摘 要:采区绞车是适合当前各矿的井下辅助运输设备,适应性强、可靠性高、设备的结构简单、一次性投入较低,无论是从经济角度还是安全的角度,都值得积极推广应用。该文根据大河边煤矿31采区巷道的实际情况和将要运输的大型设备,介绍了大河边煤矿31采区暗斜井轨道上山绞车的选型,满足矿井运输的需要。
关键词:采矿 绞车选型 采区 设计方案
中图分类号:TV31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2015)03(b)-0053-02
31 mining area shallow analysis winch design
(GuiZhouShuiCheng mining co.,LTD.of DA HE BIAN coal mine mechanical and electrical)
Abstract:Mining winch is suitable for the current GeKuang underground auxiliary transportation equipment,strong adaptability, high reliability,the equipment has simple structure,low one-time investment,both from an economic point and safety point of view, is worth popularization and application actively.According to the Da He Binan mining roadway in coal mine and to transport large equipment,this paper introduces the big river coal mine dark inclined orbit up the mountain of the winch 31 mining area selection, meet the needs of the mine transportation.
Keywords:Mining;Winch selection;Mining area;Design