Official: Your Majesty, my wife is such a shrew. 陛下,我老婆太兇了。
Official: She stomped on my government issued hat! 她把我的官帽都踩烂了
Emperor: My dear lord, Im afraid you have to be patient.爱卿,还是忍耐些吧。
Emperor: The empress is so naughty that she would smash my crown if I ever dared
to speak against her. 皇后有些顽皮,一言不合,连我的皇冠都会摔碎
This joke is adapted from Xiaolin Guangji (《笑林广记》, Extensive Gleaning from the Forests of Laughter ), a joke book published in 1781 that epitomized Chinese humor.
answers for last issue
Across:2.刘慈欣 3. 益友 5. 欣赏 7.精神疾病 10. 方向 11. 荣耀 13. 入时 15. 权威
Down: 1. 精益求精 4. 欣欣向荣 6. 绝症 8. 神出鬼没 9. 病入膏肓 12. 耀武扬威
2. Electric diagram of the heart
4. The year-end festival on
the Chinese lunar calendar
6. Capital city of Tibet
Autonomous Region
8. A term to describe a
marriage that lasts 50 years
9. The family planning policy
1. Cao Baopings latest movie
3. Capital city of Kazakhstan
5. You watch these on your TV
7. Encouraging late marriage
and late childbirth
9. The Chinese for “computer”
10. The action of giving birth
to a second child