Get disconnected with the NoPhone

2015-10-21 19:41Victor
第二课堂(课外活动版) 2015年3期


导读:顾名思义,NoPhone 不具备手机的任何功能,目前它已众筹成功并开始发售,还推出了配备反光镜的“自拍升级版”。

The newest hot cell phone isnt an iPhone —its a NoPhone.

The NoPhone is a battery-free, screen-free, and camera-free “smartphone”. Yes, this “phone” doesnt do anything at all.

Do you want to take a selfie? Apply the reflective sticker to the phones face and hold it in front of you!

Dont worry about dropping it in the toilet or breaking its screen—NoPhone is free from all of these problems!

Its creators are aiming to save people from destroying dates, movies, and concerts. The NoPhone allows you to “stay connected with the real world” while still allowing you to “always have a smooth, cold phone-shaped plastic to hold”. So far its creators have raised over $11,930 on online funding website Kickstarter (more than twice their original goal) to put the NoPhone into production.

You can preorder a cheap NoPhone for $12 or one with a selfie upgrade (reflective mirror sticker) for $18.

The NoPhone is not a joke, although it is meant to help people realize how much time they spend looking at their phones and to encourage them to observe the world around them.


selfie n. 自拍照

apply v. 應用

reflective adj. 反射的

upgrade n. 升级

(Dear, do you know someone who could use a NoPhone instead of a cell phone?)

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