伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)是当代英国文坛最重要的小说家之一。他1948年出生于英格兰的奥尔德肖特,童年时随着在军队任职的父亲先后在亚洲、欧洲以及非洲生活过,大学攻读英国文学专业,毕业于萨塞克斯大学,后在东英吉利亚大学获得硕士学位。他凭借1975年出版的第一部短篇小说集《最初的爱情,最后的仪式》(First Love, Last Rites)在英国文坛一举成名,到目前为止已出版了13部长篇小说和两部短篇小说集。他的早期小说具有哥特式风格,以揭露社会的阴暗以及人性的邪恶为主;中后期的小说涉及的内容广泛,有着强烈的人文和社会关怀。他的代表作有《只爱陌生人》(The Comfort of Strangers)、《爱无可忍》(Enduring Love)、《赎罪》(Atonement)、《星期六》(Saturday)等。
What were these bad thoughts? One was a suspicion that in those realms of feeling that defy the responsibility of logic, Clarissa considered Parry my fault. He was the kind of phantom2) that only I could have called up, a spirit of my dislocated, incomplete character, or of what she fondly called my innocence. I had brought him upon us, and I was keeping him there, even while I disowned him.
Clarissa said I was wrong or ridiculous to think this, but she did not say much else about her own attitude. She had spoken about my own as we got dressed that morning. I was disturbed, she said. I was pulling on my boots and did not interrupt. She said she hated to see me back with that old obsession about “getting back into science” when I had such an enjoyable working life and was so good at what I did. She was trying to help me, but I had become in the space of just a couple of days so manic, so feverish in my attention to Parry, so … She had paused a second to locate the word. She was standing in the doorway, hitching a silk-lined pleated3) skirt round her waist. In morning light her pallor4) made her eyes appear all the greener. She was beautiful. She seemed unattainable5), an impression intensified by the word she chose. “… Alone, Joe. Youre so alone in all this, even when you speak to me about it. I feel youre shutting me out. Theres something youre not telling me. Youre not speaking from the heart.”
I simply looked at her. Either Ive always spoken to her from the heart in times like this, or I never have and I dont know what it means. But that wasnt what I was thinking. My thought was one I used to have when I first knew her: How did such an oversized, average-looking lump like myself land6) this pale beauty? And a new bad thought: Was she beginning to think she had a poor deal7)?
She was about to leave the room to go to the kitchen where, unknown to us, Parrys letter was waiting. She misread my expression. Pleading with me rather than accusing me, she said, “I mean, the way youre looking at me now. Youre making calculations that Ill never know about. Some inner double-entry book-keeping that you think is the best way to the truth. But dont you see how it cuts you off8)?”
I knew it would not have convinced her to say, “I was only thinking how lovely you are and how I dont deserve you.” The fact that it wouldnt made me think as I got to my feet that perhaps she was the one who didnt deserve me. There. Balance, double entry. She was right, and twice over, for I had said nothing, and she would never know. I smiled at her and said, “Lets talk about it over breakfast.” But what we talked about was Parrys letter, and we didnt do that well.
After she had left, after I had cleared the table, I remained sitting in the kitchen with my lukewarm9) coffee, sliding Parrys pages back into their tight little envelope as though to contain the viral spores10) that were invading our home. More bad thoughts: It was a daydream really, but I had to let it run. It occurred to me that Clarissa was using Parry as a front11). It was strange after all, her reaction in this case. She seemed to be aggravating the difficulties by implicating12) me with Parry. What was the explanation? Was she beginning to regret her life with me? Could she have met someone? If she wanted to leave me, shed find it easier if she could convince herself that there was something between Parry and me. Had she met someone? At work? A colleague? A student? Could this be an exemplary13) case of unacknowledged self-persuasion?
I got to my feet. Self-persuasion was a concept much loved by evolutionary psychologists. I had written a piece about it for an Australian magazine. It was pure armchair14) science, and it went like this: If you lived in a group, as humans have always done, persuading others of your own needs and interests would be fundamental to your well-being. Sometimes you had to use cunning15). Clearly you would be at your most convincing if you persuaded yourself first and did not even have to pretend to believe what you were saying. The kind of self-deluding16) individuals who tended to do this flourished, as did their genes. So it was we squabbled and scrapped, for our unique intelligence was always at the service of our special pleading and selective blindness to the weaknesses of our case.
小说的英文标题叫做Enduring Love,上海译文出版社的中译本将其译为“爱无可忍”。而英文中,enduring一词含有“忍耐”与“持久”之意,因此,标题也可以译为“永恒的爱”。人人渴望永恒的爱,因为爱可以让人不再孤独。茫茫世界,找到真爱也就找到了温暖、光明和幸福。然而,爱又是这样一种会折磨人的感情:它会让人辗转反侧、偏执狂暴、疑神疑鬼。而爱的种种执念正是这部小说所关注的焦点。