
国际人才交流 2015年9期



My life in China as a foreign student


对于每一个选择汉语作为第一外语或者第二外语的学生来说, 能有机会去中国学习汉语实为幸事。目前,中国的发展吸引着全世界的目光,越来越多人愿意离开故土,到中国发展。以学生的身份来中国很方便。中国的教育跟西方国家比起来更便宜一点,但如果“死磕”功课不是你唯一的选择,学习之外你还想尝试充满活力的都市夜生活,那你也会花费不少。

For every student who chose to study Chinese as their second or first foreign language, it is a blessing to go to China to master their Chinese. Since nowadays China is hitting headlines, more and more people are willing to leave their home country and venture into China. It is easier to get into China being on a student’s status. Chinese education is not as expensive as, say, Western, but it also will cost a lot of money if grinding away at your studies is not enough and you would also like to engross into vibrant city nightlife.


The best way to become a student in China is to earn a scholarship. China is rather generous on scholarships. The lucky applicant can get Confucius Institute scholarship, Chinese Government Scholarship, Beijing City scholarship, Chinese universities scholarship and all of them provide full or partly coverage of tuition fees, accommodation fees andeven issue living allowance – a monthly stipend. The scholarship can be for a one-year or two-year language program, bachelor, master or doctorate degree.


The choice of a city where to study Chinese also doesn’t come easy. Some say it is better for a beginner to start from a small city or town as it is out of possibility you will meet many foreigners and there will be less intensive nightlife if any. Though the tricky part is that you risk picking up some Southern or Northern Chinese accent, different from what you will hear in the capital, in your Chinese speech. It is true that the best universities are located in big cities. Best teachers, best language programs are also there. Moreover, it is easier to find a job after graduation in a big city too. Of course, living standards are higher and living cost is more expensive.


I came to China first in 2009 to study Chinese in Beijing Foreign Studies University. At that time, I was a 4th grade student at my home university when the Confucius scholarship program found me. I was ignorant of China, though I had studied the language for already two years before my coming to Beijing, but I could utter only a few colloquial words and was more or less aware of some grammar rules. At my home university, we had only one native Chinese teacher and all other subjects were not taught in Chinese either so the opportunity to hear a Chinese speech was very reduced. Then, in Beijing, I struggled to get well in classes. Moreover, I, assuming I needed to use the chance to its fullest, upgraded to a higher-level class than I actually should study in. I hoped it could boost my language proficiency, and since I had only half a year at my disposal, I had to study hard. I cooperated with my classmates and asked teachers to explain things for me that I could not comprehend. I dived into books and exams and the result was astonishing. I passed the HSK and finally became the best student in the class. Surprisingly, I outperformed my classmates and left Beijing with a fancy “Outstanding Student” diploma in the pocket. Of course, there were also bad sides like feeling of loneliness and some sort of despair at the beginning and especially, the feeling of hopelessness when I got down with a flu and was not able to buy medicine on my own. However, another very positive impression on China was the Chinese people who are very friendly and ready to give a hand. My Chinese friend who studied at BFSU at that time came to my rescue and accompanied me to the hospital. Until now, I still remember how kind she was to me. After completing half a year of studies, I came back to Russia making a wish I would return.


Having fallen in love with Beijing and Chinese authentic culture, I, as planned, came back in 2011. The reason was nothing different from my first visit’s – I came to study. I earned the Chinese Government Scholarship, for a year to study Chinese in Beijing Language and Culture University. Again, it posed a challenge since I was even busier than before. That time not only classes took away my time. I was snowed under a lot of extra activities outside the classes. I was chosen to be the monitor of our group and had to organize activities for the groupmates, thenparticipated in Culture Week held by our university where the foreign students prepared performances and acted out on the stage.


Learning a language should not be only done at school. It is true that sometimes your Chinese friends will teach you more than you may learn at school. Interacting with the locals and engrossing into the culture is essential while studying the language. As the opportunity arrived, I started practicing martial arts. I used to be an interpreter for my future master when he came to Kazan with martial arts workshop. Since then I decided I should continue training and shortly after my arrival in Beijing, I became his apprentice. Practicing Chinese traditional wushu can help you in understanding the Chinese culture, and how the Chinese people see the world, which you will not find in books and will not hear from your university teachers. I learnt a lot about the tea ceremony, traditional Chinese medicine, picked up knowledge about the martial arts. Moreover, apart from the mentioned benefits, my new hobby brought new friends into my life.


Meanwhile, a year passed and the university made a decision to prolong my scholarship for another half a year on the condition that I will contribute a written work after the course completion. The theme for the final paper was free to choose and up to the student. So, I have chosen “Traditional and modern martial arts: differences and similarities” as I had a very deep interest in the topic. Now, three years passed since I started doing the martial arts, and I still keep practicing. My master says that if you want to improve you have to make it your life-long practice. My traditional martial arts practice strengthened my character and contributed to my Chinese learning.


When you are a student, time flies so fast, you even do not sense it. Studying abroad has its absolute benefits: the different culture, the new language, a new circle of friends and life experience for sure will contribute a lot to your future career. While you are granted with this precious time, you need to appreciate it and make the most of it. I would advise the new coming students to use this time to its fullest, the chance is never given twice, and the knowledge that you get there will be very useful in your life.



Permanent Residency for Shanghai’s High-Wage Foreigners


New changes in policies regarding green cards for foreign talents have taken effect in Shanghai.The main highlight of the new policies is that the standard for recognizing foreign talents has become simpler. Prior limitations regarding certain work classifications and ranks have been cancelled and have been replaced by limits regarding yearly salary and tax amounts instead. Now the definition is a much more straightforward one: a foreign worker in Shanghai whose yearly wage surpasses 600k RMB and whose taxes surpass 120k RMB. Workers who have lived in Shanghai for four years that fulfill these requirements can now apply for permanent residency, also known as a green card.


Zhejiang's Public Services Ranked Best in East China


Zhejiang was ranked first in East China for its high-quality public services in a recent survey. Shanghai was ranked second, followed by Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Anhui, and Jiangxi.Zhejiang residents gave their province’s public services an average of 81.10 points out of 100. Shanghaiers scored their city 80.43 points. The average for all of East China was 78.82 points. Citizens of East China are most satisfied with utilities services in their cities and provinces, and least satisfied with pension services. The report was published by Shanghai Quality Management Research Institute, Chinese Public Administration Society, and People’s Forum magazine.


China's Ning Zetao Makes History With Swimming Gold Medal


China’s Ning Zetao claimed the gold medal for men’s 100 freestyle at the world swimming championships. Ning is the first Chinese sprint gold medalist ever at the world champions.Ning‘s best stroke is freestyle. He won four gold medals in the 2014 Asian Games.

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