杨玉英 郭政敏
(乐山师范学院,四川 乐山 614000)
中国的青年感觉到了政局的变化,正“彷徨于歧途”(agitated for a divergent path to follow)。这正是创造社第三时期的开始,是郭沫若在《革命与文学》一文中阐发的某些理论的某种程度的形式化。郭沫若在文中写到:
难能可贵的是,这篇发表于1950年的英语世界研究郭沫若的最早的学术期刊文章,文后附有107条翔实的注释和26种参考文献。其中都提及在该文成文之前英语世界研究郭沫若的其他几种重要成果:一是1936年出版的埃德加·斯诺撰写的《活的中国》;二是1943-1944年间分四次发表在《远东季刊》上乔希亚·贝内特英译的郭沫若的自传体作品《北伐途次》;三是1947年出版的王际真编辑的《战争时期的中国小说》;四是1948年出版的法国神父善秉仁编撰的《中国现代小说和戏剧 1500 种》。
① Clarence Moy.“Kuo Mo-jo and the Creation Society”.Papers on China,1950,No.4,pp.131-159.
②“We can see in thisliterary school of another generation much of the philosophy that now permeatesthe teachingsand propagandaof the Marxistsand Leninistsof the new Chinese regime.For thisreason,it may prove of value to look into the history of the Creation Society and to study the livesof itsmembersduring the brief turbulent period of the Society’sexistence.”Ibid,p.132.
③“Both asadvocatesof revolutionary literature and of revolutionary struggle,the membersof the Society were among the leaders of movement for anew China.”Ibid.,p.132.
⑤“In form it isa complete break with the classical Chinese tradition of poetry.In spirit it isfree and animated,moving in rising crescendo to an ebullient cry for the creation of a bright and shining world.It seems to have something of the fierce pulsation of Shelley’s‘Ode to the West Wind’and the intense glow of his‘To a Skylark’,both of which Kuo translated and published in a special issue commemorating Shelley.It issomething of thisspirit which pervadesthe romantic first period of the Creation Society’s history.”Ibid.,p.133.
⑥“The Creationistswere urged by some to change their tune and to turn to political issues,which were the order of the day.Kuo himself writesof thisperiod:‘…The importunaciesof society no longer permitted usto remain enclosed within false ivory towers,discussing pure literature.We ourselvesfelt thissort of need,but we had no power of changing’.”Ibid.,135.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第153页。
⑦“… produced anew motivating force that carried the Creation Society to acomplete changein purpose… While the actual efficacy of this‘Soviet Russian advice’may be difficult to assesswith any degree of accuracy,there isno doubt that Marxist theories played an important part in the transformation of the Society.Membersof the Society,who had already seen the need for giving up their tenet of‘art for art’ssake’,now turned to the social and political problemsof the day.”Ibid.,p.135.
⑪“Kuo Mo-jo,who indeed suggested the very name of the association,wasthe symbol,the catalyst,the stabilizer,and finally the revolutionist who dominated the productive history of the Creationists….He wrote,‘Perhapsit may be said that the Creation Society wasthe center of my life for ten years.’”Ibid.,p.138.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第19页。
⑫“With an original inclination for literature,but influenced by the tide of the times,Iturned away from my natural disposition and went to Japan to study medicine.”Ibid.,p.139.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第62页。
⑬“The remarkable changesthat took place in Kuo Mo-jo’sconception and interpretation of the world in which he lived and worked and fought are far more representative of the Chinese scene than any appear at first sight,and may serve to illuminate our understanding of thesocial forcesruling Chinatoday.”Ibid.,pp.140-141.
⑭“It is interesting to note Kuo’s own comments regarding his early evaluation of revolution and Marxism.By the summer of 1920,apparently,he had already formed some ideas about revolution,for he discloses that in translating Goethe’s Faust at that time he had little patience with the second part of it,which,according to him,contained imperialistic and anti-revolutionary thought.”Ibid.,p.141.
⑮“He(Li)spoke to me a little of‘the formula of materialistic conceptions,’of the‘necessary collapse of capitalism’and of the‘special government of the proletariat.’He spoke asif he did not quite grasp the essence.I listened,but in no way could Iget[the idea]into my head…”Ibid.,p.141.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第93页。
⑰“But understood or not,Marxism wasto have afascinating magnetism for the poet who must have felt,or imagined he felt,in hisheart many of the thingsthat he could not quite grasp in hismind.Hiswasa sensitive nature.With the eyesof a poet,he discerned;with the mind of asocial reformer,he tried to comprehend.”Ibid.,p.143.
