A language is used to communicate with others.However context and meaning are usually neglected by many people.The context-based teaching method is an approach which deals with more varied learning situations.Students need more opportunities to participate actively by formulating and evaluating problems,questions,conjectures,conclusions,arguments,and examples.
II.Theoretical background
2.1 General idea of context-based teaching method
The context-based teaching method is a language teaching method which attempts to teach lauguage through creating situations likely to promote communication.It means fully utilize image and imagination in the teaching process,create a vivid imagination or specific simulate context to stimulate the students motivation,learning interesting and guide the students to the whole understanding of language.
2.2 The principles of the context-based teaching method
The context-based teaching can be understood as a teaching process that provide students with rich information,raise and solve problems continuously.Learning does not take place in vacuum,any study conducted in a certain context.In foreign language teaching,the emotional state of learners should be placed in a very important position because it directly affects learners learning results.
III.The analysis of the basic strategy of carrying out the context-based teaching method in language teaching
3.1 Creating situation
People think intuitively based upon experience within specific contexts; use a variety of methods to solve problems.Context-based teaching environments are more likely to transfer to real-life problem solving.
3.2 Question discussion
A good question can guide the students to the designed teaching objectives,and guide the students to go on reflection and exploration actively.The students arise the cognitive thinking and complete the transfer of ability in the process of consider and resolve a series of problems.Just like what Bruner said:“the teaching process is an activity to raise and solve problems continuously.” Therefore the teacher should create more space for students to consider.
3.3 StudentsSelfstudy Self study is the stage during the class where the students are left to work on their own and at their own speed.It is not for the teacher to tell the student how to resolve the confronting problem directly,but to provide the students some relevant clues (for example:which type of data need to be collected,where to obtain the relevant information and the process of the experts to resolve the similar question etc.),and need specially to develop the students independence study ability.The self study ability includes:the ability to determine what need learn; the ability to obtain the relevant information and data (know from where and how to obtain the needing information and data),the ability to evaluate and make full use of the relevant information and data.
3.4 Cooperative study
Cooperative study is the mutual aid study of the student in group or team for the sake of complete the common mission,have clear and definite duty work,through discussion,exchange and different standpoint cross swords; add,revise and deepen each students comprehension to the live issue.Each group has 3,4,or 5 students,depending on the activity.Cooperative study is most beneficial when the activity requires contributions from more than two students.If noise or indiscipline rises to an excessive level,the teacher can simply stop the activity,explain the problem and ask the students to continue more quietly (Harmer,1983).
3.5 Assessment
Assessment is usually based on information collected about the students current situation.It implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do.In English language learning,the assessment has important function.Teacher needs to know what has been done and what needs to be done next; what the students already know or can do and what they do not know or cannot do yet.Students need to know what theyve accomplished,be aware of what they need to work on next,and build up their confidence and satisfaction from what they have achieved.
In practice,to develop students competences means to develop their language skills,namely,listening,speaking,reading and writing.We do not intend that the context-based teaching method is the magic tool in language teaching,but we do think language learning and teaching should be as close as possible to language use in real life context.