
2015-09-29 14:23:09

“Through long unremitting efforts, China has made globally acknowledged achievements in initially curbing the expansion of desertification by accomplishing the sustainable reduction of sandy areas and desertification. China has moreover fostered a good number of characteristic businesses that combat desertification and generate profits, so increasing the income of farmers and herders in areas affected by desertification.”

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang made this observation in his speech on July 28 at the Fifth Kubuqi International Desert Forum in Inner Mongolia.

“The formulation of the MDGs at the turn of the century brought progress and hope to hundreds of millions of people in poverty. To reject conflict, backwardness and confrontation in favor of peace, development and cooperation has become a strong consensus of the international community in implementing the MDGs and a defining feature of the new century…Over the past 15 years, China, a major responsible developing country, has honored its commitment with a strong determination and made notable achievements in poverty reduction, public health and education, to name just a few. Meanwhile, China has done whatever it can to help other developing countries to attain the MDGs.”

Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks in a video message at the launch ceremony on July 24 of the report on Chinas implementation of the millennium development goals (MDGs). He reiterated that China will follow a path of peaceful and green development.endprint