封面介绍:Phylogenetic trees of Epichloë spp. and Neotyphodium spp. based on maximum parsimony(MP)analysis of sequences from intron portions of act genes. The tree is 323 steps in length,consistency index = 0.8421,retention index = 0.9706. Maximum parsimony(MP)trees were constructed in PAUP 4.0b10 package. MP trees implemented using the heuristic search based on tree bisection-reconnection(TBR)branch swapping and 100 random addition replicates. Alignment gaps were treated as missing information. Nucleotide substitutions were unordered and unweighted. Bootstrap support values were calculated by 1000 replications. Branches with bootstrap values > 50% are shown.
目的:研究中国西部披碱草属植物(Elymus spp.)所带无性世代内生真菌的系统进化关系.方法:克隆 15条分离于中国西部披碱草属植物无性世代内生真菌肌动蛋白基因(act)序列,并与下载自 GenBank中内生真菌的 act序列共同构建系统进化树和网络结构拓扑图.结果:供试无性世代内生真菌act序列均为单拷贝基因.系统进化关系表明,它们与分离于北美洲披碱草属植物的有性世代内生真菌 Epichloë elymi存在不同的起源,而与分离于北美洲直芒草(Achnatherum eminens)的无性世代内生真菌 Neotyphodium chisosum具有较近的亲缘关系.进一步研究发现,由北美洲直芒草无性世代内生真菌N. chisosum形成的单元型Hap 8与本研究菌株所组成的单元型Hap 3之间可能存在基因流.
来源出版物:微生物学报,2015,55(3): 273-281联系邮箱:南志标,zhibiao@lzu.edu.cn