
2015-07-17 01:10王琪
课程教育研究·下 2015年3期


【摘要】本文分析了英文介词的特点、功能以及在翻译它们时应注意的问题, 并举例加以说明, 以帮助英文学习者更好地掌握使用频率高、搭配和含义比较复杂的英语介词。

【关键词】 英文介词 介词短语 分类 功能 翻译

【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)03-0110-02

英文中的介词属于虚词,“其作用在于人、物、事件等与其它人、物、事件等之间的关系” ( 外研社《朗文英语语法》 )。追溯英文介词的历史, 我们不难看到,对介词能否算独立词类这一问题, 语法家们和学者们意见并不统一。20 世纪的O. Jespersen提出将英文单词分为五类: 实体词、形容词、动词、代词、小品词。但古往今来的大多数英语专家、学者对英文介词单独成类持肯定态度。18世纪末,英语单词就已经分成比较固定的八种:名词、形容词、动词、代词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。中国人编著的英语语法书通常都把英文单词分为名词、形容词、动词、代词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词和冠词九大类(如薄冰、赵德鑫等编著的5英语语法手册6 )。由此可见, 英语介词在英文中的重要地位。英语中大约有60个介词,近200个复合介词和300多个短语介词,它们的使用频率高、搭配和含义比较复杂。英语中的介词并不能单独使用,后面必须跟上实词性词语组成介词短语,而且这些实词性词语往往要发生变化。

例如:1.There is a chair behind the door.

2. The car stopped behind me.

3. I gave the book to Charlie.

4. We ran across the field.

5. You unlock the door by turning the key to the right.

这5个例句表明, 英语介词的宾语如果是名词或名词词组, 其宾语不作任何变化( 见例1、例2 和例3 ),但如果介词的宾语是代词或表示动作意味的词,其宾语必须发生变化(例2中behind后面只能用宾格的me,不能用主格的I; 例5 中by后面的动词turn必须加词尾ing)。在英语中,介词不能单独作句子成分,只起连接作用,要是没有介词或介词使用不当,那就很难组成句子或是恰当的句子。因此,掌握介词及其用法是学好英语的关键之一。本文将系统分析英语介词、介词短语的特点、功能以及翻译时应注意的问题,并举例加以说明。


英语介词根据介词短语所表示的语法意义, 主要分为以下几类:

(1) 表示空间: in, into, onto, away, from, over, above等。

(2) 表示时间: in, at, on, about, within, before, after等。

(3)表示方法、目的: in, with, at, by, on, through, with the help of等。

(4)表示原因: in, because of, for, due to, thanks to等。

(5)表示条件、让步、比较: in face of,than, to, under, in spite of, except for, but等。

从以上的分类中,我们不难看出,有不少英语介词身兼数职, 用法复杂,不易掌握。像介词in 出现在类(1) 至类(4),既能表示空间, 时间,又表示原因、方式、目的、让步、条件、比较。例如:

(1) Tell the bus driver there is a bum in the restroom.

(2) I recognized you in a minute and I told the conductor so.

(3) In this way your optimism reinforces your determination.

(4) We rejoiced in his good health.

(5) In spite of his tardiness, the boy did well at school.



(1)状语 Because of his mistake,several people died.

(2)定语 I know that this woman was someone from the head office.

(3)表语 That book will be of great value to you in your study.

(4)补语 Mr. Wang was found in the laboratory.

英语介词短语作定语时, 必须放在修饰的词语之后, 如:

Michael Jordan set a goal to become a starter on the varsity? 此外,英语介词有时会由于某些特定情况与后面的介词宾语分开, 例如: Do you remember the name of the movie which the teacher referred to?


英语介词存在着兼类现象, 有些可以兼作副词或连词, 有些既可以兼作副词又可以兼作连词。例如:

(1) in I called my parents yesterday but they were not in.( 副词)

Enthusiasm entails having a strong interest in the task at hand. (介词)

(2) before Ive never read the book before. (连词)

The train had started before I got to the station. (连词)

H e is standing before the door. ( 介词)

(3) since Ive been home only since I came to the army farm. (连词)

He went to Shanghai in 1958.He has never visited Beijing since then. (介词)


英文的学习者必须格外注意英语介词的选用以及英语介词和英语介词短语的汉译。英语介词汉译时,切忌一味介词对应介词的译法,而应根据上下文以及该介词在句中的作用来确定该介词的意义,酌情对介词进行必要的转换, 或同样译成介词,或译成动词、副词、连词、或不译。例如:

(1)译成介词 With Professor Wangs help, the young man had made rapid progress in his studies.( 通过王教授的帮助, 这位年青人的研究工作进展很


Animals are the most victimized living creatures on earth.


(2)译成动词 “About what?” one of m y brothers asked as if honesty were merely about telling the truth.

( “在哪方面呢? ”我的一个兄弟问道, 似乎诚实仅仅表现在说实话。)

The man with red beard is talking to Bills father.

( 那个长着红胡子的人正在跟亨利父亲说话。)

(3)译成副词The total number of species in imminent danger is around 20, 000. ( 濒临灭绝危机的物种总数在2万种左右。)

The boys honesty is beyond suspicious. (那男孩的忠诚不容怀疑。)

(4)译成连词Despite all these hardships, w e kept up wonderfully.

(虽然有着种种困难, 但我们百折不挠。)

Independent of how others felt, she felt sure she was right.

(不管旁人怎么样感觉, 她自信是对的。)

(5)不译 Animals dont plan to live some day in the future.


The jury acquitted him of any guilt in the matter.( 法院判他无罪。)



(1)译成介词 我从口袋里抓出一大把铜元。

I pulled a handful of copper from my pocket.


This equipment is far superior to that one.

(2)译成动词 她听了我说的话, 感到惊愕。

She was amazed by what I told her.

这女人顶着门, 慌作一团。

His wife was crouching with fear behind the door.

(3)译成副词 那位穿白衣的姑娘默默地走过来接她的朋友。

The girl in white came over in silence to meet her friend.

她满意地走了。She went away with satisfactory.

(4)译成连词 房间里一片黑暗, 只有门隙里射进一道亮光。

The room was dark except that the light came in through a crack in the door.

当她听到儿子被害的消息时, 她心都碎了。

Her heart was broken when she heard the news that her son was killed.

(5)不译 那位被叫作玛丽的女孩是心理学家。

The girl called Mary is a psychologist.


Have your radio repaired.


分析英文介词以及英语介词短语, 不可能不提到固定搭配的英语介词、复合介词以及介词短语。例如: on behalf of (代表) ; have no use for ( 用不着慌); with, in mind ( 考虑到) ; step by step( 逐步地)。但我们只需记住它们的意思和用法, 而不必对这种语言现象进行分析探究。它们是在英文这门语言的发展演变过程中约定俗成的, 无规律可言。以上是笔者对英语介词及其特点、功能以及汉译的一些粗浅分析,旨在帮助英文学习者更好地掌握使用频率高、搭配和含义比较复杂的英语介词,尤其是在汉译它们时,学会比较中文介词与英文介词之间的异同,斟词酌句,准确翻译。


[1]张方杰.牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典[ Z]. 香港:牛津大学出版社,1985.


[3]翟象俊,陈永捷,余建中.21世纪大学实用英语[M].上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2005.
