UK universities educated third of international student Nobel Prize winners三分之一诺贝尔奖得主曾在英国留学

2015-12-04 14:19彭杏月
留学 2015年20期

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UK universities educated third of international student Nobel Prize winners三分之一诺贝尔奖得主曾在英国留学


More than a third of Nobel Prize winners who studied abroad were schooled in the UK, a study has found. Fifty international student winners of the coveted award have been educated at UK universities, including Oxford and Cambridge – more than any other country.


The British Council study, which comes in the week the Nobel Institute announces the award winners for 2015, found that more Laureates who studied abroad chose to do so at Oxford, Cambridge and other UK universities than their American and German counterparts. Eighteen of the international students who won awards studied at Cambridge, 11 went to Oxford and five went to the London School of Economics.

诺贝尔奖设立于1901年,共860人获奖,其中131人赴海外留学,而这部分人中,38%选择了英国高校。最新一位在英国留过学的诺贝尔奖得主是Randy Schekman,他整个大三都在爱丁堡大学度过。这位美国细胞生物学家在2013年获得了诺贝尔医学生理学奖。

Since the Nobel Prize began in 1901, 860 individuals have received the award. Of those, 131 studied overseas for part of their education - 38% did so in Britain. The most recent Nobel Prize winner who studied in Britain is Randy Schekamn – who spent this third year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh. The American cell biologist won the 2013 prize for physiology of medicine.

目前,在英国高校就读的国际学生数量已经达到近500,000人。英国文化协会教育与社会部门主管Jo Beall博士认为英国之所以可以吸引大批国际生,靠的是英国高等教育的全球声 誉。

There are currently almost 500,000 international students at UK universities. Dr Jo Beall, British Council director of education and society, said the attraction for students looking abroad is down to the Britain’s “global reputation for excellence.”


She added: “The British Council celebrates UK alumni and, without question, Nobel Laureates have changed the world. Their journeys would have begun with their studies at university, so it’s wonderful to discover that, for Nobel Laureates who went abroad to pursue their education, more studies in the UK than anywhere else.”

爱丁堡大学的校长T i m ot hy O’Shea教授表示:“英国文化协会的这份报告,充分肯定了留学对个人发展的变革式影响,我们的目标是为所有学生提供国际化的学习体验。”

Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea, said: “This research by the British Council affirms the transformative effect that learning in other countries and cultures has – and it is our ambition to offer all our students an international learning experience.”
