Abdu llah M ir,Q.M.Daw ood and BilalDar
Department ofM athematics,University ofKashm ir,Srinagar190006,India
Some In tegral Mean Estim ates for Polynom ialswith Restricted Zeros
Abdu llah M ir∗,Q.M.Daw ood and BilalDar
Department ofM athematics,University ofKashm ir,Srinagar190006,India
Received 19 January 2014;Accep ted(in revised version)11March 2015
.Let P(z)be a polynom ialof degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k.For k=1,it is know n that for each r>0 and|α|≥1, In this paper,we shall firstconsider the casew hen k≥1 and presentcertain generalizationsof this inequality.Also for k≤1,we shallprovean interesting resu lt for Lacunary type of polynom ials from which m any Results can be easily deduced.
Polynom ial,zeros,polar derivative.
AM SSub jectClassifications:30A 10,30C10,30D 15
Let P(z)be a polynom ial of degree n and P′(z)be its derivative.Itwas show n by Turan[21]that if P(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤1,then
M ore generally,if the polynom ial P(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤k≤1,itwas proved by M alik[12]that the inequality(1.1)can be rep laced by
while as Govil[6]proved that if all the zerosof P(z)lie in|z|≤k where k≥1,then
As an im provem entof(1.3),Govil[7]proved that if P(z)hasall its zeros in|z|≤k where k≥1,then
Let DαP(z)denotes the polar derivative of the polynom ial P(z)of degree n with respect to the pointα.Then
The polynom ial DαP(z)is of degree atm ost n-1 and it generalizes the ord inary derivative in the sense that
Shah[18]extended(1.1)to the polar derivative of P(z)and proved that if all the zerosof the polynom ial P(z)lie in|z|≤1,then
Aziz and Rather[3]generalised(1.6)which also extends(1.2)to the polar derivative of a polynom ial.In fact,they proved that if all the zerosof P(z)lie in|z|≤k where k≤1,then for every realor com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k,
Further as a generalization of(1.3)to the polar derivative of a polynom ial,Aziz and Rather[3]proved that if all the zeros of P(z)lie in|z|≤k where k≥1,then for every real or com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k,
Recently Govil and M cTum e[8]sharpened(1.8)and proved that if all the zeros of P(z)lie in|z|≤k,k≥1,then for every realor com p lex num berαwith|α|≥1+k+kn,
On the other hand,M alik[13]obtained an Lranalogue of(1.1)by p roving that if P(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤1,then for each r>0,
As an extension of(1.3),Aziz[1]proved that if P(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤k,k≥1,then for each r≥1,
M ore recently,Dew an,Singh,M ir and Bhat[5]generalized(1.6)by obtaining an Lranalogue of it.M ore p recisely,they proved that if P(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤1,then for every realor com p lex num berαwith|α|≥1 and for each r>0,
If we let r→∞in(1.12)and m ake use of the well-know n fact from analysis(see for example[17,pp.73]or[20,pp.91])that
we get(1.6).
In this paper,we shall first present certain generalizations of the inequality(1.12)by considering polynom ials having allzeros in|z|≤k,k≥1.We shallalso prove a resu lt for Lacunary type of polynom ials having all zeros in|z|≤k,k≤1 from which m any Results can be easily deduced.
Rem ark 1.1.Ifwe let r→∞and p→∞(so that q→1)in(1.13)we get(1.8).Ifwe d ivide both sidesof(1.13)by|α|and let|α|→∞,wegeta resu lt recently proved M irand Dar[15]. Ifwe take k=1 in(1.13)and note that Cr=1,we obtain a generalization of(1.12)in the sense that the righthand side of(1.12)is rep laced by a factor involving the in tegralMean of|DαP(z)|on|z|=1.
The follow ing corollary imm ed iately follows by letting p→∞(so that q→1)in Theorem 1.1.
Coro llary 1.1.If P(z)=∑nν=0aνzνisa polynom ialof degree n having all its zeros in|z|≤k where k≥1,then for every com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k and for each r>0,
Rem ark 1.2.Divid ing both sides of(1.14)by|α|and let|α|→∞,we get(1.11)and also extends it to the values r∈(0,1).For k=1,Corollary 1.1 reduces to inequality(1.12).
Ou r next resu lt is a generalization of Theorem 1.1which in tu rn p rovides extensions and generalizations of Results of Aziz and Ahem ad[2].Wewill see that as a special case Theorem 1.2 givesa resu ltof Goviland M cTum e[8,Theorem 3].
Rem ark 1.3.A variety of interesting Results can be easily deduced from Theorem 1.2 in the sam e w ay aswe have deduced from Theorem 1.1.Here wem en tion a few of these. Divid ing the tw o sidesof(1.15)by|α|and let|α|→∞,wegeta resu lt recently proved M ir and Dar[15].M oreover,ifwe take k=1 in(1.15)(noting that Cr=1)and then d ivide both sidesof itby|α|and let|α|→∞,we geta resu ltof Aziz and Ahem ad[2,Theorem 2].
If in(1.15),we let p→∞(so that q→1),we get
Ifwe d ivide both sides of(1.16)by|α|and let|α|→∞,we get a resu lt of Aziz and Ahem ad[2,Theorem 4]and also extends it for 0<r<1 aswell.Forλ=0,(1.16)reduces to(1.14).Fu rther,ifwe let r→∞in(1.16)and assum e|α|≥1+k+kn,we get
Let z0be a poin ton|z|=1 such that|P(z0)|=m ax|z|=1|P(z)|,then from(1.17),we get
Ifwe choose the argum entofλsuch that
then from(1.18),we get
which is equivalen t to
If in(1.19)wem ake|λ|→1,we get
which is exactly inequality(1.9).
