Production of Clean Diesel Fuel Meeting the National V Quality Standard Guaranteed by MHUG-II Technology

2016-02-04 20:20:36
中国炼油与石油化工 2016年3期

Production of Clean Diesel Fuel Meeting the National V Quality Standard Guaranteed by MHUG-II Technology

Recently, the MHUG-Ⅱ technology for fexible hydroupgrading of diesel fuel developed by a group of institutions headed by the SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) has passed the technical appraisal organized by the Sinopec Corp. This technology has incorporated the technical advantages of both hydrofining and hydro-upgrading and introduced the separated feed to different zones in order to increase the selectivity of reaction process, reduce the equipment investment cost and operating cost, and achieve obvious economic benefts, which can provide a technical guarantee for the supply of clean diesel fuel meeting the national Ⅴ quality standard.

To cope with the accelerated pace for diesel quality upgrading, the domestic demand for clean diesel with high cetane number is abruptly surging. However, a large amount of FCC diesel fraction and coker diesel fraction currently produced at domestic refineries must be subject to hydro-upgrading and hydrofining processes to be capable of being transformed to diesel fuel meeting the national Ⅳ or Ⅴ emission standards, which would be very complicated in process fow diagram requiring a rather expensive cost. The MHUG-Ⅱ technology by means of separating feedstocks for processing in different zones has worked out a novel process fow diagram integrating the hydro-upgrading of secondarily processed diesel fractions with refning of straight-run diesel fraction. In comparison with the conventional diesel processing scheme, the said MHUG-Ⅱ technology features lower H2/oil ratio, lower hydrogen and energy consumption and higher yield of diesel products.