新目标英语九年级Unit 10单元要点检测题

2016-01-04 01:47
中学生英语·中考指导版 2015年12期



A)语法知识 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

( )1. Its ________ to visit a friends house without calling first.

A. polite B. unlucky C. impolite

( )2. —Whats your brothers hobby, Mary?

—His main hobby is ________.

A. go fishing B. going fish C. fishing

( )3. I thought we were supposed to shake hands, but ________ she kissed me on my face.

A. believe it or not B. to my surprise C. more or less

( )4. —Were you ________ last night?

—Yes, the movie was very ________.

A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxed; relaxing C. relaxed; relaxed

( )5. —Mr. White is too old to move now.

—He is ninety-eight years old ________.

A. after all B. at all C. in all

( )6. —Why are you going in a hurry?

—The flight will ________ in twenty minutes.

A. take off B. turn off C. put off

( )7. Is he ________ to wear a suit and tie in the party?

A. going to supposed B. really expected C. will be allowed

( )8. I find ________ difficult to remember new words in a short time.

A. so B. too C. it

( )9. —Were you afraid ________ grammar mistakes when you spoke English last year?

—Yes, but now I am not afraid ________ English.

A. of making; to speak

B. to make; of spoke

C. of speaking; to speak

( )10. Do you know ________ on vacation?

A. when will she leave

B. what gift did she buy

C. where she will go

B)词语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

Li Minghao is my student 11 comes from South Korea. He is fifteen years old, with a pair of glasses on 12 nose. Li is tall and very polite. Once a time, when I went upstairs, I saw Li standing on the stair without any steps. “Why you are standing here?“ I asked him. “I dont go downstairs 13 you come up,” he answered. Then I saw him bowing to me, and saying “Good Morning, Mr. Zhang.”

One day, Lis mother called me. “Would you please help my son 14 his Chinese?” Lis mother said. “No problem. I will use English to teach him Chinese, 15 I cant speak Korean,” I said to his mother. When class was over, I went out for a walk with Li Minghao. “In China, everything in life can be your learning material. 16 you have breakfast, you can speak Chinese with a waiter. When you want to buy 17 , you can speak in Chinese with your classmates. They will give you some advice when you need help.”

Half a year 18 , Lis Chinese and English were improved a lot. He could speak Chinese and English fluently in daily life. He made some new 19 in our school. Now, He knows Chinese culture a lot and looks 20 a Chinese teenager!

( )11. A. who B. which C. what

( )12. A. he B. him C. his

( )13. A. when B. until C. if

( )14. A. for B. by C. with

( )15. A. but B. because C. or

( )16. A. However B. When C. Before

( )17. A. something B. anything C. everything

( )18. A. earlier B. later C. after

( )19. A. classmates B. faces C. friends

( )20. A. like B. feel C. good



In a western restaurant, the most important is the table manners. First, the knives and the forks. If you are right handed, you need to hold the fork in your left hand, and the knife in your right hand. If you are left handed, you hold them in an opposite way. The food is delicious. Dont eat a lot at the same time. You have to eat a little bit a time. Next, when you are eating, do not open your mouth. When you are drinking soup, do not make noises. Then, when you are finishing the dinner, wipe your mouth with the tissue. Finally, if you need to excuse, put your knives and forks on each side. If you put them on the plate, the waiter will think you have finished the dinner.

At table, you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot, but dont laugh all the time. Most westerners like soft drink if they drive home. For drinking, during a dinner, the best advice is never to drink too much. Table manners change over time. They follow the fashion of the day. Besides, table manners are only important at formal (正式的) dinner parties. If you are not sure what to do, you can always follow your hosts. Although good manners always make you look good, you neednt worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.

( )21. If you are left handed, you need to hold the knife in your left hand.

( )22. If you like the food, you can eat a lot because it is very delicious.

( )23. If you put your knives and forks on the plate, it means you are not full.

( )24. If you have dinner with your good friends, you can relax and dont care much about it.

( )25. If you drive home, you can drink much because table manners change over time.


September 10th, 2014 Sunny

Today I went the Marco Polo Hotel to see my client (客户) Justine who came from Sydney. She phoned me that she would wait for me at the hotel. I looked at my watch. It was 9:00 a.m. There were too many traffic lights on the streets. I was afraid to be late for meeting. So I phoned her, “We are meeting at 9:30, arent we? But the traffic is too busy.” Justine said, “Dont worry. I wont leave until you arrive.” When I got to the hotel, it was ten minutes late. I saw Justine smiling and waiting for me at the entrance of the hotel. I wanted to shake hands with her, but she gave me a hug. We were happy to talk about the samples and then we drove to a factory to see production.

