
2016-01-07 22:34CraigIdlebrook
新东方英语·中学版 2016年1期


It all started with a cabbage seedling—a science project sent home with eager third-graders in Summerville, South Carolina. Inevitably, some of the seedlings didn't make it into the ground. Others were planted and forgotten; a few were cared for and thrived. Still one girl, then-9-year-old Katie Stagliano, made an impact with her seedling that has since affected a great number of people.

With her brother's help, Katie planted the seedling in her family's backyard. She fertilized1) and watered it, as well as installed a chicken-wire2) perimeter fence3) to keep the deer out. It grew huge, weighing in at roughly 40 pounds.

"When she brought in that cabbage, it changed all our lives," says Stacy Stagliano, Katie's mother.

What does one do with a 40-pound cabbage? Katie remembered how her father told her at the dinner table to never take more than she could eat, so she asked her mother if she could donate the cabbage to feed the hungry. Stacy found a local soup kitchen4) that could take it. The organizer asked Katie to deliver it and later help serve the food made from it. Katie got to see the impact of growing the cabbage, and many guests at the soup kitchen thanked her for her efforts.

That day, a light bulb switched on5) in Katie's head. If one cabbage could feed so many, she thought, what about a community garden? What about several gardens? Katie dedicated herself to growing fresh food for the hungry. It seemed a perfect way to make a difference and help the homeless.

Katie and her family started an organization called Katie's Krops and created six community gardens. The gardens vary in size, from her backyard garden to a school garden the size of a football field to hundreds of blueberry plants and two greenhouses at a local farm. Both Katie and her mother cannot believe that the project has grown so big; it was never their intention.

"It's just grown and grown and grown," Stacy says. "One door opens and you see the possibilities."

From the sound of it6), Katie always had the determination to create an altruistic7) gardening organization, even if she didn't start with a deep gardening background. Her parents had often listened when Katie expressed a desire to learn. When she wanted to know more about drought8), she and her mother travelled to a nearby lake that had dried up. After the trip, Katie worked with her school to boost water conservation.

Still, like all gardeners, Katie had to make her own share of mistakes. For example, she tried to establish a community garden plot9) on a hill where there were fire ants10). The plot had to be abandoned when the ants spread through the cabbage. She also has given up trying to grow broccoli11) and cauliflower12), crops that were always stunted13) in her garden, in favor of plants that have brought a higher yield and have been easier to grow, such as eggplant.

"It's just small things like that," she says, "learning from those mistakes." But the organization's reach14) would have been limited were it not for Katie's ability to wrangle15) others to help or donate, including her parents, a master gardener and many complete strangers.

People who know Katie say she is as comfortable talking to a room filled with hundreds of people as she is talking to a crowd of two. Even though she admits to not putting enough time into fundraising, Katie says her project has been blessed with the resources to move forward.

Bob Baker is a local farmer who didn't know what he was getting into when he agreed to help Katie. He first met her at a public event after hearing about Katie's Krops in the local media. She asked for his help, and Baker, who is inclined to altruistic acts, couldn't refuse. He soon found himself teaching her how to ride a tractor and donating space at his farm for her crops.

"Anytime you see a kid trying to do something, you've got to help out," Baker says.

He's not alone. Katie's former science teacher, Cory Fuller, quit her full-time teaching job to become a part-time garden education director for Katie's Krops. Fuller says she loves how engaged children get when they work on planting a garden for the hungry.

Baker and others who know Katie say she has the uncanny16) ability to not be intimidated by the possibility of failure. Whenever she is faced with an argument against doing more, she simply counters17), "Why not?" Fate takes care of the rest.

"She took a step and somebody helped her out," Baker says. "She took another step and another step, and now the ground she's covering is getting bigger and beyond her state."

Katie's Krops has also awarded grants18) to similar gardening proposals in other states. A Katie's Krops blog is filled with articles of children using the grant money to start gardens to feed those in need. Katie's life differs more than slightly from the norm19) of a 13-year-old girl. She must balance travel, volunteer work at the local soup kitchen and gardening with a social life. But she's a normal girl who admits to wanting to find time to hang out with her friends on the weekends. What sets her apart is her commitment to grow food for those less fortunate.

She doesn't see herself tiring from the work, and she looks forward to when she can drive so she can spend more time in her six gardens.

"I'm having such a fun time," she says. "I don't think I would give it up for anything."



















