摘要:以成熟的、生长状况相似的剑麻(Agave sisalana Perr. ex Engelm.)叶片为研究对象,利用WD-200B微机控制电子万能试验机,采用单因素试验法测得不同影响因素下最大切割应力,并分析了切割速度、切割部位、切割叶面、切割方式、切割角度、含水率对切割应力的影响。结果表明,切割剑麻主要影响因素有切割角度、切割方式以及切割叶面部位。在100 mm/min速度下切割收集的剑麻根部的侧面部位,侧切较正切和背切的剪切应力小为0.521 MPa; 在250 mm/min速度下取不同含水率最高时应力最小为0.476 MPa;取侧面部位削切的角度为30°~45°区间内,应力区间为0.330~0.352 MPa。该结果为剑麻的收割机械研制时切割位置、切割时间、切割器及刀具的设计、电动机功率的选取等方面提供数据支持。
关键词:剑麻(Agave sisalana Perr. ex Engelm.);切割应力;力学性能
中图分类号:S225 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2015)16-4044-05
Mechanical Properties of Sisal Cutting Stress
ZHANG Qi-qi, LAI Wen-yu, WANG Tao
(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou 570100, China)
Abstract: Studying the mechanical properties of Sisal leaf gives basic idea of Sisal harvester design and development. To analyze the properties of Sisal leaf shear stress under different stress conditions, we took cutting speed,leaf height,cutting position of leaf surface,cutting mode,cutting angle and moisture content as factors. Mature Sisal leaves with identical growing condition as the research object was chose. Using computer control electronic universal testing machine, the maximum shear stress was supposed to be measured and the effect was analyzed through single-factor controlled experiment. The results showed that the main factors affecting cutting sisal were cutting angle,cutting mode and cutting position of leaf surface. The lower part of the fresh leaves with the highest moisture content was chose. The shear stress was measured in three different parts of sisal leaf —the side,front and the back part. The stress at the side was minimum, which was 0.521 MPa with lower part of the Sisal leave edge being cut. The stress was 0.476 MPa under maximum moisture content. If the cutting angle towards the side part lay within range of 35°~40°,the corresponding stress varied from 0.330 to 0.352 Mpa. The analytical results offered the experimental data required for sisal harvester technology development.
Key words:Agave sisalana Perr. ex Engelm.;cutting stress;mechanical properties
剑麻(Agave sisalana Perr. ex Engelm.)是极具特色的热带经济作物,隶属于龙舌兰科,原产地是墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,现主要种植于南美洲、非洲、亚洲等地。剑麻在中国的面积和产量分别处于世界第5位和第2位,单位面积产量也是世界平均水平的4倍以上,居世界第1位[1]。目前,我国剑麻加工原材料需求量大,每年进口的数量仍呈现增加趋势。剑麻茎粗而短,叶片无叶柄,硬而狭长,呈放射状展开,且叶片强度较大,因此剑麻叶片的收割十分困难。而国内的剑麻生产机械化和自动化水平很低,基本上仍是由人工完成的,收割劳动强度大,劳动成本高,越来越难找到割叶操作工人是剑麻产业发展的瓶颈,因此实现机械化收割剑麻叶片是当前急需解决的技术难题[2,3]。切割剑麻的切割器及其刀片的研制就成为机械收割剑麻的关键,剑麻切割力学特性研究对切割器及刀片的设计研制极为重要。国内外学者对于农作物的秸秆进行了大量的力学性能研究,高欣[4]对不同种类、不同节间、不同加载速度的玉米秸秆进行了拉伸、弯曲、剪切的力学试验;潘红玮等[5]研究了不同预处理后剑麻纤维的性能特点;张西良等[6]对黄瓜藤秸秆力学特性进行了研究;Holt等[7]研究了农业纤维棉力学性能。然而,国内外关于剑麻的力学性能研究较少,本研究对剑麻的力学性能进行深入分析与讨论,利用单因素试验分析了剑麻的力学性能和理化性能指标的相关性,为相关配套收割机械的切割器、切割刀片、动力装置的功率匹配等设计研制提供可靠的参考,为进一步设计剑麻收割机械等相关的农业机械设备提供充足的理论数据支持。