September 15th, 2014 Rainy

Trevor flew to China by plane from California. He was one of my biggest buyers in America. This time he wondered if I could do Disney backpacks in China for his company (公司). Trevor is a wholesaler and he usually sells Disney products for American children. When I picked him up at the airport, it was raining hard. I saw him wearing jeans. And it made me a bit surprised. As I know a boss is wearing a suit. He is wearing so casually, isnt he? “Youre my eyes. I need you to watch the production and your delivery time must be on time.” Trevor is always strict with quality and delivery time. I know I am an agent. I must open my eyes widely and obey the rules we have made. We had a simple dinner at KFC together.

September 20th, 2014 Cloudy

“Wow, you look different now, Sam,” Juliet said to me, “Your jacket looks nice.” I said thanks to her. She came to China in name of her father, a chairman in Glama International in France. Juliet lives in Paris. His father has two daughters. Juliet is the elder sister. “Your sister Amy is in Paris now, isnt she?” I asked her. “Yes, she has just had a baby.” “Im very happy to hear that,” I said to her. Then we talked about the belts and bead bracelets made in China. She wanted better price this time. I said our Chinese labor cost has been rising up and material cost has been more expensive than before. We kept the same price as before at last. She sent me two bottles of red wine, very small from Paris. “Wine is forbidden to take into the flight, so I only take you these two tiny bottles. Hope you like it.” Julie said, with a smile on her face. When I left the Hilton Hotel, I kissed her face and said goodbye.

( )26. Why did the writer phone Justine?

A. Because Justine hurried to a factory.

B. Because he was afraid to be late.

C. Because he didnt find his client in hotel.

( )27. What does the underlined word “quality” mean in Chinese?

A. 数量 B. 交期 C. 质量

( )28. The writer thought Trevor should wear ________.

A. a pair of jeans B. a pair of suits C. casual clothes

( )29. Which one is NOT CORRECT?

A. Amy sent Sam two tiny bottles of red wine as gifts.

B. Trevor was strict with quality and delivery time.

C. Justine was waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

( )30. From the diaries, we can infer (推断) that ________.

A. Sam may be an exchange student from Australia

B. Sam is perhaps an American and works for clients in China

C. Sam is probably a Chinese man and an agent for foreign clients


A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(每空2分,共5小题,小计10分)

Shirley: Welcome to our International English School!

Ming: Thank you. Well, 31. _____________________________________?

Shirley: I am a School Magazine reporter. Can I ask you some questions?

Ming: No problem.

Shirley: Do Chinese people kiss cheeks when they meet?

Ming: No, 32. _____________________________________.

Shirley: Do Chinese people shake hands when they say good bye?

Ming: Yes, 33. _____________________________________.

Shirley: When you go abroad for study, do you shake hands with you parents at the airport?

Ming: No, I hug them. Because I love them very much.

Shirley: 34. _____________________________________?

Ming: Hardly ever. Maybe when I was very young, I kissed my parents. But now I am growing up. We are used to shaking hands or hugging each other.

Shirley: It sounds different. In America, if we are very close relationship, we kiss for meeting or saying good bye.

Ming: Yes, I know thats the different greetings 35. _____________________________________.

Shirley: Ha-ha, welcome to study in New York. Hope you are happy here every day!

Ming: Thank you.

B)翻译 阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语或英语。(每小题3分,共5小题,小计15分)

It was the first time for Mary and Tom to make an appointment. Tom was supposed to meet her girl-friend Mary at 7:00, but he arrived at 8:00 on Saturday evening. (36) Mary was very angry with him. “Why you are so late? Your watch doesnt work, does it?” Mary shouted at him. “When I was on my way to cinema, I saw an old woman sick on road and I sent her to the hospital.” (37) 汤姆解释,但是玛丽不相信他。 “You are lying, arent you?” Mary asked. “No, Im not lying. Thats true,” Tom said.

“Why didnt you phone me about it? You have your cell phone in your pocket, dont you?” Mary asked.

“First, I phoned the urgent call, and it took me much time to say something about the place and position. (38) When I finished the call, I found the cell phone is out of power. I couldnt leave until the ambulance came.”

“Why not go by taxi? The movie can not wait for us. ”

“(39) 你不能想象交通有多繁忙。 Whats more, the taxi was always full of people. So I ran as soon as possible.”

When Mary came back home, her mother was calling her, “Your grandmother is badly ill in hospital now. Your grandma said many thanks to a young man who saved her. (40) The young man was running to leave, with a film ticket in his hand.”

36. ___________________________________________________________________________

37. ___________________________________________________________________________

38. ___________________________________________________________________________

39. ___________________________________________________________________________

40. ___________________________________________________________________________



1. 学着使用筷子;夹菜从靠近自己的方位开始;

2. 不能吃得太多、太饱;让长辈先动筷子;

3. 吃饭不要弄出太大的声响,吃完要赞美主人的厨艺。


1. 80词左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名。


chopsticks n. 筷子;noise n. 响声;praise... for 赞美

Dear John,

I am very happy that you will visit China soon.

Yours friendly,


70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk