(南昌工学院,江西南昌 330108)
How useful or necessary are textbooks in the language-teaching classroom
(南昌工学院,江西南昌 330108)
Language teaching plays a great role in the advancement of education in today's world.The topic of using textbooks in the language-teaching classroom has long been the subject of much debate.This essay will first focus on the authenticity of textbooksin order to show that while the dialogue samples in textbooks are not always consistent with authentic interactions,it can actually help the learners to improve more effectively.
language-teaching classroom;textbooks
A key argument against using textbooks in the language teaching classroom is that the dialogue samples in textbooks are not always consistent with authentic interactions.According to Sheldon(1988: 239),many textbooks use artificial and whole-sentence dialogues without considering the truncated nature and lexical density of authentic interaction.Cullen&Kuo (2007:382)also indicate that the expressions,which can be learned in textbooks,are quite different from what the native speakers use.For example,classroom language learners like to use vagueness tags like and so on,while native English speakers do not.On the other hand,the native English speakers often use expressions like sort of,I mean,and you know when they are trying to explain something while the classroom language learners barely use them as a result of the transformed dialogue samples in textbooks.Thus,textbooks do not help the learners at this point.
The dialogue samples do not happen in native speakers' daily life.It sounds very artificial.The two dramatis personae take turns extremely regularly,and without any hesitation.When they repeat the same question,they still use the whole-sentence form.This dialogue sample has proved that textbooks ignored the truncated nature and lexical density of oral interaction.As Bardovi-Harlig points out"it is important to recognize that,in general,textbooks cannot be counted on as a reliable source of pragmatic input for classroom language learners"(2001:25).Based on these reasons,it can be seen that there is a missing link between dialogue samples in textbooks and authentic interactions.
This,however,may present too negative a picture.Although the dialogues in textbooks are not consistent with authentic interaction, they are still of great help to the learners.The dialogue samples in textbooks are indeed artificial,but they are specially designed in this way since this way can furthest help the learners to improve their language level.As Widdowson (1998:714 cited in Gilmore 2004:363) remarks:"The whole point of language learning tasks is that they are specially contrived for learning.They do not have to replicate or even simulate what goes on in normal uses of language.Indeed,the more they seem to do so,the less effective they are likely to be".This indicates that the artificial way is needed for the learners to reinforce their understandings of the language.Also this is supported by Gilmore (2004:366):“If the main aim of the text is to present new structural or functional language by simplifying the texts,learners are encouraged to focus on the target language presented,to‘notice’it,and hopefully acquire the structures more quickly as a result”,which suggests that the contrived dialogue samples in textbooks can help the learners improve more effectively.
As to the different choices of vagueness tags and expressions between language classroom learners and native speakers,they do not cause any problems in understanding or communicating with each other.It is just an alternative way to express oneself.Furthermore, those contrived dialogue samples only appear in elementary textbooks. There are a large number of advanced textbooks,whose content and dialogue samples are linked closely to authentic interactions.The learners,who have a good command of the dialogue samples in elementary textbooks,can approach to the advanced textbooks,and learn the authentic way to express themselves.Even if the dialogue samples in elementary textbooks are artificial,it is a significant process,a basic stage for the learners to step forward to a higher level.It is,therefore,clear that although the dialogue samples in textbooks do not always consistent with authentic interactions,they on the whole benefit the learners to a great extent.
[1]Bardovi·Harlig,K·Hartford,B.A.S,Mahan·Taylor,R.Morgan,M.J· Reynolds,D.W.Developing pragmatic awareness:Closing the conversation[J]. EL T Journal,1991(45).
[2]Cullen R&K I·Chun.Spoken Grammar and ELT Course Materials:A Missing Link?[J].TESOL Quarterly,2007(41).
[3]Gilmore·A.A Comparison of Textbook and Authentic Interactions[J]. EL T Journal,2004(58).
[4]Sheldon·L.Evaluating EL T textbooks and materials[J].EL T Journal,1988 (42).