ability.

Based on the airborne cloud seeding aircraft, technological personnel exchanges were held among Beijing, Henan, Shanxi, Anhui and other provincial bureaus. We attracted all weather modification researchers to actively join the aircraft operation missions and aircraft data analysis to achieve the progress in personnel training and scientific research harvest.

We have carried out cloud seeding services and detection experiments with joint efforts in safety and efficiency. According to the guidelines and instructions from CMA, WMC has successfully finished theairborne cloud seeding system check and software improvement, especially in the effort to co-work with other provinces including Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Anhui and northeastern part of China. We also done such efforts during the G20 Hangzhou Summit.

By December 10, 2016, a number of flights carried out by two M60 precipitation enhancement aircrafts were up to 101, 270 hours in total. For B-3726, flight number was 47 and the total time was 122 hours; for B-3435, the f ght number was 54, while the total time was 148 hours, both of which covered 15 provinces/cities. (Operation Commanding and Running Centre, Regional Centre Administration Office)

4.4 Weather modi fication equipment safety management and technical review

We have finished the report of Weather Modification Special Equipment Licensing Technology Review issued to the WMC and the related factories on June 28. A final review on the industry standard projects−Precipitation Enhancement and Hail Prevention Anti-aircraft Technology Requirement and Precipitation Enhancement and Hail Prevention Rocket Technology Requirement was done. 37 mm Precipitation Enhancement Hail Prevention Shell Quality Assessment Test Method, which was co-worked with Shanghai Property Management Department, has been submitted. Weather Modification Precipitation Enhancement Hail Prevention Shell Quality Assessment Test Method has been completed.

Technical review work on weather modification equipment was done. “HY-R Precipitation Enhancement Hail Prevention Gas Gun Technical Performance Indicators” and “JD-15 Type 37 mm Precipitation Enhancement Hail Prevention Gas Gun Trial Summary” and “BL-3 66 mm, BL-4 82 mm of Precipitation Enhancement Anti Hail Rockets Operation Trial Summary” have been reviewed and all were reported to the Disaster Reduction Division, CMA. National Technology Equipment Maintenance and Catalyst Testing operation was also done. (Regional Centre Administration Office, Equipment R & D and Support Division)

5 Weather modi fication projects

5.1 M60 aircraft function check and system acceptance

We have promoted M60 aircraft function check and system acceptance work. Three ground and surface test and check for 5 systems including catalyst distributing system, particle measuring system, macroscopic cloud imaging system, satellite communication system and integrated system were done, respectively, in Luoyang (Henan), Yan Liang (Shaanxi) and Changchun (Jilin). Joint test for software functions of satellite communication system and integration system, serving as a guide for the contractors was completed. M60 aircraft overall functional test has been done, which would provide for the progress of the system acceptance.(Regional Centre Administration Office, Equipment R & D and Support Division)

5.2 Cloud-seeding King Air Aircraft platform construction

Cloud-seeding King Air Aircraft platform construction has been completed by late May. After 2 hours test flight and trial flight check, the airplane has been handed over to the Standards Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) for further modification and integration.

Cloud Seeding Airborne Plane with High Performance Modification and Integration Scheme was set before handing over to SPEC. Discussions regarding to aircraft seats, plane sampling head installation, CCN inlet, laser radar installation, gas path and integration solutions, cloud macro camera position, flame size design were held between WMC, CMA and SPEC. Modification work by SPEC in progress is predicted to be shipped back to China by the end of 2017. (Equipment R & D and Support Division)

5.3 Other regional weather modi fication projects

Northwest Regional Weather Modification Feasibility Study report has been made and submitted to National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), which was sent to the Disaster Reduction Division,CMA on April 15, 2016. The project was approved by NDRC. Central Weather Modification Feasibility Study Report has been made and submitted to NDRC, which was sent to Disaster Reduction Division, CMA on September 26. Tibetan Weather Modification Foundation Ability Construction Feasibility Study Report has been made and reviewed by experts. (Regional Centre Administration Office)