Rem ark 1.4.Inequality(1.20)sharpens inequality(1.8).Also itgeneralise inequality(1.4)and to obtain(1.4)from(1.20)sim p ly d ivide both sidesof(1.20)by|α|and let|α|→∞.
Finally,we prove the follow ing resu lt from which a variety of interesting Results follows as special cases.
Theorem 1.3.IfP(z)=anzn+∑nν=µan-νzn-ν,1≤µ≤n,isapolynomialofdegree n having all itszeros in|z|≤k,k≤1,then for every complex numbersα,βwith|α|≥k and|β|≤1,wehave
Theresult isbestpossibleand equality holds in(1.21)for P(z)=γzn,γ∈C.
Rem ark 1.5.Forµ=k=1,Theorem 1.3 reduces to a resu lt of Lim an,M ohapatra and Shah[11,Lemma 3].Ifwe d ivideboth sidesof inequality(1.21)by|α|and let|α|→∞,we get
Forµ=k=1,inequality(1.22)reduces to a resu lt of Jain[10,Lemma 3]and forµ=1,inequality(1.22)reduces to a resu ltof Soleim an etal.[19,Lemma 3].
For the p roofof these theorem swe shallm ake use of the follow ing Lemmas.
The above Lemma is due to Aziz and Shah[4].
Proof.If Q(z)=znP(1/z),then P(z)=znQ(1/z)and one can easily verify that for|z|=1,
which implies
By com bining(2.1)and(2.3),weobtain
Now for every com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k(≥kµ),
which implies that for|z|=1,
Inequality(2.5)w hen com bined with Lemma 2.1 gives
Inequality(2.6)in con junction with(2.4)gives
which proves Lemma 2.2 com p letely.
Proof of Theorem 1.1.Since P(z)hasall its zeros in|z|≤k,k≥1,it follows that the polynom ial G(z)=P(kz)has all its zeros in|z|≤1.Hence the polynom ial H(z)=znG(1/z)has all itszeros in|z|≥1 and|G(z)|=|H(z)|for|z|=1.Also it iseasy to verify that for|z|=1,
Again since G(z)has all its zeros in|z|≤1,we have by Lemma 2.1(for k=µ=1),
Using(3.1)in(3.3),we get
Now for every com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k,we have
which gives by(3.2)and(3.3)for|z|=1,that
Also,by the Guass-Lucas theorem,all the zeros of G′(z)lie in|z|≤1.This implies that the polynom ial
doesnot vanish in|z|<1.Therefore,it follows from(3.4)that the function
isanalytic for|z|≤1 and|W(z)|≤1 for|z|≤1.Fu rtherm ore,W(0)=0 and so the function 1+W(z)is subord inate to the function 1+z for|z|≤1.Hence by awell-know n p roperty of sub ord ination[9],we have for each r>0,
which giveswith the help of(3.1)that for|z|=1,
From(3.5),(3.6)and(3.7),we deduce for each r>0,
If F(z)is a polynom ial of degree n which does not vanish in|z|<1,then accord ing to a resu ltofRahm an and Schem eisser[16],we have for every R≥1 and r>0,
Since H(z)isa polynom ialof degree n and H(z)/=0 in|z|<1,weapp ly(3.9)with R=k≥1 to H(z)and obtain
Also,since H(z)=znG(1/z)=znP(k/z),therefore,for 0≤θ<2π,we have
Hence,from(3.8),(3.10)and(3.11),it follows for each r>0,
which giveswith thehelp of Holder's inequality for each r>0,p>1,q>1with p-1+q-1= 1,
isa polynom ialofdegree n-1,therefore foreach t>0and R≥1,wehaveby an inequality(see[16])that
App lying this in(3.12)with R rep laced by k and t by pr,we obtain for each r>0,
which proves Theorem 1.1.
Proof of Theorem 1.2.We assum e with ou t loss of generality that P(z)has all its zeros in|z|<k,k≥1,for if P(z)has a zero on|z|=k,then m=0 and in view of Theorem 1.1,the theorem holds trivially.Since P(z)has all its zeros in|z|<k where k≥1,so that m in|z|=k|P(z)|=m>0 and for everyλ∈C with|λ|<1,wehave|λm|<m≤|P(z)|,for|z|=k. By Rouche's theorem the polynom ial P(z)+λm also hasall its zeros in|z|<k where k≥1. App lying Theorem 1.1 to the polynom ial P(z)+λm and noting that Dα(P(z)+λm)= DαP(z)+λmn,Theorem 1.2 follows.□Proof of Theorem 1.3.If P(z)has a zero on|z|=k,then the theorem is trivial.So,we assum e that P(z)has all its zeros in|z|<k,thereforeand hence for every com p lex num berγwith|γ|<1,we haveIt follows by Rouche's theorem that the polynom ial P(z)-γmzn/knof degree n has all its zeros in |z|<k,k≤1.On app lying Lemma 2.2 to P(z)-γmzn/kn,we have for every com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k,
Since by Laguerre's theorem(see[14,pp.52]),the polynom ial
hasallzeros in|z|<k for every com p lex num berαwith|α|≥k,therefore,for any com p lex βwith|β|<1,the polynom ial
Since k≤1,we have T(z)/=0 for|z|≥1 also.
Now choosing theargum entofγin(3.14)suitably and letting|γ|→1,weget for|z|=1 and|β|<1,
Forβ,with|β|=1,above inequality holds by continuity.□
The w ork of the first au thor is supported by UGC underm ajor research p roject schem e vide No.MRP-MAJOR-MATH-2013-29143.
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∗Correspond ing author.Emailaddresses:mabdul lah mir@yahoo.co.in(A.M ir),qdawood@gmai l.com(Q.M. Daw ood),darbi lal85@ymai l.com(B.Dar)
Analysis in Theory and Applications2015年1期