“Information on weather and climate, and its variability and change, is so embedded in our daily life -from daily weather forecasts to seasonal climate predictions - that at times it is easy to forget the amount of observations, research, computing and analysis that lies behind weather and climate information products. Today, the average weather forecast of five days in advance is as skillful as the two-day forecast twenty-five years ago and seasonal climate forecasts have become increasingly skillful. This has been made possible thanks to advances in remote sensing, including satellites, major improvements in science and dramatic increases in computer power. Scientific progress in meteorology and climatology in the last fifty years is indeed one of the most significant one in all scientific disciplines. ”
——在2015年世界气象日来临的时候,WMO主席M. Jarraud在致辞中,用上述文字描述了气象信息与日常生活、气象工作和成就。2015年世界气象日的主题是“气候知识支持气候行动”,这样的主题也让人联想和期待年末世界气候谈判收获好的结果。
“the plane would have been moving at close to 100 miles per hour, and that at that speed, when you start sliding, there’s really not much you can do. If there was a crosswind, that would have made the situation worse, because it could have caused the plane to turn like a weather vane into the wind.”
“Growth in government demand will be stronger than in the commercial world,” said Villain. “Civilian government agencies in established and developing space countries [will] use small satellites for three purposes: operational missions — principally in Earth observation— in-flight technology validation and demonstration, and engineering education.”
——欧洲咨询公司(Euroconsult)在其最新发表的题为“小卫星市场展望”的报告中预测,从现在到2019年将有510颗小卫星升空,报告编辑者、公司的首席顾问Rachel Villain就未来小卫星发展的驱动来源做出上述表态。小卫星(small satellite)按照其质量范围(从1kg到500kg)可以分为纳米卫星(nanosat)、立方卫星(cubesat)、微卫星(microsat)和小型卫星(minisat)4种。
“The big data revolution could lead to currently unimagined uses for the data we receive from satellites. Entrepreneurs could come up with new applications and ideas for mashing up data. But the data itself should, I believe, be regarded as a public good. How to guarantee this, in a world where public budgets are squeezed and space exploration is becoming increasingly affordable for private players, is a question that deserves serious thought and active engagement.”
“The successful completion of the CDR for this scientifically advanced instrument allows the program to move into the manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing phase with instrument completion expected in early 2017”
——由贝尔航空公司(Ball Aerospace)和韩国航空研究所(KARI)共同开发研制的地球静止环境监测分光仪(Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer,GEMS)近日完成了关键性设计审查(Critical Design Review,CDR),贝尔公司副总裁Cary Ludtke发表了上述看法。据悉,GEMS在紫外和可见光波段监测穿越边界层的污染事件,计划随韩国GEO Kompsat 2B卫星升空,将成为世界上首颗位于地球静止轨道上的空气质量监测卫星。该卫星将提供朝鲜半岛以及亚太更广泛地球每小时的臭氧、臭氧前体物和气溶胶的观测,有助于改进污染事件的早期预警和认识长期气候变化。
“Instead of continuing down the path of large government-owned satellites that are prone to cost overruns and delays, we must look outside the box for new methods of providing essential weather data. For example, there are private companies such as PlanetIQ, Spire, GeoOptics, Tempus Global Data and HySpecIQ that have plans to launch constellations of GPS Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Sounding satellites, two sources of data that can greatly enhance our forecasting ability. Considering options that reduce the burden on massive government satellite systems will allow us to more accurately predict the weather.”
“与其继续走大型的政府拥有卫星却容易超出预算和延误的路子,我们必须转变思路,寻求提供关键天气数据的新方法。例如,PlanetIQ,Spire, GeoOptics, Tempus Global Data和HySpecIQ这样的私企已经计划发射GPS掩星族群和超谱探测卫星,两个数据源能够极大强化我们的预报能力。考虑各种选择和减少政府卫星系统巨大负担将带来更加准确的天气预报。”
——2015年2月12日,美国国会环境分委员会针对未来NOAA卫星资料覆盖的空白召开了“缩小差距:美国天气卫星和天气预报(Bridging the Gap: America’s Weather Satellites and Weather Forecasting)”听证会,环境分委员会主席Jim Bridenstine就弥补NOAA和NASA卫星发射档期存在的空白期,在听证发言中发表了上述支持私企介入的看法。据悉,2016财年NOAA卫星预算超过20亿美元,占NOAA总预算的大约40%,而在2008年这一比例仅为25%左右,不到10亿美元。
“KIAPS (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems) has been developing a new global NWP model(KIM, KIAPS Integrated Model) as well as an advanced data assimilation system since 2010. Science 2013, we have implemented and investigated Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation system to a cubed sphere model of NCEP CAM-SE, while developing KIM. It would be very easy to replace the model by KIM when released because the grid structure between CAM-SE and KIM is same.”
“自2010年以来,KIAPS(韩国大气预报系统所)一直开发新的全球NWP模式(KIM,KIAPS 综合模式)。2013年以来,我们在开发KIM的同时,还在探讨局地集合转化卡尔曼滤波(LETKF)数据同化系统应用于具有立方球格点的NCEP CAM-SE模式。因为CAM-SE和KIM的格点结构相同,一旦(LETKF)开发完成,再用KIM替代很容易。”
"COSMIC-2 is Worth the Fight. COSMIC is the thirdmost-important data that goes into [the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts] forecasts. It’s interesting that it’s No. 3 even though its cost is a lot less than some of the other things. The more opportunities for the community to secure critical data, the better our options. If there was not $100 million from Taiwan on the table to make this a very cost-effective investment for the U.S. taxpayer, then I think we would not be pushing COSMIC-2. That’s really the game changer in this budgetary environment. "
——UCAR主席Thomas Bogdan于2015年2月2日在走访《空间新闻》编辑部时发表上述评论。2012年担任UCAR主席之前的6年,Bogdan一直是NOAA空间天气预报中心的主任。他目前是UCAR主持的美国和中国台湾联合COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate,气象、电离层和气候卫星探测系统)项目的首席顾问。COSMIC项目是NCAR继HAO(High Altitude Observatory)之后目前主要的天基项目。面对美国会议员登针对COSMIC-2项目“有更好、但非关键”的质疑,Bogdan先生从技术和效益两个角度,捍卫项目的继续。据悉,COSMIC-2项目总经费预算在2亿美元左右,目前已经列入NOAA官方项目,并获得2014—2015两个财年经费支持,美国气象界对2016财年项目继续获得经费支持也持乐观态度。
Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology2015年2期