⑱“The Marx and Lenin that previously had been in the periphery of my consciousnesshad at some time unknown taken the place of Spinoza and Goethe.When Lenin died in the early part of 1924 I felt sad indeed.It wasasif Ihad lost the sun.But asyet I had not recognized clearly Marx-Leninism.”Ibid.,p.143.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第155页。
⑲“It may be stated simply that he[Goethe]is[like]afirefly in the sunlight.He wasapoet in a Germany changing from the level of a feudalistic society to that of a capitalistic society.In the beginning he wasa trumpeter of the capitalistic revolution,but from the time that he became the prime minister of Weimar,he actually retreated[again]within the battlementsof feudalism.Indeed,his predilection for the nobility and hisvision of empire bring some acridnessto the nostrils….”Ibid.,p.144.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第67页。
⑳“Kuo showshere apositive aversion for capitalism and‘feudalism’and astrong admiration for Marxism.But it wasafeeling that developed fully only towardsthe end of the Creation Society period...My own thinking favorsrevolution.It ismy feeling that the present state of affairsin China must be smashed;and in order to accomplish this,we must go through a positive,bloody stage.”Ibid.,p.144.中文原文可参见《郭沫若全集·文学编》第12卷,前引书,第124页。
㉑“Thisconfirmed revolutionist,then,wasthe Kuo that emerged after his experience in the Nationalist Revolution.To form a rounded picture of the Creation Society,however,we must study the background and activities of some of its other members.While Kuo wasthe moving spirit of the Society,and hisphilosophy and outlook must have been similar in many respectsto those of other literary revolutionistsof the organization,he was,in fact,surrounded by variousand divergent views.”Ibid.,p.144.
㉒“In one respect Feng Yuan-chun wasmore arevolutionist than any of the other membersof the Creation Society,for Feng was awoman.Her revolt wasnot only that of an individual against society,but also that of awoman against the bondsthat man had set upon her.”Ibid.,p.148.
㉓“Thereisno doubt asto the wide influenceof the Creation Society in the Chinaof itsday.Yet thisinfluencewasitself areflection of the people’s needsand their search for some security in the turmoil that surrounded them and the uncertaintiesthat beset them...It hasbecomeone of thebasic propagandamediaof thenew Chinese Communist government.”Ibid.,pp.149-150.
㉔“So it may be said also that what the Creationistswrote wasin large measure what the literate classthought.”Ibid.,p.150.
㉕“Any appraisal of the creation Society must include a look at the educational background of itschief members.While Kuo and his school were in asense representative of the Chinese people,we must not lose sight of the fact that they were at the same time and in fact quite different from the massesabout which they wrote.They were different because they possessed each of them aturn of mind which can come only to the student trained in Western technology and scientific method.”Ibid.,p.150.
㉖“How did thisnew learning from the West(acquired through Japanese teachers)affect the outlook of these men?Thisisdifficult to assesswithout further study into their lives;but it issafe to assume that they realized more than many of their contemporariesin China——and especially those who had had little contact with the West——that the West had much to offer.That they turned from the philosophiesof the West to Marxian idealsmay be explained in part by their resentment against Western imperialism.This indicatesthegreat lengthsto which these men went in their search for apanaceafor the illsthat beset their troubled land.Indeed,it appearsincongruousthat thissearch should have ended with Marxism,since individual freedom——so dear to the Creationists——isnot known to thriveunder such asystem;but some of the Society membersmust havefelt that Marxism wasitself ameansthrough which freedom for everyone could be attained.”Ibid.,pp.150-151.
㉗“The Creation spirit prevails....Oh,God!Discontented are we with a life/so filled with imperfection;/We,ourselves,must create anew our selves./Our task of our own creation/will commence from the Seventh Day/when you were idle and indolent.”Ibid.,p.152.原文载郭沫若.《创世工程之第七日》,可参见《创造周报》第1集,上海:上海书店印行,1923年版,第2页。
㉘ Edgar Snow compiled and edited.Living China.Modern Chinese Short Stories.London:George G.Harrap and Co.,1936.
㉙ Josiah W.Bennett trans.“A Poet with the Northern Expedition”by Kuo Mo-jo.Far Eastern Quarterly,3:1(1943:Nov.),pp.5-36;3:2(1944:Feb.),pp.144-171;3:3(1944:May),pp.237-359;3:4(1944:Aug.),pp.362-381.
㉚ Wang,Chi-chen ed.Stories of China at War.New York:Columbia University Press,1947,pp.152-158.
㉛ Joseph Schynsed.1500 Modern Chinese Novels and Plays.Peiping:Sole Distributors,Catholic University Press,1948.