2015-10-25 09:07:23
首席财务官 2015年21期


Cobham CFO,Simon Nicholls

“I learned then that effective governance - controlling the things that really matter and not wasting resources on things that don't - can add huge value to a business,” He posits that at Cobham, “the governance structure has been put together incrementally as various different sets of regulations have come out.” What's needed, is to take a look at what the governance code is asking companies to do and ask “how we can best apply that in our the most efficient way and then allocate the resources to control what really are the risks in the business”.

英国最大的航空、国防科技公司Cobham的CFO Simon Nicholls谈到,有效的公司治理就是管理真正重要的事情,不在其他事情上浪费资源,这能够为企业带来巨大的价值。”他介绍说,“随着各种管理规定的出台,Cobham的治理结构已经被逐渐整合到一起。目前需要的是根据治理准则对公司的要求,看如何以最高效的方式将这些准则加以实施,并根据业务中真正的风险对资源加以分配。”

Great Portland Estates FD,Nick Sanderson

As a team, finance spends a lot of time trying to use what Sanderson calls small data. “The best source of small data is the intelligence that we get from our tenants. If you want to know what is going on in the central London economy, go back to the people who are in the buildings,” he says. On a more bottom-up approach, finance pulls together the data so that management can re-review the business plan for every single property every quarter. “We run through the business plan of each asset and examine the forward look returns and that helps inform us as to whether it should be a hold or sell. That is core to our strategy, in that every asset has to earn its position in the portfolio.” explains Sanderson.

英国房地产投资公司Great Portland Estates的财务总监Nick Sanderson介绍说,公司的财务团队在对“小数据”加以利用方面投入了大量时间。“租户是小数据的最佳来源,只要与他们多沟通,就能了解伦敦市中心的经济发展状况。”Great Portland Estates的财务采用自下而上的方式对数据进行整合,这样能够使管理层做到每个季度对每项商业计划进行重新审查。“重新审查帮助我们确定是继续持有资产还是进行出售。这对于公司的战略而言是至关重要的,每笔资产都必须在投资组合中有适当的位置。”

Validis FD,Ajay Golam

“When it comes to financial planning and modelling, the role becomes bigger and more important,” Golam explains. “In all companies, the financial aspect is most important. We recently moved into an overseas market in the US, and that's a lot of work on the legal side. On the financial side, you're considering whether it is feasible and whether it will be profitable. Eventually, we reached the decision that it is, and that's a market we are moving into.”

审计SaaS软件提供商Validis的财务总监Ajay Golam认为FD是一个“实践性”的角色。“在关系到财务规划和财务建模时,财务的角色变得异常重要。”Golam解释说,“在所有企业中,财务工作都是最重要的。最近我们刚进入美国海外市场,在法律方面有很多工作要做。而在财务方面,就需要考虑是否可行、盈利性如何,最后才确定这个市场是可以进入的。”

特别文摘(2014年17期)2014-09-18 01:31:21